A few days later.

The news that Iron Forest was arrested.

It spread through the streets of the Kingdom of Fiore.

And Alyssa, who smashed their plot.

He also once became a hero of the kingdom…

It was early in the morning, and the sun was shining.

Narcissus on the balcony, bathed in the morning light, swaying in the cool breeze.

In a straight posture, Lucy sat down at her desk.

Clutching a quill and smiling, writing letters to his mother, who had been dead for many years.

The letter recorded what he had seen in recent days.

After joining the Demon Tail Guild, this was the first time she had appeared in the newspaper!

Lucy’s mood was naturally excited.

And she’s looking forward to more adventures in the future.

Of course, with the character of the Demon Tail Guild.

I guess my heart also has to bear a lot of pressure…

“But, Mom, I love this guild!”

If this sentence is written, Lucy ends the paragraph.

Then carefully fold up the stationery.

Place in an envelope and seal it with a red seal.

Stretch your waist.

Lucy packed everything.

He took a light step and went out.

After a second turn, she came to the Demon Tail Guild and smiled and pushed open the door.

However, in the bustling lobby of the past, it was a dead end!

With a puzzled look on her face, Lucy walked in and came to the front desk.

On the table next to it, a wine glass is inverted.

Naz, who turned into a salamander inside, shouted:

“Let me out! Let me out!” ”

Glancing at him, Lucy was a little puzzled:

“That, Mirage, what’s wrong with everyone?”

Mirage was wiping his glass.

But the rubbing was slow, and the face was absent-minded.

Upon hearing Lucy’s inquiry, she pursed her lips:


Mirage then briefly explained to Lucy.

Just now Alyssa and Naz dueled.

The results have just begun.

The emissary of the House of Representatives came.

Arrest Elusa!

The reason is the “Iron Forest” incident a few days ago.

The Demon Tail Guild wreaks havoc.

A total of 11 crimes are constituted, and several crimes are punished together!

Bumper ——!

Slapping the table with both hands, Lucy indignantly said:

“Just kidding!? We have saved a lot of people, why do we have to arrest Elusa? ”

This time stopped the Iron Forest’s plot.

The Demon Tail Guild clearly has more credit than fault.

No rewards and pennants count.

What was the arrest of Alyssa?

The bureaucrats had nothing to do when they were full.

Start playing that dirty trick of blackmailing power again?

Holding his cheek with one hand, Elfman was also puzzled:

“Honestly I don’t understand either! So many things have happened before.

The House of Representatives has been left unchecked every time, so why has it proposed arrest this time? ”

Nearby, the glasses lady Raqi folded her chin with both hands, bulged her cheeks, and looked distressed:

“Yeah, I really don’t understand…”

Rebi prayed:

“Alyssa, she should be all right?”

Turning her head back, Lucy said loudly:

“No, I’m going to call Levi and them to testify together!” They must not be allowed to be convicted arbitrarily! ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was shocked.

Even President Makarov spoke out to stop it:

“Wait, Lucy, this must not alarm Levy!”

Eyebrows furrowed, Lucy wondered:

“Why, if you wait for the verdict to come down, everything will be too late!”

Makarov sighed:

“Because there are already idiots in the past!”

As he spoke, his right hand suddenly lifted.

With a bang, the inverted glass shattered.

Maka’o stumbled out of it.

The crowd cast stunned glances.


“Why is he here?”

“What about the Naz? Won’t chase after the House of Representatives? ”

“That idiot…”

Lucy was also full of surprise.

Only to see Makarov with his hands around his chest, he sighed helplessly:

“If you call Levi again, he and Naz will turn the House upside down!” So wait for the verdict to be delivered. ”

If Levi knew that Alyssa had been arrested for meritorious service.

That’s not just the case.

After all, Li Wei really dared to tear down the jury!


On the other hand, the Council of Magic, the Fiore Branch.

A frogman, Alyssa in chains, walked slowly through the promenade.

Suddenly, a handsome man in a black and white tracksuit stopped the two men.

“Long time no see, Elusa.”

The blue-haired man opened his eyes, put his right hand on it, and smiled and said hello.

The frogman immediately trembled and knelt down.

Elusa furrowed her brows slightly, alert:


For the blue-haired man in front of her, she has always been resistant.

The shallow smile on his face.

Made Alyssa feel hypocritical.

Looking at your own eyes, it always reveals a kind of greed for looking at prey!

With his hands in his hands, Zikrein smiled and walked idly:

“Don’t be so nervous, I’ve always admired Demon Tail.”

That’s why I became a councillor, after all, Li Wei saved my brother! ”

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and Alyssa was full of disbelief:

“Who knows! Was this incident conspired by you? What exactly is your purpose? ”

For this man running a train with a mouth full of mouths.

She couldn’t believe a single punctuation!

Although Zicklein always said that he respected Levy.

But Alyssa always felt that this man coveted Levi more than himself!

So she had reason to believe.

Zikrein was plotting something behind his back.

Come and target yourself and Levy!

“Oh, it’s really sad, this time I’m going to intercede for you with all my might!”

Shaking his head and laughing in frustration, Zikrein crossed over Elusa.

Behind her, with both hands in her pockets, looking up at the ceiling at 45 degrees, she whispered:

“This time it’s because the influence of the Dark Guild is so bad.

So the old men wanted to find someone to take responsibility.

That is the so-called … Scapegoat, right? ”

As he spoke, a funny expression suddenly appeared on Zikrein’s face:

“In fact, they wanted Li Wei to carry the pot at the beginning.

But presumably just arrest him.

The House of Representatives will be torn down to the point where not a single brick remains.

Do you also charge demolition fees in passing? Oh well…”

Turning her head and glancing at him coldly, Alyssa scoffed:

“You came here before the trial to tell me a cold joke?”

Shaking his head, Zikrein laughed:

“Of course not, just hope you can be a little more active.”

After all, the Dark Guild has been making a fuss lately, which really makes the Juror anxious! ”

Then he turned his head and said in a serious tone:

“You and Li Wei both have such great power.

It should be an inhibitor to the budding of evil, isn’t it? ”

As he spoke, the corners of Zikrein’s mouth drew a drunken smile, and he reached out to touch Alyssa’s chin…

His hand was just halfway out.

Alyssa had a look of anger on her face and raised her feet and kicked sideways!


In an instant, the whole person of Zikrein was cut in two!

However, there was no blood spatter.

His figure gradually became illusory, dissipating into starlight.

“I’m sorry, it’s just a mindfulness body.”

Biting her teeth slightly, Alyssa threatened in a deep voice:

“If you see a real person, I will definitely unload you into eight pieces!”

Zikrein picks a tick at the corner of his mouth:

“Oh, I wish~~”

A faint and arrogant chuckle echoes through the promenade…


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