Subsequently, Alyssa and Lucy went to the main hall of the palace.

As soon as the two entered the door, they saw many people gathered.

There are representatives of the major guilds.

There were also ministers of all areas of the empire who were of great importance.

There were hundreds of people.

They were all invited by the new king Jalal.

Come and attend a heavyweight meeting.

And as soon as he saw Lucy come in.

Miraj, dressed in a long lilac dress, hurried up:

“Lucy, you’re so late, everyone is waiting for you!”

With that, she grabbed Lucy’s forearm with both hands and walked away quickly.

Before leaving, Mirage still had a gloomy face, and glanced at Alyssa obliquely, her eyes filled with strong hostility.

In the face of her hostility, Alyssa pursed her thin lips.

After a moment’s deep groaning, she took a deep breath and accepted it calmly.

Then limp toward the camp on the military side.

There are her colleagues, Huzzi and Hughapoy!

Of the several captains, Hughes was the least injured.

Because Levi just gave him a hand knife.

However, due to falling from a height of 100 meters.

Therefore, it is inevitable to break hands and feet, and hurt muscles and bones.

He also had a lot of plaster on his body, a cane, and a lot of bandages tied to his head.

Hugh Kapoi, on the other hand, was in a wheelchair.

Wrapped in rice dumplings like Elusa.

At that time, Levi turned the whole land into a swamp.

So a punch goes down like hitting it in the water.

The impact is much smaller.

Of course, buried alive with thousands of his men.

But then not long after.

Mister Hill arrived.

Rescue them all from the soil.

Everyone barely managed to get their lives back…

When Alyssa waddled closer.

Hughes limped up to meet him and spread his hands:

“Now, Elusa, you’re really super willful and super strong!”

He was convinced, you know, the doctor said that Alyssa would have to rest for at least half a year to recover.

But she couldn’t wait to get out of bed in half a month!

Hearing this, Alyssa laughed lightly:

“Well, it’s okay.”

Then continue the waddling walk.

Watch her move a few centimeters with this step.

Hugh Zi felt a little unbearable in his heart, and followed up and asked:

“Need a handle?”

He knew that his life had been saved by Alyssa.

So I want to give the other person some help within my ability.

Glancing at him faintly, Alyssa shook her head and smiled:

“Oh, I can, you better take care of yourself.”

Stubborn as she was, she directly refused the kindness of the other party.

Moreover, one disabled person has to help another disabled person.

This is a bit of a joy no matter how you look at it…

With a look on his face, Hughes could only shrug helplessly and follow closely behind.

Subsequently, it was seen that all the invitees had arrived.

On the throne, Mistergang, dressed in brocade, stood up with his scepter in his hand:

“Well, now that everyone has arrived, let’s start the meeting!”

Originally, he did not want to inherit the throne.

But before Levi left, he changed Mistergang’s mind.

The reason is simple:

If you give the kingship to others.

How can we guarantee that no one with evil intentions covets this power?

That’s it.

It is completely irresponsible to the empire and to the people!

If you really have the world in mind, then don’t give up this power until you die!

At that time, after some enlightenment.

Li Wei, who was covered in golden light, patted his shoulder, squinted and smiled:

“So you can rest assured that this sword bearer will be a good man, Your Royal Highness the Prince!”

And because of the bloodline of Mistergang, the name is right.

There were not many obstacles on the way to the throne.

The Sorcerer’s Guild over there.

It also requires the acquisition of the most basic legitimate rights and interests.

If it is said that they are plotting to usurp the throne, they do not yet have the kind of mind and courage, and they do not have the basis of public opinion.

Therefore, Mistergang naturally became the new king.

Today’s meeting is also to gather everyone together to discuss the future of Adelas.

But the meeting had just begun.

Karen took the lead in attacking the three of them.

You know, these three people persecuted their own guild a lot.

Representatives of more than a dozen other guilds also followed suit and made accusations.

In this regard, the three people naturally could only silently accept their accusations.

After all, these people have indeed done something wrong.

It was Mister Hill who spoke out to shelter them.

After all, the three of them had also been appointed by the previous king.

What is right or wrong about different positions?

After some enlightenment, the congregation was still reluctant.

Seeing this, Mistergang knelt down directly and begged for forgiveness.

Suddenly, the crowd was confused.

Gan! Say kneel and kneel, are you a byte of special gang?

And the king did it.

What else can the crowd do?

I can only choose to forgive them…

Subsequently, the guild magicians and kingdom armies who had released their previous suspicions began to explore the future.

“Without even magic, can we still have a future?”

Pakas threw away his crutches, which had become a scrap, with a bored face.

The other guild members also passively agreed.

After all, without magic, these magician guilds would all face the danger of disbanding!

Seeing that the crowd was so lost, Mistergang was smiling:

“Of course there is!”

Then he shouted:

“Cocoa! Pull it up! ”

Suddenly, Coco, who had been waiting in the corridor for a long time, immediately gave a serious military salute:

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Then she commanded her soldiers.

