Magunoria Station, people come and go.

There is a long queue of ticket gates.

Elusa pulls a large cart of luggage.

She turned her head to look at Lucy behind her and wondered:

“Are you a new member of the guild?”

Originally they were a team of four, plus a pet cat.

But before long, Lucy followed!

Lucy, who was holding the Star Spirit Pru, was stunned:

“Huh? Yes, my name is Lucy, please advise! ”

As she spoke, she smiled lightly to make a good impression on the senior.

Because a suitable task could not be found.

So, she simply followed Xue Nai over.

Known as: Accumulate mission experience!

Subsequently, the two sides got to know each other, which was a preliminary understanding.

After buying the tickets, the two daughters Waiganaz and the three also came to the waiting room.

That’s when Naz got a chance to talk:

“By the way, Elusa, if you want me to help you this time, I have one condition!”

Hearing this, Alyssa frowned slightly:

“Huh? What conditions? ”

She glanced obliquely at Naz, her face puzzled.

This one-sided guy.

When will the terms be discussed?

“Hey, when you get back, come back and fight with me!”

Grinning, Naz clenched his right fist, lit up in front of him, and put down his bold words:

“I’ve been reborn compared to before! This time, it can definitely win you! ”

Eyebrows furrowed, Alyssa was silent for a moment.

Then she looked down and laughed softly:

“Oh, you’ve really grown.”

As she spoke, the corners of Elusa’s mouth lit up with relief and she murmured:

“I’m a little unconfident, but… Yes, I accept! ”

At the end of the day.

Alyssa stared up at Naz.

Take on his challenge with a serious face.

Suddenly, Naz seemed to have been stimulated, and his fangs were sharp:

“Yo sis! I was on fire and roared——!! ”

He clenched his fists with both hands, and countless green tendons burst out of his arms.

A large ball of fire roared upwards, and the morale was high.

Soon, Naz attracted a crowd of enthusiastic onlookers from security guards…

Here, Lucy, who was holding Pru, was a little worried:

“Naz, is he all right?” Elusa is an S-Class Magician! ”

Beside her, Yukino, who was carrying a large bag of luggage, laughed:

“Oh, I hope no one dies.”

Suddenly, Lucy was shocked:

“Eh!? Is Alyssa so dangerous? ”

Although from the previous state of fear of the guild people, you can guess one or two from the side.

But at every turn, people are killed.

Is Alyssa such a horrible woman?

To this, Xue Nai just nodded seriously:

“Well, you can think of her as the master of the female version.”

Then, when five people and a cat got on the train.

Lucy realized Elusa’s horror even more clearly.

Because she punched her backhand, she knocked Naz unconscious!

The perfect illustration of what it is: Hit my teammates!

Although the original intention was to free him from motion sickness…

In the carriage, Levi sat by the window.

He propped his cheeks with one hand and looked boredly at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window.

Next to Li Wei, the maid Xue Nai sat obediently.

Opposite is Lucy, and Elusa.

Because the seats for four people are full.

So Naz sat in the next seat, accompanied by Harpy.

Here, Alyssa first distributed a dessert to everyone.

Then while tasting, explain the main points of the task to them.

This time, they have to deal with a dark guild: the Iron Forest!

Previously in the town of Onebas.

She had heard a bunch of people.

A piece of something called “Lalabai” was collected.

It seems that some kind of trickery is being planned by this.

The gang also mentioned the name “Eligor” at the time.

But Alyssa didn’t think about it at the time.

“It was my mistake, if at that time I could think of the name Elegol.

They should all be sacrificed on the spot and forced to ask what they are going to do! ”

As she spoke, she bit her teeth and the five fingers of her right hand were slightly forced.

Suddenly, the steel fork is twisted out of shape!

Lucy next to her was stunned.

The ass moved to the side twice in fright.

Terrible, super scary!

S-Class Female Sorcerer.

Can you squeeze steel with your bare hands?

