After that, Elusa led the crowd and left in a hurry.

Not long after, a rented magic four-wheeler, running along the railway tracks at high speed, riding the dust!

After running for more than ten kilometers, he suddenly hit Naz who jumped out of the car!

In a car accident, there was a lot of chaos.

After confirming that Naz was not injured much.

Alyssa was relieved.

Only, when I learned that he had just had a fight with a man in the car.

And that person belongs to the Iron Forest…


Alyssa slapped her hard and scolded:

“You fool! Iron Forest is what we’re looking for, why let that guy go!? ”

Falling to the ground, Naz covered his flushed cheeks with a confused face:

“Huh? I’ve never heard of anything like this! ”

With her hands crossed at the waist, Alyssa snapped:

“Didn’t I just say it clearly in the car?” Listen carefully! ”

At the side, Lucy was embarrassed and weak:

“Well, as soon as you got in the car, you knocked him unconscious, didn’t you?”

After knocking Naz unconscious, you want people to remember what you said.

This is no longer a double standard, this is quite unreasonable!

Harpy raised his hand:

“Well, that’s Elusa!”


On the other side, Naz jumped off the train.

Whistling smoke, we drove to the Kunuki station.

Dark Guild Iron Forest.

Hundreds of members surrounded the station.

The first white-haired man, after killing the last flight attendant.

He held his scythe high and commanded in a cold voice:

“This station belongs to our Iron Forest, and if you don’t want to die, get rolled!”

Suddenly, a blonde lady screamed:


Hundreds of waiting passengers were in a mess around.

“Damn, how could someone rob the station?” I’m going to be late, that’s a big business of five million…”

A man in a suit looked at his gold watch with an anxious face.

“Iron Forest, the white-haired man with the sickle… This man is Eligore, the god of death! ”

Nearby, another man recognized the identity of the man with the sickle.

Affiliated with the Dark Guild, the scythe of death with a thousand beheadings, Eligor!

“Is that flight attendant dead?”

A fat woman covered her face with her hands and said in amazement.

“What about him, run——!!”

In an instant, the passengers of the entire station scattered and fled, scattering as birds and beasts.


With a sneer, Erigore drew a “√” from the corner of his mouth and turned away.

Not long after, he saw a man dressed in white with a single ponytail get out of the car.

“Oh? Shadow Mountain, so coincidentally, you are also on this train? ”

Eligall strode up.

Here, an oriental man named Shadow Mountain walked up with a squinting smile:

“Yes, Brother Elegol, look at this, the seal has been lifted!”

As he spoke, he took out a three-eyed skeleton magic flute from his arms and handed it to him.

“Huh? Is this the forbidden Lalabai? ”

Grabbing it with one hand, Erigore looked back and forth a few times.

Involuntarily, he grinned a mouthful of big white teeth and grinned evilly:

“Sparasi, Shadow Mountain, you did a good job this time!” Hahaha…”

The members of the Iron Forest around them surrounded them one after another.

“Big Brother Ellegol, it’s finally here!”

A green-haired fat man said angrily.

This is the killing prop that Iron Forest dreams of.

Just hear the flute.

They will be killed.

Even the soul’s massive spell to kill the magic flute!

“In this way, you can overthrow the stinky old men of the guild in one fell swoop!”

Nearby, a hooded man shouted with his hands held high.

Just annihilate the town of Kulobala in the north, and all those guild leaders will be annihilated.

There will be a great earthquake in the entire wizarding world!

At that time, the Dark Guild “Iron Forest”.

It will also be famous throughout the continent.

Countless capable people flocked to it.

Quickly grow into a behemoth!

“I can’t wait, do it, Big Brother Eligor!”

A lewd man grinned.

Seeing power, money, women at your fingertips.

No man is indifferent!

People around them also booed.

Countless negative emotions surged upwards.

“Well, let’s go, the battle begins!”

The scythe was held high, and Eligore responded.

Not long after, all the staff of the Iron Forest boarded the train.

Black smoke billowed straight up the train, along the tracks.

Like a black swan, roaring towards the north!

On the train, suddenly, a cold knife light cut through the darkness.

A huge scythe slashed under Shadow Mountain’s crotch.

Less than a centimeter away, he can become a eunuch!

Shadow Mountain raised his hands, cold sweat on his face, and trembled:

“Big Brother Ellegol, don’t…”

Condescendingly, Elegol said coldly with a black line on his face:

“Don’t want anything? Lalabay was seen by the fly with the tail of the demon, and you let him go so easily!? ”

He had just heard it from Shadow Mountain.

The other party had just had a fight with the demon tail of Naz.

Regardless of whether it is won or lost, Lalabail is still seen by the other side!

What a waste!

How many times have you said it, and be cautious in doing things.

It turned out to be a mistake at a critical moment!

If only Shadow Mountain had lifted the seal of Lalabay.

Elegol this knife.

Already had him like a tomato.

Cut in half!

Shadow Mountain trembled in his voice and begged for forgiveness:

“I can’t help it, Brother Eligore, in that group, there’s Levi the Demon Tail!”

Hearing this, Elegol frowned:

“Levi the Demon Tail?”

He was no stranger to the name.

That guy started making a name for himself ten years ago.

Before he had even obtained the title of God of Death, Li Wei was already in the sky!

Just somehow, starting from a certain day.

The magic world’s intelligence about Levi began to gradually decline.

There seems to be someone above, deliberately manipulating…

However, if you inquire carefully, you can still get some general information.

As a veteran magician in the wizarding world, Eligore naturally knew that Levi was not good.

But Elligore is not a bully.

I am the ace of the Iron Forest!

How can it be weaker than a regular guild fly?

What about S-Class Sorcerers?

Roll on!

And now he also got the spell to kill the magic flute Lalabai.

He was 80% sure that he could kill the demon tail of these flies!

With a click, Erigore lifted the giant scythe and carried it over his shoulder:

“I’ll let you go this time!”

Suddenly, Shadow Mountain wiped the cold sweat from his face:

“Ah, yes! Thank you Big Brother Eligor for not killing! ”

He nodded his head repeatedly, with a look of happiness for the rest of his life.

Immediately, Erigore turned his head back and shouted:

“Little ones, I’ve listened to you!”

Go to the next station and set up a good game and catch the flies of the demon tail!

Let them know that some forests don’t allow flies to fly! ”

Several carriages in the rear.

A large number of members of the Iron Forest shouted in unison:

“Yes! Big Brother Eligor!! ”


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