Moments later, the Ghost Dominator was victorious.

Back at the guild, the crowd celebrated.

“Hahaha, the goblin’s ass is beaten up and pissed, it’s so cool!”

A lewd man laughed out loud.

“Come on! Cheers! Celebrating our becoming the First Guild of Fiore! ”

Another bald man poured a cold beer and took a big sip.

Over the years, with Levi, Elusa, Mirage, Laxus and others to break through.

The Demon Tail Guild became the nominal First Guild of Fiore.

But now the Demon Tail Guild.

Beaten by his own ghost and fled.

The name of this first guild should also change hands!

Next to him, a petite woman with wheat-colored skin, crossed her waist with one hand.

She crooked the corners of her mouth and spat wordlessly:

“It’s too early to celebrate, right?”

We should take advantage of the chase and overthrow their guild! ”

A man put his arm around her shoulder and echoed:

“That’s right, the account that was knocked on the door can’t just be counted!”

One of the tour leaders raised his fist and shouted:

“We must make the demon tail completely disappear in this world!”



The crowd shouted in unison, and morale was higher than ever.


Suddenly, a black meteor smashed through the ceiling and landed heavily in front of the lobby.

The dust flew and the eyes of countless ghost members converged.

In the center, a black figure raised his hand and pulled.


It was like pushing open the window, and the dust around it was instantly swept away by several winds!

“Cough, what kind of thing doesn’t have long eyes!”

Dust billowed on, and a young man coughed and scolded.

“Hey, look at his right shoulder, this guy is also a demon tail!”

A bearded drunkard shouted at the shoulder of the comer.

“Another idiot who came to die?”

The ghosts and the crowd looked disdainful.

For the defeated generals just now, scoff!

The sword brow furrowed slightly, and Li Wei didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these dead miscellaneous fish.

The indifferent golden gaze swept around the lobby, and he said coldly:

“Tell me, Joseph, Gajiru, and the Four Elements!”

The tone of this command directly angered the ghosts.

“What do you say!?”

A fat man’s mung bean eyes were rounded.

“Now quickly kowtow and apologize, we may still be able to save your life!”

Another knife-wielding Scarface, with his index finger upside down and pointing at his feet, looked menacingly and menacingly.

“Wait, how do I look a little familiar with this guy?”

Suddenly, an older member frowned in confusion.

Soon, several more people sensed something was wrong:

“Black trench coat, single ponytail, golden pupil… This guy can’t be Levi, right!? ”

These are all iconic features of Levi.

Especially that pair of golden pupils.

Like molten gold, it flows and burns quietly.

Arrogant, indifferent, like the pupils of a dragon!

Elusa is known as the Queen of Goblins.

Mirage is known as the Demon Man.

Li Wei’s nickname is Dragon Hitomi!

And according to rumors, his temperament is similar to Gajiru’s!

Because there are a lot of similarities between the two.

So Levi and Gajiru are often used to compare, which is more like a real tyrannosaurus.

However, because he has been in a state of demi-seclusion in recent years.

It has gradually degenerated into some kind of legend.

So some of the new magicians don’t know much about him.

“It is said that his strength is at the same level as Gajiru’s predecessors!”

Some of the newcomers began to retreat and took a few steps back.

Although they did not know Levi, they knew the horrors of Gagiru very well.

No wonder the man in front of him was so fearless.

If only he had struck.

I’m afraid these people are going to suffer a lot of casualties, right?

“So what? Even the Goblin Queen and the Demon Mirage were scared away, afraid of him? ”

The strong man with the knife face had a hard airway.

Often licking blood from the knife’s edge, he was not afraid of Levi’s legend.

The so-called legend is just a false rumor!

Several of his companions also clamored:

“That’s it! Let’s go together, don’t be intimidated!

After killing him, the president will definitely reward us! ”

A senior middle-aged man encouraged:

“This guy is said to be the richest one of Demon Tails.

There are quite a few properties in Margunolia.

Take him captive and develop! ”

The others were immediately moved:

“Really fake!?”

The work of the so-called magicians is tiring and hard.

There is also a considerable amount of risk.

Those who can engage in real estate are all big dogs who have been promoted to local tycoons!

If this is a sum of money, I am afraid that I will not worry about eating and drinking for several years, and the beauty and money will be squandered!

“Fool you into not succeeding! It is said that his family also kept a hundred and eighty maids in captivity, singing in the basement night and night! ”

The middle-aged man said thoughtfully.

The ghosts were confused.

Nima, is life so boring for rich people?

This damn dog must be overthrown!

No longer hesitating, they called on:

“Up! him! Let him see the power of ghosts! ”

It was like beating up the local tycoons and dividing the fields, and countless ghost members pounced on them.

“Go and die!!”

Scarface jumped up high and slashed with his sword.

In all directions, dozens of ghost members pounced on him.

At the same time, there are hundreds of magic arrays, rising up in the distance, ready to bomb!

Seeing that the attack is coming.

Levi’s eyes didn’t bother to blink.

His eyes flashed with a touch of fierceness, and his right foot stepped slightly!

Split-type dragon out to sea!


In an instant, a huge and matchless impact force.

It spread from under Li Wei’s feet, slamming everything around him away!


The shock wave spreads in all directions like a tsunami.

Everywhere they passed, all the members of the ghost seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer and flew out powerlessly!

The huge impact directly shattered the foundation and top beams of the entire castle.

Countless cracks quickly filled the entire castle like creeping tigers.

Like cracked porcelain, it explodes!


The entire castle collapsed, and the rubble poured down like a torrential rain.




The shock wave spreads outward.

It was another three-sounding explosion.

The surrounding thousands of meters of the building underground, one after another shattered into powder.

It was like a dragon breaking out of the sea and hitting the long sky.

Inside and out, three circles of sand and gravel shook the sky.

It’s like three huge walls of rubble touching the sky.

It’s like a waterfall, sprinkling and falling…

A moment later, a tornado blasted away the dust that covered the sky.

The bright light of the midday sun, piercing through the haze, shines in.

The ghost’s castle has shattered into rubble.

The strong smell of blood filled the dust.

Many ghost members are buried here, horizontal and vertical.

Some were half-buried, dying, like spinach.

Some are buried in the earth, life and death are uncertain!

Li Wei landed on the ground, grabbed the collar of a ghost member, and asked in a cold voice:

“Say, Joseph, where are they?”

It just so happened that this guy was the arrogant Scarface of the previous one.

His face was covered in blood.

Seeing Li Wei, the extremely angry knife scar face crooked his mouth and scolded:

“I, I don’t know!”



Raising his hand and throwing it, Li Wei punched Scarface like a sandbag, punching Scarface and flying for thousands of meters!

Then he grabbed the second man’s collar.

This is a young man.

He waved his hands again and again, and said in utter horror:

“Big Brother! I say! I say! The president is in the main base to the north, and you can see it after about six or seven kilometers! ”

Li Wei squinted and smiled:


For such a virtuous young man.

Naturally, he did the same, and punched this boy two kilometers away!


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