Ghost main base, thunderstorm rumbling.

Countless ghost soldiers flying in the rain curtain.

Li Wei moved his muscles and bones, making a crackling sound.

With a cold face, he urged:

“Okay, now hurry up and roll me.

Otherwise, I will be killed by accidental injury.

I’m too lazy to collect your corpses!” ”

The cold attitude is like a hypnotist.

Frightened, Naz and Harby said in unison, “Hih! ”

One man and one cat turned around and prepared to run.

Naz also urged:

“Hey, Lucy, let’s go!”

“Got it, wait a minute.”

Lucy nodded, then turned her head to look at Levi and pleaded:

“Levi, one of the four elements is a woman named Jubia.

Listen to Lisana say that in another world, she is a member of the Demon Tail Guild.

Can you convince her to leave the ghost at that time?

I don’t think she’s like a bad person…”

With a raised eyebrow, Li Wei turned his head back and glanced at her, asking back:

“Are you teaching me how to do things?”

Caught his golden eyes.

Suddenly, Lucy’s whole body shook her head:

“Yikes! No, I’ll just make a suggestion… When I didn’t say anything! ”

Then she followed Naz and Harpy and ran without looking back.

Ah stupid idiot, how could I have a brain pump, go and ask him!

The kind of guy who has no emotional intelligence has always been my own way.

If you can listen to the advice, there is a ghost!

Sure enough, he had just been rescued.

Suddenly, this soul is actually a good person’s illusion…

Looking at the girl, the back of the girl who was running away in the rain curtain.

Li Wei’s pupils shone with a touch of richness and depth.

It overlaps with the otherworldly Lucy who had only one side of the relationship two years ago.

A trace of unknown energy converges.

But soon, a trace of darkness crept out from under the pupil.

Devour all the energy…

Here, the ghost gate.

An oppressive shadow.

Coming out of the dark depths.

Every step he takes.

The foot sinks a few points.

Crawl out of the dense cracks like cobwebs.

Feeling the pressure of the other party, Gajiru turned his head and looked away, greeting:

“Yo, master, you’ve been fucked so badly!”


Joseph, who had just walked out of the door, slammed his fists together.

At the moment he was covered in mud and dust.

Although standing up straight.

But there was still a sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

Constantly stimulating his nerves, blood pressure went up like a bull market!

Looking at Lucy and Naz, who were about to run into the dense forest.

Joseph gritted his teeth:

“Gagiru, get that chick back for me!” I must concoct her well! ”

He then turned his head and commanded the four elements:

“Give it to me and kill that stinky little devil of Levi!”

Gagiru grinned:

“Hey——! Got it! ”

Four Elements: “Understand! ”


In an instant, the five people disappeared into the same place at the same time.

The next moment, four figures appeared around Li Wei at the same time.

The water in Jubia was cut off.

Thor’s Rock Sword.

The katana of the rabbit ball…

“Good sorrow, good sorrow, give you the pain of Makarov!”

Flashing behind Levi, Alia sobbed.

He did not hesitate to launch the airspace …


A huge explosion exploded, setting off countless streams of wind.

When the dust cleared, the four found that the attack was all empty!


Jubia’s eyes widened.

“no、no、no! Where did he go? ”

Thor who had dived into the ground, burrowed out of a pool of soft mud, spread his hands, and looked surprised.

The four elements hurried around.

On the other side of the Stone Ridge, Gagiru rushed all the way.

He was like a lone wolf, his eyes blazing with scarlet cold, approaching at high speed.

Soon, Gagiru caught up with the Naz duo.

He jumped suddenly, rushed up and swung his claws!

His pupils narrowed, and Naz’s heart beat wildly.

It was as if life was threatened.

His spirit gathered at high speed.

In an instant, Naz slammed his hands together.

Ten fingers pinched a large sword that was swung at high speed!

It is a big sword rather than a hacksaw.

Its tooth blades rotate wildly, and the cold edges are compelling, splashing countless raindrops.

Naz gritted his teeth and spat out angry syllables:

“Ga, Ji, Ru!”


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

The dazzling thunder light reflected Gajiru’s vicious face:

“Hey——, Fire Dragon, don’t run so fast!” We haven’t finished the fight yet! ”

As he spoke, he pressed down hard, vowing to cut Naz in half!

Although he couldn’t beat up Levi, he made Gagirou a little sorry.

But clean up Naz, he’ll still be happy!

Naz snorted coldly:

“Really? Just to my liking, I also want to beat you up! ”

Gritting his teeth, he pushed up with both hands.

The muddy water splashed, and Gajiru’s feet slid and he took half a step back.

Naz took the opportunity to kick it up!


In an instant, Gajiru was kicked out of more than ten meters.

As soon as he threw his right hand, the chainsaw changed back to its original form.

Then with a clash of his fists, Gajiru was covered in dense steel scales:

“You don’t need two dragons in this sky, so let me shoot you down, Fire Dragon Naz!”

As he spoke, a burst of emerald light erupted beneath his feet.

The awe-inspiring momentum forms a vacuum around it.

Even the rain can’t drip into it!


With a clash of his fists, Naz’s face was filled with pride:

“How dare you say, who shoots down who is not certain!”

As he spoke, a huge array of flame magic also burst out from under his feet.

Evaporate all the water elements within two meters of the body!

“Then come on!”

“Come on!”


Both rushed toward each other at the same time.

Everything was shattered along the way!

Suddenly, just as Naz and Gajiru collided.

A dark lightning bolt descended from the sky.

His eyes dragged a scarlet cold light.

Levi rolled over and kicked Gajiru in the face!


In an instant, the earth smashed out a huge gravel pit with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of more than one meter!


His eyes rolled white, and Gagiru spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Naz’s fire fist was just smashed.

Levi grabbed it casually and looked down at Gagiru at his feet.

Lips buzzed, revealing cold bytes:

“Hey, what are you running around as a prey?”

At his feet, Gajiru struggled, gritting his teeth:

“Levi!? You bastard…”

He now has ten thousand MMP sentences that he does not know when to say it or not.

Real Men on the Road 1V1 War, what are you here for!?

“Oh, can you still talk?”

The sword eyebrows were slightly picked, and the corners of Li Wei’s mouth pulled up a touch of fun.

“Ahem! Don’t underestimate… Iron Dragon’s Defense! ”

Gritting his teeth, Gajiru jerked his hands together.

A push-up, pushed open Levi stepped on his left foot.

He took advantage of the situation to turn over, hang a golden hook upside down, and split into Li Wei!


Clusters of wind blades swept through.

Li Wei took this foot with his wrist, and the corner of his mouth drew a sneer:

“Yeah, that’s right, it’s not interesting to be otherwise!”

If only I hadn’t concocted Gagiru well.

I can’t help but run this trip myself!

With a cold face, he grabbed Gagiru’s ankle with his backhand and twisted it with his hand.

Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,

In an instant, Gajiru’s whole leg.

Like bamboo, it shatters and is gradually twisted into a twist shape!


Gagiru screamed in pain and gritted his teeth.

He kicked his other foot away, but was caught by Levi again.

In the same way, this leg was also screwed into a broken iron twist!

Not just the legs, but the hands, the body, the head…

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Levi smashed his fist into Gajiru’s body.

He deliberately controlled the force.

It can make the other party feel full pain.

And not to abolish him and lose consciousness at once.

Levi prolonged the execution as long as possible.

One hit to kill Gagiru?

No, that’s too cheap!

The sound of violent beating, the cracking of Tielin, the howls of Gajiru…

In the thunderstorm intertwined into a symphony of sorrow, for a long time!


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