If so, under the watchful eye of tens of thousands of transcendents.

Levi held Shaggett freely.

It’s been a few minutes and there’s no sign of stopping.

The pride in the hearts of the transcendents is defeated by layers at the same time.

They are also becoming more and more unwilling and sad.

A male transcendent who has the courage to cry out for Shagart:

“Hey, humans, you’ve been teasing Her Majesty for so long, you should be enough!”

Nearby, another pink transcendent, poking his chest with one hand, looked distressed:

“Yes, Your Majesty the Queen is so pitiful…”

Here, Li Wei said coldly:

“What, can’t you get used to it?”

He continued to stroke Shaggett without moving.

Don’t you say, this cat is really good to stroke, very moist! Not at all resistant!

I saw Shaggett squint his eyes slightly, and his chin was raised shyly/astringently.

Li Wei’s index finger scratched his jaw at a super high frequency.

Under his superb cat petting skills.

The mother’s face is getting redder/moist…

Is she pathetic?

How does this look like enjoyment/enjoyment?

If it weren’t for so many cats, the dignity of the queen would have been maintained.

Shaggett was afraid that he couldn’t help it, and he cried out “Meow~~~” comfortably.

After all, no cat can rebel against human domination!

If there is… Let’s stew!


The transcendents looked at each other.

Isn’t that unreasonable?

“We apologize to you too!”

A transcendent said indignantly.

“Yeah, yeah…”

The other transcendents chimed in.

A pink female transcendent stepped forward.

She clenched her fists and straightened down, shouting hard:

“If you want to pick me up, come and pick me up!”

Hearing this, Li Wei glanced at her.

The next second he withdrew his gaze and said disgustedly:

“Your coat color is not moist enough!”

And…… Even if you can call it an apology?

What did a cat say just now?

Oh yes, at least give me a kneeling prostration three hundred times, and then shout 999: ‘Lord Levi I’m sorry’! ”

Just at this moment, the fiery red transcendent who had just been kicked by Li Wei staggered back.

As soon as I saw this.

Filled with despair, it immediately knelt down on its knees and prostrated its head wildly:

“Lord Levi I’m sorry! Lord Levi I’m sorry! It’s all my fault, please spare the Queen…”

Bump and bump bump bump bump

The transcendent shouted and prostrated his head vigorously.

Under the high-speed collision, the head is quickly hit with extreme redness.

Li Wei glanced at it sideways, and couldn’t help but look strange.

Hey, why are you so skilled?

Obviously a cat, how can it look more like a licking dog?

You apologized to me so quietly…

It’s pretty cool, go ahead!

Soon, other transcendents were also competing to imitate.

They knelt down one after another and prostrated their heads and apologized madly:

“Lord Levi I’m sorry! Lord Levi I’m sorry! Lord Levi I’m sorry! ……”

Tens of thousands of transcendents prostrated their heads together to apologize, and the noise was noisy.

I only hope that Levi can spare their queen.

After all, even Her Majesty the Queen is not a god.

So much has been sacrificed for them.

You shouldn’t be so humiliated again.

After they shouted for nearly half a minute, Levi stuck his index finger in his ear and called for a halt:

“All right, stop for a moment, then you shout slowly, and now I’ll just ask you one question.”

As he spoke, he lowered his index finger and hooked Charlotte’s chin.

Shagart, who was shy and embarrassed, opened his eyes slightly.

She sipped her cherry lips and said hardly:

“This… What’s the problem? ”

Li Wei said:

“Four years ago, in my world, someone picked up an egg.

What happened to hatching creatures like you inside? ”

The Transcendent is a magical creature.

Has an IQ close to that of humans.

Born to know the magic of “wings”.

And, in Asland, there is only one Surpasser!

At least Levi couldn’t find the second one!

Seeing so many transcendents in Adras now, he naturally had to ask.

Can it be said that Harpy is also a prince of the kingdom of transcendents?

Because of the rebellion against the Queen, what mission is he carrying out in the Otherworld?

emmm…… Come on, just the IQ of the Harpy?

At this moment, an Elder of the Transcendent came up and explained:

“That’s because of the prophecy of the Queen…”

Four years ago.

Because Shaggett predicted the future.

Ekstalla will fall.

That’s why it’s from the people.

Pick out a hundred unborn children.

To the king of mankind ordered.

Under the name “Destroy the Dragon Slayer of the Other World”.

Send them all to Asland!

When he finished listening, Li Weiluo was surprised.

So Shaggett had long predicted what would happen today?