The snow of the other day was like that.

The same is true of Elusa today.

Speaking of which, Mirage seems to be an S-class magician…

And at every turn it says “blood sacrifice.”

Lucy could probably understand it now.

Why the people of the Demon Tail Guild.

They were all so afraid of Elusa.

Xue Nai also prayed that Nazbe had been killed by her…

This woman is much more terrifying than Levi!

And this time the mission of several people.

It is to invade the “Iron Forest” and completely destroy their plot!

As soon as he heard that he was going to make enemies of the Dark Guild.

Moreover, the other side often receives assassination missions.

Lucy then started to retreat, sweating.

But fortunately, Xue Nai comforted her a bit, and Lucy was refreshed.

“By the way, speaking of which, Miss Alyssa, what magic are you using?”

Lucy asked doubtfully.

“Just call me Elusa.”

The seat next door, Harpy, who was biting the raw fish, flew over:

“Elusa’s magic is beautiful, and blood is spurting everywhere, even if it’s the enemy’s!”

With a snap covering her face, Lucy’s forehead crawled with black lines:

“Can this also be called pretty?”

She found herself not supposed to talk much…

Finally, after several hours of driving, the crowd arrived in the town of Onebas.

After getting off the train, Lucy holding Prue asked:

“Is that Iron Forest still in this town?”

Alyssa, who was pulling a large cart of luggage, shook her head:

“I don’t know, let’s start the investigation from the neighborhood.”

At this time, Xue Nai suddenly realized:

“By the way, what about Naz?”

Crowd: “!! ”

Looking around, he saw that Naz was still on the train.

And, it’s gone!

Harpy suddenly woke up:

“Eh, it seems like you forgot Naz again?”

Watch as the train drives farther and farther away, quickly disappearing into view.

It had to wave goodbye to Naz…

Lucy couldn’t help but complain:

“Aren’t you partners!?”

It seems that Harby has been accompanying Naz all along, right?

And this “and” word really makes people care!

How many times has your cat abandoned Naz, and why are you so skilled?

Hearing this, Harpy blinked:

“I don’t know anything!”

Then it came out of the backpack.

Another raw fish was pulled.

Nibbled it up casually.

Lucy: “…”

Is this plastic brotherhood?

It really touched the demon tail for a hundred years…

Here, Alyssa blamed herself:

“Damn, just talking, did you actually leave Naz behind?”

She clenched her fist in her right hand, lowered her head and closed her eyes, and frowned:

“Really, that guy has a mode-phobia.

How could I have made such a low-level mistake…

No matter who it is, can you punch me twice! ”

As soon as these words came out.

Syllable! Syllable!

Suddenly, Li Wei slapped her twice and said coldly:

“Okay, let’s review it and say it later, now let’s get him back!”

Lucy was stunned.

People say you really beat you?

However, Alyssa, whose cheeks were flushed, did not have any opinion:

“Ah, yes!!”

She then led the crowd into the station’s control room.

With a snap, Elusala got off the emergency lever and stopped the train.

Here, the middle-aged station master with a group of security guards hurriedly ran over:

“Wait a minute, Miss, you’ll be embarrassed to do this!”

Elusa turned her head back and politely refused:

“Sorry, this is for the partner, I hope you can understand!”

Running to her, the station master put his hands together and said with a shameful face:

“Miss, please don’t say such things that are difficult for strongmen…”

Alyssa has diverged the topic:

“Help us get our luggage to the hotel by the way, thank you!”

She pointed to a large cart of her luggage and smiled slightly.

Webmaster: “…”

Can this woman understand human speech?

Lucy on the side is also extremely ashamed.

Speaking of which, in the morning.

Elusa also criticized the rest of the Demon Tail Guild.

When doing tasks, give others less trouble.

However, now it seems that she has caused no less trouble than them!

Although the purpose was to save Naz.

But here’s it…

Already a double standard, right?


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