The time goes back half a month.


The sun is shining.

The town is peaceful and thriving.

Busy streets.

Snow in a blue and white maid suit.

Walking in it, from time to time there are passers-by greeting.

In each of her hands was a large bag of fruits and vegetables, steaks, wine…

Two bags of hundreds of pounds of things, carried easily by the girl like a kitten.

After the purchase of Xuenai, the pretty face is smiling, and Yao nose hums a small song.

The short hair of the ear swings left and right, shaking with a beautiful curve.

She walked back to Levi’s manor.

Just opened the small iron door on the side.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

A cloth bag as huge as a hill.

It smashed heavily on the grass in the front yard of the manor, and the dust was flying.

The girl’s knee-length blue skirt.

Hunted by the fierce wind, a holy light was revealed.

However, Xue Nai had no time to take care of it.

She looked at the hill sheepishly, with a confused look on her face.

What’s going on here?

What came from heaven?

No…… It is the master of heaven!

Only to see Li Wei slide down from above and turn his head.

He glanced obliquely at Xue Nai, then pointed to the bottom of her lower abdomen and said coldly:

“Hey, fat times!”

Dazed blinking his eyes, Xue Nai turned back and lowered his head…


With a scream, she blushed shyly.

Both hands immediately pressed the blown white lace skirt down!

A moment later, Xue Naifang carried two bags of vegetables and vegetables and walked over to Li Wei.

Pretty cheeks, with a hint of crimson.

She looked up at the hill and wondered:

“Master, what is this thing you brought back?”

With his hands crossed at the waist, Li Wei twisted his neck, making a crackling sound, and said casually:

“Nothing, just robbed half of the national treasury.”

Yukino: “…”

It always feels like he has done many “feats” again!

Which country was so unlucky this time that it was arranged by its master?

Subsequently, Li Wei asked Xue Nai to put the vegetables into the house first.

Then call out the housekeeper Cindy.

Together, the three of them transferred the stolen goods into the house and slowly counted the amount.

However, when those gold and silver jewels were all transferred to the basement of the home.

Just as the door was about to close, a small black cat came to Li Wei’s house silently.

Inside the manor, Pansa Lili stands on the stone steps at the entrance of the villa.

He raised his head, his face tense, and pleaded in a deep voice:

“Listen to the prince, you and he are a guild, can you take me in for a while?”

I am not familiar with the land now, and I need a place to settle down.

Inside the villa entrance, Li Wei looked down at him with a cold face:

“No, please come back, thank you!”

Then with a “bang” and close the heavy wooden door!

Suddenly, Li Li’s head swelled several times.

He glared angrily and shouted into the door:


But I followed his taste and came to the door!

As a result, Levi has this attitude!?

Your Royal Highness, aren’t you really not good friends?

And yet this is the very moment.

Li Wei suddenly opened the wooden door.

He squatted down, his hands constantly rubbing Li Li’s head.

With a cold face, Levi explained:

There are two reasons:

First, I hate trouble.

Second, although I am a cat slave, I like other people’s cats! ”

Even Xuenai didn’t bother to take him in, let alone the cat.

There are no rats in their own rice tanks!

And, although Levi is a cat slave, he doesn’t want to be a shoveler.

He likes other people’s cats, which one is beautiful!

When you see it, you will pick it up, and when you finish it, you will leave, and you don’t have to be responsible.

It is best to pick it up in front of the owner.

Let others watch, his family takes care of such a beautiful cat.

Being picked up by yourself / unable to take care of yourself.

Levi will always be especially satisfied!

The other party kept stroking his head, and Li Li looked sad and angry.

As the captain of the First Demon Warfare Force in Adelas, when did he receive this treatment!?

Especially hearing about Li Wei’s special cat fetishism, he couldn’t help but say straightly:

“Are you a pervert?”

Looking at you Sven Wen, I didn’t expect to be a minotaur!

Aren’t you afraid of pure love warrior sanctions?

Bumper ——!

In an instant, Levi closed the heavy wooden door again.

Then, a shout came from inside the door:

“Xuenai, boil the water, bring the knife, and stew the cat soup at noon today!”

Immediately after, there was an incomparably serious and elegant response:

“Yes, master!”

At the same time, there was the sound of a knife drawn…

Li Li: “Hey——!! ”

A moment later, at the door of the villa.

Crouching on the ground, Li Wei said:

“All in all, I’m not going to take you in.

Let my maid take you to the Demon Tail Guild.

Maybe someone inside will be willing to take in your stray cat. ”

As he spoke, he pointed to the side of the snow with a kitchen knife in his hand.

The latter turned his head and looked at Li Li.

Her eyes narrowed into crescents and she smiled slightly.

The girl’s angelic smile contrasted sharply with the cold light of the kitchen knife in her hand.

Li Li always felt that if he did not agree.

This girl who looks harmless.

He will cut himself with a knife and stew it into a hot pot!

“I, I know…”

Swallowing a mouthful of spit, Li Li nodded hesitantly.

Subsequently, Yukino put back the kitchen knife.

Passing by the warehouse, she pulled out a bag of snacks.

Yukino eats a snack while feeding Li Li and leading the other party to the Demon Tail Guild.

When a man and a cat, come to the guild.

Xue Nai pushed open the door, and what came to him was an incomparably noisy atmosphere.

The congregation wept with joy.

Dozens of people gathered around a long table, weeping bitterly.

“Lisana, I didn’t expect you to come back alive!”

“Yeah, you’re all right, is there anything unusual about your body?”

“How on earth did you come to life?”


A bunch of macho men wept, and you asked me urgently.

At the long table, Lisana hugged her sister.

Mirage was pouring into her arms, tears pouring out of her eyes.

Her ten fingers clutched her sister’s black trench coat.

Afraid of not paying attention, Lisana drifted away from her hands again.

Lisana caressed her sister’s back as she looked up and answered the crowd:

“That, it was Levi who brought me back…”

Suddenly, the crowd exclaimed:

“Won’t it, it’s Levi that guy!?”

The pipe in Wakaba’s mouth fell to the ground, and he said incredulously:

“How could he be so kind?”

With his hands ringed around his chest, Leo was also questioning:

“Big brother, he didn’t let you give you money, did he?”

Nearby, Maka’o earnestly exhorted:

“Lishana, you must not learn from Xuenai!”

Others chimed in:

“That’s right, that’s right…”

At this moment, a question as cold as the opening of the snow girl sounded:

“What’s wrong with me?”

The crowd was stunned and looked back.

I saw Xue Nai standing on the periphery of the crowd.

Her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and her pretty face was smiling brightly.

But how does that smile seep into people…

Suddenly, the crowd broke out in a cold sweat:

“No, no, no, no

Makaoulian waved his hand:

“You heard Xue Nai wrong!”

Although Snow is usually petite and cute.

But her fighting power is comparable to that of Alyssa and Mirage…

“Yeah, yeah, all in all, it’s great that Lisana can come back!”

Wakaba saw the wind and ruddered, and immediately changed the subject.

“That’s right, we’re worried about dying of you these days!!”

A group of men wept in unison, and then rushed to pounce on it with joy.


Next to Elfman, his right hand turned into a huge stiff wrist.

He punched the men in the air and roared:

“Don’t touch my sister with your dirty hands!!”

Suddenly, a group of people turned over on their horses, and tables and chairs were scattered on the ground.

Looking at the crowd of people who were extremely embarrassed, Xue Nai couldn’t help but cover his mouth and chuckle.

She looked at Li Li beside her, smiled and asked:

“Well, this guild is not bad, isn’t it?”

Li Li was speechless:

“Well, it’s hilarious…”

In every sense!


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