The town of Osibana.

Busy streets.

A magic guide rammed on all four.

The vehicle is under the domineering drive of Elusa.

Retrograde, crimping, speeding…

Handsomely above the traffic rules!

Along the way, passers-by and carriages were frightened and avoided.

After all, they really can’t afford to mess with people who take their lives to drive!

In the carriage.

Naz’s cheeks bulged as he threw up.

Shaped like a drowning frog.

He used both hands and feet.

Frantically rushing out the car window.

Want to escape from this hell.

But Levi knocked him unconscious with a sharp knife!

Naz was like bacon.

Hanging on the car window, shake, shake, shake…

In the middle of the carriage, Lucy tugged at Levi’s collar with both hands.

Her eyes burst into tears of fear, and she frantically dragged and urged:

“Hey, Levi, what a better thing to say about Elusa!”

The driving is not standardized, and the relatives have two lines of tears.

Good quad buggy.

Alyssa drove a thriller roller coaster!

Follow her driving speed.

I’m afraid that before I met the people of the Iron Forest, I will destroy the car and kill people first!

It’s a bargain to take someone else’s car, and it’s a hell of a ride in Elusa’s car!

And this woman doesn’t listen to anyone.

In other words, Li Wei can listen to a little bit!

In order to save his own life, he could only let him out of the horse.

However, Li Wei crooked the corners of his mouth, glanced at her obliquely, and said coldly:

“Relax your mind, I’ve been in a car that has raced harder, and I won’t die!”

As soon as these words came out, Xue Nai, next to Lucy, immediately turned away from his face.

Her thin lips were tight, her face was blushing, very ashamed…

Seeing this, Lucy blinked and looked surprised.

It seems that I have discovered some incredible secret?

After a series of thrilling experiences.


Accompanied by a sharp braking of sour teeth.

The carriage shook heavily.

Stop at the periphery of Osibana Station.


Naz, like a dead dog, fell to the ground.

After opening the car door.

Levi picked up his back collar.

Carry a bag like a shoulder and hang it over your shoulders.

Inside the car, Lucy, who had his hands around Xue’s arm, also let go of his hands.

The two daughters got out of the car together, and Lucy wondered:

“Are there people from the Iron Forest here?”

As she spoke, she put her hand on her forehead and looked at the crowded station ahead.

Inside the station, a thick cloud of smoke billowed up, blackening the blue sky!

In the driver’s seat, Elusa clicked twice to lock the car.

She replied casually:

“I don’t know, but it’s always right to investigate first!”

Then Alyssa jumped down.

She strode ahead and squeezed into the crowd.

Li Wei and others followed.

Soon, when the crowd squeezed through the crowd, they came to the main gate of the station.

At the top of the stairs, a security squad leader, holding a magic guide horn, shouted:

“Please back off! Now due to the train derailment accident, the station is temporarily closed to the public! ”

Alyssa jumped on it and asked:

“Hey, what’s going on inside?”

The squad leader was stunned:

“Huh? Who are you? ”


Elusa didn’t hesitate to punch him over!

Then she went to find the next staff member.

“What are you doing, young lady?”



“Miss, you are breaking the law!”



“Don’t you come here——!!”


And in the crowd below.

Lucy was embarrassed and weakly complained:

“Although I expected it at the beginning, I still couldn’t believe what I saw…”

As long as you don’t answer your question correctly, you will immediately dry up.

Although it has long been known.

Doing things is a fine tradition since the establishment of the demon tail.

But there should be a limit to chaos!

Spread out Elusa.

These staff members are really pathetic…

Nearby, Xue Nai smiled:

“Oh, I guess the master is around, so Elusa is more impatient.”

It was the first time she had seen Alyssa so frizzy.

Snow is guessing.

It’s because Levi is around.

To test her ability.

Elusa is in a hurry…

Hearing this, Lucy blinked her eyes and looked puzzled:

“Is that so? But the Lord seems to be quite leisurely! ”

At the end of the conversation, she squinted her eyes at Levi.

This guy, from beginning to end, was eating melon and watching the play!

Next to Lucy, Li Wei plucked out his ears and said calmly:

“Because there’s no need to be nervous.”

Eyebrows furrowed, Lucy puzzled:

“What do you mean?”

Li Wei put up an index finger and asked:

“First, the people of the Iron Forest snatched the train, where do you think they will go?”

Hearing this, Lucy pinched her chin and thought.

Trains cannot be derailed.

And Kunuki’s next stop.

It’s this town!

If they don’t escape halfway.

And now that the station is out of order…

“That is, they are most likely in this station!?”

Her eyes widened, and Lucy suddenly exclaimed.

“The brain isn’t too stupid.”

With that, Levi put up another middle finger:

“Then secondly, if they occupy the station, what are they going to do with ‘Lalabai’?”

Blinking, Lucy thought again.

Why do you have to occupy the station?

Wait, stations, radio, Lalabai, death melodies…

In my mind, all the clues, like the stars in the sky, are connected.

Lucy’s eyes widened:

“You mean they intend to use the station radio to release the flute sound of Larabai!?”

If only it were through a radio horn.

The sound of the death flute is estimated to spread throughout the city!

In a few moments, hundreds of thousands of people in the town will be killed!

Iron Forest This is to … Slaughter the city!

Suddenly, Lucy was startled and gritted her teeth:

“No way! Rush in with Elusa and be sure to stop them! ”

Hundreds of thousands of civilians were innocently killed.

She will never allow it!

Before the words could be heard, Lucy rushed up with a determined face.


Suddenly, Lucy didn’t run two steps.

Levi raised his hand and grabbed her oblique ponytail.

He said coldly:

“So why are you in such a hurry?”

Turning her head back, Lucy looked angry:

“Hey, a lot of innocent civilians are going to die soon!” Aren’t you worried at all? ”

“I haven’t finished my words yet!”

“Uh… What do you mean? ”

At this time, Li Wei released his left hand that was grasping the ponytail.

He put up three fingers, stared into Lucy’s eyes, and said with a straight face:

“Following on from the previous topic: Third, if you got Lalabai, would you do such a boring thing?”

Lucy was stunned: “This…”

She calmed down a little and thought about it.

Yeah, just slaughtering civilians, what’s the benefit of that?

If it’s for money.

Shouldn’t Larabay be taken and killed some rich counts?

If this is a door-to-door search, when should it be searched?

If it’s for the sake of killing Liwei.

To kill some dignitaries, and even assassinate the king, is it obviously more efficient, isn’t it?

Such a high-profile act, just to slaughter a city?

I’m afraid it’s not the brain marrow that has a precious disease!

Thinking about it, Lucy could only think of one explanation:

“You mean… This is actually a trap!? ”

The corners of his mouth were crooked, and Li Wei nodded:

“Well, by the time you rush in without a head, the people of the Iron Forest will have already prepared the turtle in the urn!”

Naz had fought with the Iron Forest people before.

Now the other side is acting so high-profile.

It is clear that it is saying:

Lao Tzu is here, why did you come and beat me!

Lucy was deeply shocked.

This wave itself is on the first floor.

The Iron Forest is on the third floor.

Levi is on the fifth floor!

Didn’t expect this guy to be silent, but it was a millefeuille cake?


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