Ghost main base.

A magnificent quartet castle.

It is located in a rocky stone forest.

In the humble prison, Lucy wakes up from her coma.

“Here… Where? ”

She slowly propped herself up and sat on the ground with her legs bent over.

Shaking her somewhat confused head, Lucy looked around.

His hands were tied behind his back with a hemp rope.

Surrounded by a room made of boulders.

A large iron door stretched across the narrow light, penetrating through the small window.

It’s like a prison, giving people a feeling of suffocation.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the light.

“Oh? Are you awake? Miss Lucy. ”

Lucy looked up suddenly:

“Who are you?”

In her wary gaze.

The iron door “creaked” and was pushed open.

Joseph in a dark purple dress walked in.

He wrapped his hands around his chest and proudly said:

“It’s rude, let’s introduce ourselves.”

I am Joseph, the guild leader of the Ghost Dominator, please advise! ”


With a twist of her eyebrows, Lucy suddenly remembered.

By the way, I went out to buy apples and bread before.

I was about to return to the hospital.

Caught by the Ghost Four-Element Jubia and Thor!

So this is the home of ghosts?

With his hands folded, Joseph shook his head and said:

“Although such a dirty cell is really uncivil.

But Miss Lucy, you are now a prisoner after all, please understand. ”

As he spoke, he rubbed his chin and proposed:

“If you are honest, I can change you into a guest room immediately!”

“Prisoners? Why are you attacking us!? ”

Lucy asked with a puzzled face.

First the Guild, then Rebbie.

Now grab yourself again.

What exactly do ghost people want to do?

Is it human trafficking again…

Isn’t it, so many people covet their beauty?

Lucy was a little confused.

However, Joseph laughed coldly:

“‘We’? Do you mean ‘Demon Tail’?

Oh, just by the way, by the way! ”

His face was full of black lines, and he explained with a grim face:

“Our purpose is to take someone away.

And that person happened to be inside the demon tail.

So I smashed the guild with my bare hands! ”

When he said this, Joseph’s tone was so contemptuous and dismissive.

He had never looked squarely at the Demon Tail Guild.

This operation is like seeing an ant nest on the side of the road before killing a chicken and plucking its feathers.

Before he himself encroached on the property of the Hartphia family.

For the sake of rejoicing, he boiled a pot of boiling water and went to water the nest.

As for what the ants think…

What do I have to do with you when I destroy you?

Lucy was even more puzzled:

“Someone? Who is it? ”

Raising an eyebrow, Joseph said with a strange face:

“Oh oh oh, how can it be so dull.

This is really not in line with the IQ of a big lady.

Or are you still pretending to be crazy and stupid? ”

With his right hand, he pointed to Lucy:

“The person I’m talking about is you.”

The gold of “Hatferia Complex”, Miss Lucy! ”

With a frozen face, Lucy bit her lower lip and said hardly:

“Why would you know this?”

From small to large.

She’s been living in the depths.

Is a veritable deep bridesmaid.

Except for the housekeeper, the servant and the father.

Almost no one knows what they look like.

In addition to looking a little better.

He is frugal, lively, grinning, and occasionally a little grumpy.

No one associates themselves with a dignified and generous tycoon.

Lucy is quite self-aware of this!

How does the other person know?

Joseph just smiled meaningfully:

“Honestly, I really don’t understand.”

Why would you let go of a life of good food?

Do those lowly and dangerous jobs? ”

Lucy gritted her teeth:

“Are you kidnapping for extortion?”

Knowing that his father was the richest man in the kingdom.

So he kidnapped himself to demand a ransom?

Then the ghost may be disappointed.

After all, the man was so cold-blooded.

In his eyes, work and money are the most important.

This only daughter herself.

It didn’t fit his eyes at all!

Not to mention paying the ransom!

“No, no, no, you misunderstood!”

Joseph waved his hand, chuckled and explained:

“The order was given to bring you back, but your father!”


It was like a heavy punch in the heart.

Lucy’s eyes widened with shock:

“How could it be, you lied to me! That person wouldn’t do that…”

It was impossible, how could that cold-blooded man send someone to find himself?

Obviously I ran away from home for more than a year, and I didn’t care!

In his heart, he had long forgotten that his daughter was!

If it was really him.

If it’s really him…

Wouldn’t it be herself who would be destroyed and the three of them would be injured?

For a moment, Lucy bit her lower lip deadly.

