Demon Tail Guild, in the empty lobby.

Alyssa, who put the giant horn down, crossed her hands at her waist and said calmly:

“I’m back, is the president here?”

Here, Miraj, with his hands on his lower abdomen, said with a smile:

“Welcome back, the president has gone to the regular meeting.”

“That’s it…”

Elusa frowned slightly.

There was a hint of uneasiness brewing between the eyebrows.

At this time, the demon tail members on the side asked weakly:

“Speaking of Elusa, what is this behemoth?”

As he spoke, the man pointed to a giant white horn shaped like ivory.

“Huh? The horns of the monsters I crusaded. ”

Alyssa turned her head to look at the two men and explained:

“The locals did a bit of decoration.

Then it was given to me as a gift.

What, did it cause you any trouble? ”

Swept away by her sharp eagle-like gaze.

Suddenly, the two men waved their hands in fright:

“No, no, no, no!”

The two broke out in a cold sweat and were very frightened.

I haven’t seen it for more than a month.

The breath on Elusa’s body was quite terrifying!

I always feel that I am being targeted by some monster…

Over here, Lucy was also a little surprised.

Because she found that Alyssa, who is both beautiful and powerful.

Very similar to Li Wei’s temperament!

It’s all the kind of breath that is high up in the sky and unapproachable!

Speaking of which, when I came back the other day.

It seems that Levi is also intimidating others in this way…

Lucy even had an illusion.

These two people can’t be brothers and sisters, right?

Then, Alyssa changed into a serious look.

Sharply criticize the congregation.

Because on the go.

She heard rumors of the Demon Tail Guild running into trouble.

Not two together, but dozens or hundreds, without duplicates!

What a terrible thing to do, do things first!

As a member of the Wind Discipline Committee, she naturally couldn’t bear it.

After dropping a bunch of unconscious guys one by one.

Suddenly, Alyssa noticed Levi in the corner.

Immediately, she strode up and asked for warmth.

The gentle attitude of the girl.

There is a huge contrast between the front and the back.

It really shocked many people’s jaws.

Even Lucy could see it.

These two people… Have a leg (tongue)!

Then Alyssa asked about Miraj.

About the trail of Leo and Gray.

After hearing that the two had taken on an A-class crusade mission.

And after leaving yesterday, it is inevitable that it will be more headache.

At this time, Yukino asked:

“What’s wrong, what’s the matter?”

Frowning slightly, Alyssa nodded bitterly:

“Well, I heard some bad news on the way to work.

I wanted to listen to the president’s judgment, but I think it would be better to solve it early! ”

Hearing this, Naz suddenly walked up.

He touched his fists and grinned confidently:

“Hey, since that’s the case, why don’t I help you?”

Although he was as afraid of Elusa as everyone else.

But fighting this kind of thing, Naz is to accompany to the end!

Moreover, he wants to prove to Alyssa:

I’m more reliable than those two strippers!


Alyssa frowned and glanced at him.

Although Naz often engaged in sabotage, he lacked roots.

But his strength is undoubtedly the first echelon of the demon tail!

After pondering for a moment, Alyssa nodded and agreed to come down.

Suddenly, Naz jumped up in excitement and high-fived with Harpy.

After all, this was the first time he had teamed up with Elusa!

However, Naz alone is not enough.

Just as Alyssa was looking for someone else.

Li Wei, who was drinking cold beer, suddenly said:

“Is this time things tricky?”

You know, since being promoted to S-Class Sorcerer, Elusa has never teamed up with anyone else!

Hearing this, Alyssa nodded seriously:

“Well, if you don’t stop it, I’m afraid it will cause big trouble!”

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei asked:

“Really? Where did your intelligence come from? ”

“North, on the way back, heard in the town of Onibas!”

“That’s it…”

After groaning for a while, Li Wei took a sip of the cold beer.

Then he put down his glass and proposed:

“Then shall I go with you?”

In an instant, Alyssa blinked her eyes and her eyes were filled with surprise:

“Eh!? Will you team up with me? ”

Standing up, Li Wei stretched out a lazy waist and said lazily:

“Just stop by, by the way, check your current strength.”

Anyway, Elusa is also half of her own apprentice.

Since her promotion to S-Class Sorcerer.

He had never seen the other person perform a mission.

And, the town of Onebas.

It was the place where Levi and Makarov first met.

He also wanted to go along the way and see…

However, Alyssa was a little nervous:

“Thanks, thanks, I know!”

Although Levi was willing to help, she was happy.

But Elusa didn’t really want to bother Levi.

In particular, the other party also has to examine himself.

This made her even more worried!

Alyssa’s mind was suddenly chaotic.

Eventually, she slapped her cheek with both hands.

Then Alyssa’s armored right hand, resting on Naz’s shoulder, said in a deep voice:

“Naz! This time you must perform well, you know? ”

Her face was full of black lines, and she was extremely serious.

The five fingers of the armor squeezed Naz’s shoulders hard.

It seems that there is a flame called fighting spirit on the body, and it is burning!

Naz was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and trembled in response, “Hih! ”

I always feel that if I don’t say yes.

Elusa will burn him alive!

If so, the four-man squad was formed.

They are: Elusa, Naz, Levy, and Xue Nai, who follows Levi!

This lineup is so luxurious.

It really frightened the guild people.

“Hey, these four people are grouped together, is it really no problem!?”

“A lineup of three S-Class Sorcerers… Is this to save the world? ”

“How do I feel like I’m destroying the world a little more?”

“Yes, I’m a little worried about who provoked Elusa!”

“I can only pray for them…”


The crowd clasped their hands together in prayer.

Hope that bunch of bad guys are okay…

Here, Lucy was a little surprised:

“Three S-Class Sorcerers? Is Naz also an S grade!? ”

Can even a guy like Naz who lacks a root become an S-Class Sorcerer?

Nearby, Mirage squinted and smiled:

“No, you’re mistaken, among the four of you, it’s just that he’s not!”

Upon hearing this, Lucy was even more stunned:

“Well, so you are also an S-Class Magician of Demon Tail!?”

She looked suspiciously at the obscure, unsuspecting Xuenai, carrying a large bag of luggage.

His own master, it turned out to be an S-class magician!?

Hearing this, Xue Nai just smiled slightly.

Eyes squinting into crescents.

It’s the default…

Since Levi is the train at 11 o’clock.

In order to accommodate him, Elusa did not even take a sip of tea.

Just join him and hurry on the road…


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