After that, in the trial courtroom.

The judicial process proceeded in an orderly manner.

But because Naz broke through the wall and went crazy to do damage.

As a result, the parliamentarians, who had only planned to go through the formalities, had a lot of headaches.

In the end, he had to order that both he and Alyssa be sent to prison and retried another day…

The Magic Council Headquarters.

Private office.

Large bookshelves.

It is filled with all kinds of magic books.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Zikrein sat on a rotating office chair with Erlang’s legs crossed.

He took a cup of sugar-free espresso and savored it.


There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Soon, the magnificent wooden door creaked open.

A woman in a white kimono strolled in:

“Lord Zikrein, didn’t you bother?”

Then close the door softly.

Twisting his chair and turning, Zikrein said:

“Of course not, but I prefer the way you take off your mask, okay?”

He smiled lightly and kindly spread his hands to the ordinary-looking woman in front of him.

The other person’s name is Urna, and his real name is Urdia.

Because he didn’t want his mother Ulu to know that he was still alive.

So when you sneak into the council, change your clothes.

And gave himself a pseudonym of “Urna”.

Hearing this, Urdia smiled slightly:

“As you wish!”

Then she raised her hand to tear off the skin of her face.

Revealing a beautiful face that is absolutely gorgeous.

“You really look more and more like your mother, beautiful like an elf.”

Zikrein complimented.

“You don’t have to praise me so much, in my mother’s eyes, I am just an insignificant and small being.”

The corners of his mouth drew a hint of sarcasm, and Ultia raised an index finger.

Fingertips dangling the human skin mask back and forth, leisurely laughing at themselves.

Zikrein smiled:

“But you still love your mother, don’t you?”

Otherwise, she would not have been nominated as the Holy Ten Great Demon Guides. ”

With a snap and grabbing the human skin mask, Urdia turned her face away and said absently:

“I’m just giving a little comfort to the poor man who has strayed into the devil and was abandoned by his father, which is nothing.”

Look at her uninterested in this topic.

Zikrein just shook his head and smiled:

“Oh, well… Speaking of how is Heibirion over there, is it in touch? ”

Recently, the jury wanted to let the holy ten run.

Only his identity is enough to convey “that thing”…

Hearing this, Urtia nodded:

“Well, but Heyberien has had something lately.

If you want him to go to Li Wei, I’m afraid it will take a while. ”

Shaking his head, Zikrein looked leisurely:

“It’s okay, as long as it is communicated, there is no hurry.”

At this moment, Urtia suddenly remembered something:

“By the way, I heard Belluno say that the ghostly Gagiru seems to be planning to get in trouble with the demon tail.”

Problem juveniles are not a specialty of the demon tail.

The Sorcerer of the Ghost Dominator.

It is also not willing to be lonely, and often makes trouble.

Like the ghost’s strongest Gagiru.

Just come to the House of Representatives every three to five minutes!

“Then it seems that the next period of time will not be boring, ah, huh huh …”

Laughing softly, Zikrein took another sip of his espresso.

Let the bitter taste overflow in the mouth and taste for a long time.

Looking forward to it, what kind of big news will Li Wei make this time?

After all, the life of a judge.

It’s so unpretentious and boring…


A few days later, the Demon Tail Guild.


In the lobby, the crowd shook glasses with each other and cheered loudly.

Celebrate the return of Alyssa and Naz.


Mirage smiled.

Bring Alyssa a glass of ice orange juice.

“Oh, thanks.”

Taking the orange juice, Alyssa thanked her.

Then drink it happily.

Here, Lucy lay down on the long table and breathed a sigh of relief:

“What, it turned out to be just a procedure, ah, it really made people worry about it in vain…”

Next to her, Rebi wears wind glasses.

She smoothed her hands along with the archaeological data and smiled:

“Well, as long as people are okay, the House of Representatives is still reasonable.”

The Council is also the violent body that manages the magicians of the entire continent.

If you don’t even do some superficial work, you can’t convince the public…

Opposite Rebbe, Li Wei was holding a glass of cold beer and said coldly:

“If the House of Representatives dares to be unreasonable, then I should go over and ‘reasoning’ with them.”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was shocked.

“Hey, Levy, don’t be impulsive!”

“That is, isn’t Alyssa already back?”

“Calm down, don’t let the demon tail turn into a dark guild!”


The members of the guild dissuaded one after another.

Of course, they could hear the unhappiness in Levi’s words.

It is not only unpleasant to the Senate to arrest people without permission.

It was even more unpleasant to the congregation, to him for hiding this matter.

Because Levi had just learned that Alyssa had been arrested!

Otherwise he would have sat at the head of the jury.

Step on Crawford’s belly and ‘reason’ with the other party!

At this time, Alyssa exhorted:

“Li Wei, this time the jury is only doing things impartially, so don’t embarrass them, okay?”

After so many years, she also knew that Li Wei was a short-term protector.

If you don’t patch yourself.

The ghost knew when, he slipped into the jury to make trouble!

The corners of his mouth were crooked, and Li Wei shrugged his shoulders, a look of boredom:

“I’m just kidding, why are you so serious?”

With that, he took the cold beer and muttered a big drink.


The crowd was stunned.

Believe you ghost, you bad old man is very bad!

At this moment, Naz, who had just eased up the momentum of motion sickness, rushed over:

“By the way, Elusa, the battle wasn’t over yet!” Fight me again! ”

Hearing this, Alyssa glanced at him coldly, shook her head and sipped the ice orange:

“Next time, I’m not in the mood right now.”

However, Naz turned a deaf ear:

“No way! Right now, fight with me! ”

He pounced on it with his teeth and claws.


With a muffled sound, Alyssa punched him KO!

“Okay, so let’s start now!”

With a calm face and a raised her fist, she proudly raised her chin in battle.

Lucy raised her hand and said wordlessly:

“Well, you’ve killed him…”

Harby echoed:

“Hiccup! Naz was killed again! ”

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from the second floor:

“Hahaha, it’s really vulnerable!”

The crowd looked up and was astonished:



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