Her heart was filled with fear and self-blame…

Spreading his hands, Joseph wondered:

“How could it not? Lovely daughter ran away from home, sending someone to find it is also normal people, right? ”

Suddenly looking up, Lucy angrily rebuked:

“You don’t know him at all!

That person wouldn’t care about such a thing!

I would never go back to that house! ”

Since the death of his mother.

In that home, she could no longer feel a trace of warmth.

I feel like a caged bird.

He was chained to the yoke of the nobility.

Raised in captivity like a walking dead.

In the future, he will walk into the marriage hall with a noble prince who has never met before.

Then he bathed and changed his clothes and was taken to his room.

Passively becoming a human wife and having children…

That kind of life without freedom, without soul, like a puppet, she absolutely does not want!

“Oh yeah, what a headache!”

Shaking his head and sighing, Joseph looked distressed.

He had some sympathy for Jiude.

Served this kind of big lady for so many years.

Presumably it must be a headache, right?

“Let me go now!”

Lucy commanded stiffly.

“Sorry, but I don’t know!”

Shrugging his shoulders, Joseph said expressionlessly.

Lucy looked shy:

“That, then, I am now… What if I want to go to the toilet? ”

With an eyebrow raised, Joseph smiled angrily:

“Oh yeah, come with me to this set?” So…… Be my guest! ”

With that, he used magic to conjure up a bucket of mud and placed it earnestly in front of Lucy.

Lucy was stunned:

“What, you’re here really!?”

Looking at her embarrassed face, Joseph smiled triumphantly:

“Hahaha, the clichéd tricks are naturally easy to deal with.”

Lucy hesitated:

“This, only the bucket can not do, will be it.”

With that, she stood up straight, walked to the edge of the bucket, and prepared to undo her skirt…

This time it was Joseph’s turn to be stunned:

“What, you’re here really!?”

Just put it like this.

Does she really dare to go to the toilet in front of her own face?

What a shame!

If only my own daughter were like that…

Hey, why do you always feel a little sexually excited?

Cough, no, I’m a gentleman!

Closing his eyes, Joseph turned hurriedly.

Seeing the situation, Lucy, who was still a little nervous in her heart, suddenly showed a planned smile.

She rushed up in two steps and kicked Joseph hard in the crotch!



Joseph let out a long cry of pain.

A sharp pain instantly crawled all over the body.

Chicken flying egg beating, but so…

“The clichéd tricks can’t be underestimated, oh, goodbye uncle!”

With a blink of an eye on her left eye, Lucy giggled.

Playfully and cutely turn around and run away.

However, without running two steps, there was a dead end in front of him.

The wind is howling, and below it is a cliff more than twenty stories high!

Lucy stood in place in a daze.

One more step ahead, and she’ll fall to her death!

Gritting his teeth and rising from the ground, Joseph struggled to squeeze syllables out of his teeth:

“I’m sorry, this is a prison in the air!”

He covered his crotch with both hands, limped over, and said fiercely:

“If you dare to tease me like this, I will punish you well!”

Lucy turned her head to look at Joseph’s gloomy face.

The trance overlapped with the majestic and indifferent figure of his father.

If you go back to him, become his marionette.

That self… Better to die!

She turned back and faced the windswept cliff below.

Her face was tense, and Lucy had a look of determination in her eyes.

I’m sorry, Rebbe, Jeter, Troy, because I hurt you badly.

Sorry, Xuenai, the Virgo key can’t be returned to you by hand.

Sorry, mother, the daughter is not filial, so young to give birth to a light …

But, I will personally apologize in front of you!

By the way, and everyone with the demon tail, you are in trouble.

If there is an afterlife, it will be repaid to you.

Gritting her teeth, Lucy jumped!


Suddenly, just as she jumped.

A hand appeared out of nowhere and pressed Lucy’s shoulder.

She couldn’t help but be stunned and turned her head to look.

Time seemed to slow down dozens of times at this moment.

A black figure quickly became clear in Lucy’s eyes.

Li Wei pressed Lucy’s right shoulder, turned his head to look at her, and said coldly:

“If you just jump like this, this life will be gone, and life is so worthless in your eyes?”

As a man in two lifetimes, there are not many things he really cares about.

But people who despise their own lives are definitely one of them!


At this time, Li Wei flew at a high speed, bringing with it a fierce wind and wooden leaves.

Lucy’s long blonde hair kept hitting her cheeks.

She looked at Li Wei in shock.

The other person pressed his shoulders.

In the wood leaves and whirlwind, the figure that floated to the ground.

Deeply imprinted in her memory, unforgettable…


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