After the entire Iron Forest is solved.

It didn’t take long for the second group of kingdoms to come and hand over.

Levi had no interest in talking to these bureaucrats.

So it was up to Xena and Elusa to deal with it.

About an hour passed.

The Kingdom Army took all the members of the Iron Forest away.

And Xue Nai also took the magic guide four wheels and brought his luggage back.

Since the presidents of the major guilds are in the town of Kulobara, the next stop, they attend the regular meeting.

So at Elusa’s suggestion.

The crowd went to visit first.

But Levi was reluctant because…

“Ah, Levi sauce, how did you come?” I really want to die! ”

Bobu, dressed as a big mother, squinted and smiled and pounced.


In an instant, Levi blackened his face and punched in the void.

The tornado flew Bob straight away!

Along the way, more than a dozen large round tables were overturned.

Fang is on a large white wall.

Leave a huge swirl pattern behind!

With a snap, Bob fell off the wall, uncertain of life or death.

Lucy was stunned and in a cold sweat.

Hey, this is the leader of another guild!

Why was he able to strike so hard without hesitation?

With an embarrassed smile, Xue Nai explained to her.

When Bob first met Levi.

Just love him at first sight!

And Li Wei didn’t like the shemale, so naturally he punched it over.

But Bob persevered and pounced on it every time without hesitation.

So, so many years have passed.

Almost every time the two meet.

Bob will be beaten by Levi!

The leaders of the other guilds turned a blind eye.

As long as no one is killed, everything is easy to say!

After listening, Lucy was speechless.

Isn’t that a bit too ghostly?

But think about it from another position, if the demon uncle just now also pounced on himself…

Well, Levi did the right thing!

After that, Alyssa and her party melted into the banquet, and everyone greeted each other.

At the same time Lucy as a newcomer.

I also get to know the other presidents one by one.

Especially when she dealt with Abar the other day.

It was also praised by everyone.

But Lucy wasn’t arrogant.

After all, that’s all to the credit of Xuenai.

After eating and drinking, the crowd took the train again.

In the evening, the remnants of the sun soaked the whole heaven and earth into a dark red.

The train blazed with dark smoke and traveled at high speed on the tracks.

The twilight view outside the window recedes rapidly.

Don’t have a lonely mood.

However, the train travels to the middle of the railway.

Passing through a no-man’s land, Li Wei directly called a halt.

When she got out of the car, Lucy was a little puzzled.

She came with her out of curiosity.

But is Levi’s hometown so remote?

Not even an open-air train station?

Afterwards, the five of them walked into the mountains and trekks together.

Xuenai, carrying a large bag of luggage, took Lucy’s hand and jumped forward at high speed.

The motion sickness Naz was dragged by Harpy and flew overhead.

As for Elusa, she followed Levi closely.

Along the way, several large mountains were climbed.

It was getting darker.

Dots of stars shone brightly in the pitch-black sky.

Finally, when climbing a crater.

Levi stopped and stood at the top of the hill.

Others followed suit, catching up with him.

Xue Nai let go of her hand, and Lucy took two steps.

She overlooks the basin beneath the crater.

A field of verdant mountains.

Against the backdrop of the night.

Empty inspiration that exudes silence and is far away from the world.

Beautiful scenery paving the world in front of you.

The cool night breeze stirred Lucy’s golden bangs.

She stroked the ends of her hair around her ears and exclaimed:

“What a beautiful view!”

Will these people camp here tonight?

Li Wei is still quite good at picking places!

Hearing this, Li Wei opened his mouth coldly:

“Pretty? Maybe. ”

With a calm face, he looked at the basin below, and a sense of separation flashed in his eyes.

Turning her head to look at him, Lucy blinked her eyes in confusion:

“Uh, Levi, what’s wrong?”

Levi glanced at her obliquely, her thin lips buzzing:

“Because this is my hometown, Kahn Village!”

In his indifferent eyes, Lucy’s face froze, and her eyes crawled with surprise.

Bright moon, climb high into the sky.

On the crater, dry firewood crackles.

The light of the fire lit up the faces of several people.

Lucy put her hands around her knees and sat down in front of the fire.

She pursed her red lips and turned her head to look not far away.

Yukino opened a wooden box and took out a bunch of white lilies.

Raising his hand to take it, Li Wei swung it hard and threw it above the basin.

A fierce evening wind blew.

Tear countless petals apart, one by one.

Scattered in every corner of the basin…

Lucy had just learned from Xue Nai.

Levi left the village of Kahn ten years ago.

But when he came back two years later, on a whim, to visit.

Only one crater remains.

and a small lake with water in the center.

What destroyed the village seemed to be a huge meteorite.

No one in the village survived, at least in Levi’s view.

Even if someone gets away with it, the other party may have moved away long ago…

Since then, Levi has come back to visit once a year.

That night, the crowd grilled in front of a campfire.

But everyone’s heart is heavier.

After all, there is a ruined village right next to you.

To say that singing and dancing, cheering and toasting, it is too lacking in morality…

Therefore, even if he has no heart and no lungs, he rarely speaks.

He was the first to know that Levy’s hometown had been destroyed.

Like himself, Levi was taken in by the people of Kahn Village.

Just as Iguniel took in himself.

The villagers of Kahn Village disappeared to Levi.

Just like Iguniel disappeared to himself.

He could feel Li Wei’s sense of loneliness and loss!

Not very happy to end the barbecue party.

Lucy tried to comfort Levi twice.

It’s just that the other party is too high and cold.

Without saying a few words, the words were killed by Li Wei, incidentally exceeding the degree!

In desperation, Lucy had to leave.

After chatting with Xue Nai for a while, they both went to sleep.

The others fell asleep one after another.

Li Wei was very spiritual.

He sat cross-legged under a large tree, his back against the roots.

Throwing a pebble in his hand, fast and slow.

Only the flickering bonfire, in his golden pupils, kept dancing.

The curtain of his eyes drooped slightly, and gradually, Li Wei also closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

In a trance, I fell asleep.

A blonde girl, constantly shaking her shoulders.

“Nah! Levy, wake up, Levi! Sleeping in such a place will catch a cold! ”

The girl’s face was so familiar.

But the hazy face could not be clear for half a minute.

As soon as the sword eyebrow was twisted, Li Wei snapped and grabbed it!


The dream shattered and he opened his eyes.

What catches your eye is Lucy’s bottomless career line.

And her stunned face.

The sun was shining, and Lucy’s cheek was pinched hard by Levi.

His thumb also clasped the corner of the girl’s lips and dug deep into it.

The scene was very awkward at one point…

Subsequently, Li Wei learned about it.

It turned out that he had overslept and could not catch the train immediately.

Xuenai, Elusa, Naz, and Harpy couldn’t wake up!

Finally, it was Lucy’s turn to give it a try.

As a result, I woke up as soon as I screamed, and the scene just now happened.

Afterwards, everyone returned by train.

On the way, Li Wei kept frowning and thinking.

Have you ever met Lucy before?

It’s just that he looks at each other from time to time.

Instead, it made Lucy feel a little trepidation.

This guy won’t look at himself, right?


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