Pull out a huge blackboard with many magnets on it, stained with countless design drawings!

The crowd looked puzzled.

They found that they knew every word on it.

But taken together… I don’t know what kind of ghost stuff it’s writing!

Subsequently, Mistergang gladly explained it to the crowd in person.

This is the information that Levi gave him before he left.

Although the world has lost its magic.

But there’s another alternative energy source: electricity!

These drawings are all records of some physics knowledge of Blue Star High School.

For example, resistors, capacitors, semiconductors…

There are also many simple physics inventions.

At the same time, it is also depicted climbing up the technology tree.

It can create 5G communication that is comparable to the magic of chanting.

An intelligent robot that resembles puppet magic.

Even the Gundam comparable to the Dragon Knight, as well as the Star Destroyer, the Dyson Ball, and so on…

Of course, the latter ones, Levi simply gave a concept.

As for the principle… He didn’t know what to do!

However, this is enough to fascinate everyone.

“Can it really be done?”

“Use our hands to create another future for ourselves!?”

“I didn’t expect that the man named Li Wei actually left such a valuable thing?”

The crowd was astonished.

Although Levi left not much behind.

There are only a few simple principles, which explain how to use electrical energy, and the rest are all rhetoric.

But it is enough to point them in that direction.

After all, they’re not fools!

Suddenly, Li Wei’s image was infinitely elevated in the hearts of everyone!

To the uncertainty of the crowd, Mistergang gave a positive answer.

For half a month, in addition to taking over the royal authority.

He also had his men make tungsten lamps.

This is a light bulb that rivals a glowing magic crystal.

Although the current yield rate is quite moving.

But there is no doubt that the path of electricity is feasible!

Just follow this path and make no mistakes.

The living standards of the people of this world will rise to an unprecedented height.

When the Two Realms Passage opens again.

Mister Gun believes.

Life in the world of Adelas.

No worse than the people of Asland!

And that’s what Levi said: the future of this world!

When they finished listening, everyone looked at each other and felt a surge of excitement.

After all, this is the kind of thing that benefits the whole world.

They hadn’t thought about it before!

Will the door of the new era be pushed open by us?

His Majesty the King gathered his own magicians.

Is it also to solve our unemployment problem?

Suddenly, the confidence of the congregation in the new king changed from negative to positive…

However, at this moment, a minister spoke:

“However, such a big project, I am afraid that it is not enough to hollow out the national treasury!”

This is a great project to transform the whole world.

Whether it takes time or effort, it is astronomical!

Now the world has experienced a great catastrophe.

There is not much tax at all.

And to take money from the national treasury…

No king has ever done such a thankless and stupid thing!

In this regard, Mistergang just shook his head and said in a serious tone:

“Gold and silver jewelry are hidden in warehouses, and they are just a pile of scrap metal.

Only by spending it can we reflect the value of money! ”

Compared with the well-being of hundreds of millions of people, what is the value of gold and silver?

And only when the people are rich, there will be more money to pay taxes!

The gold and silver that remain invested are not gone.

One day it will be turned into tax money and returned to the national treasury!

However, at this moment, Coco’s face flushed, embarrassed:

“Nei, Your Majesty, when it comes to the treasury, there is one thing I forgot to report to you…”

Mister Gun couldn’t help but frown:


Coco then led the crowd to the treasury.

The fifteen large houses of the treasury, seven full of gold and silver jewelry, were hollowed out!

Rao is a calm and calm man, and he can’t help but be shocked:

“What the hell is going on here!?”

Nearly half of the treasury has been hollowed out!

What, this is someone who transported the car Aqua Aqua over, all dissolved?

And ask Coco, only to learn: This is Li Wei did it!

And the hundreds of guards in charge of the guards were on their knees begging for forgiveness at the same time, and kept prostrating their heads:

“I’m sorry! Your Majesty, it is the incompetence of the subordinates! Ask Your Majesty to surrender your sins! ”

They didn’t even last a second, and they were all overturned by Li Wei!

Then he emptied the seven treasuryes and left with a big swing…

Before leaving, Levi left two sentences.

But the soldiers did not dare to say, so they had to be conveyed by Cocoa:

The first sentence is:

The gold and silver were put and I took it.

How to say that I also helped you become emperor.

No land, no people, no title.

As long as the interest-free loan is twenty years, not too much, right? ”


Suddenly, Mister Gang slapped his face violently, and his face was full of black lines.

You’re not just too good for me, so good that I want to kill people!

One shot is half a national treasury, why don’t you just move the palace away!

I actually had illusions about him, it was really stupid!

Then, Mistergang asked in a deep voice:

“What about the second sentence?”

“Oh, the second sentence is:

I couldn’t take it alone.

If you can come back, you will bring two more people and sacks to hold the money! ”

Mister Heights: “…”

Gan! This is half a national treasury and he is not enough!?

So, for years to come.

The treasury of Adelas has never saved a penny!


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