That’s why Harpy was sent to his own world.

And a cat like that… There are 99 more!?

Of course, none of this is the point.

The point is……

“Is the future you predict bound to happen?”

Levi asked.

Hearing this, more than a dozen elders looked at each other.

Covering his chin with one hand, Shaggett pondered for a moment and then said:

“At least, there is no precedent for deviations…”

As soon as these words came out, Li Wei’s eyes flashed with interest:

“Then can you predict my future?”

He also wants to see what his future self will become!

If Shagart’s prophecy is really so effective.

This is simply a living future diary!

“I’ll try this.”

Sipping her lips, Charlotte added:

“But the farther away the future, the more obscure it becomes, and only a few fragments can be seen…”

If you can see the full future.

She can make better countermeasures.

I will not wait for the destruction of Ekstaria before I realize it later…

However, Levi didn’t care and let her start directly.

Soon, Shaggett was staring at him seriously.

With full attention, everything around you begins to become illusory.

It’s as if time is passing at high speed.

Only Li Wei’s figure was still clear.

He began to move, and everything around him flashed like a marquee.

Finally, arrive at an incomparably dark future!

And then…… It’s all over!

With a pain in both eyes, Shaggett couldn’t help but squint his eyes and hold his forehead with one hand:


She covered her forehead hard and knelt down, her face like a headache.

Li Wei couldn’t help but frown and said in surprise:

“What’s wrong with you?”

Hearing this, Shaggett shook his head:

“No, it’s okay… It’s just that your future, I can’t seem to predict, I can only see a darkness…”

“Is it?”

Li Wei’s face was slightly dark, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Could it be that his own dark magic is interfering?

“Yes, I’m very sorry…”

Shaggett looked apologetic.

But she looked deep into Levi’s eyes.

There is a deep fear and jealousy.

The future is dark, and there are two possibilities.

First, you really can’t predict the future of the other party.

The second kind…

The future world has been destroyed by him!

That’s why it’s dark!

“Forget it, it’s all right.”

Standing up, Levi plucked out his ears with a bored face.

If you can’t see it, you can’t watch it.

Anyway, the future will come out on its own after all.

Li Wei did not insist on it either.

In that regard, he is reasonable.

“Can you forgive us then?”

At this moment, an elder came up and asked in a low voice.

Soon, the other transcendents also cast worried eyes…

The sword eyebrows were slightly raised, and Li Wei wrapped his hands around his chest and said absent-mindedly:

“How many cats seem to be there just now, ready to stone me?”

As he spoke, his icy gaze swept toward several male transcendents.

Suddenly, the transcendents were startled.

They prostrate themselves madly and apologize:

“I’m sorry! Lord Levi! I’m sorry! Lord Levi! ……”

Knowing that mistakes can be corrected, this attitude of confessing guilt is OK.

Immediately, Li Wei withdrew his gaze and crooked the corner of his mouth:

“I’ll let you go this time.”

As soon as these words came out, tens of thousands of transcendents were overjoyed.

“Great! Thank you! Thank you! ”

“Thank you Lord Li Wei for your grace of not killing!”

“Long live Her Majesty the Queen!”


The transcendents cheered loudly.

What’s more, the prostration became addicted and continued to kowtow to Li Wei and worship.


Suddenly, Li Wei’s words turned sharply:

“If I find out that you are floating and you provoke me, don’t blame me for being fierce!”

As he spoke, countless dark magic and killing intentions sprang up all over his body.

As soon as you step on it, countless thorn-like cracks suddenly spread!

The earth disintegrated, and cracks and cracks were intertwined, spreading to several kilometers away.

Some of the surpasses who stand unsteadily along the way.

Fell straight in.

They clutched desperately at the mouth of the cliff.

Keep pedaling on your hind legs.

I was afraid of falling into the abyss and buried alive on the spot!

There are also many transcendents around, handing them a helping hand, one by one…

Suddenly, a group of transcendents broke out in cold sweat and fear:

“I, I, I… We get it! Never be proud again! ”

“That’s right! From now on, you are our new God! ”

“We will reflect on God’s revelation every day, and we will be humble and cats, and we will be lenient to others!”

“Yeah, yeah…”


The transcendents echoed and were extremely religious.

It seems that Li Wei has been regarded as a new god!

In this regard, Li Weijian raised an eyebrow and did not say much.

Since the attitude of admitting mistakes is so sincere, then give them a chance to make amends.

Of course, what he didn’t know was.

The transcendent see him as a god.

But that’s, Diablo…


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