Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

In the thunderstorm, Levi kicked Gajiru one foot at a time.

The mud pit under his feet is getting bigger step by step.

The earth is also gradually sinking.

It’s enough to see how fierce the force is!

Gajiru was scaled all over his body and his eyes gradually turned white:

“Cough uh – poof!”

He coughed up a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs.

His head was tilted and he passed out.


With a soft breath, Levi moved his body.

Only then did his bones come alive.

As if it was just a warm-up.

The so-called iron dragon’s resistance to beating is nothing more than that…

At this time, Li Wei glanced at the two Naz and asked in a cold voice:

“Hey, why haven’t you two left yet, waiting to spend the night here?”

Naz shuddered:

“Hiccup! I’ll go! ”

Lucy and Harby were also frightened and hurried to catch up, and gradually ran away.

Boots stepping on the muddy water, Lucy chased after Naz and shouted:

“Hey, Naz, how do I feel, Levi, something seems wrong?”

Naz in front of him turned his head and wondered:

“Huh? Li Wei has always been so terrible! ”

Lucy shook her head, her face sad:

“It’s not this, his expression just now, it seems to be a little strange.”

Just now when he beat up Gagiru.

She found Levi, and from time to time she would show some eerie smiles.

That smile wasn’t obvious.

But if you pay close attention, you will always notice some weirdness.

Lucy always felt, as Levi seemed, somewhat enjoying the process of this abuse?

Is his heart a shiver?

“I don’t know much about that.”

Putting on a serious face, Naz muttered:

“But you should have paid attention to it usually.

Li Wei basically had no expression on his face, right? ”

Lucy thought as she ran, hesitating:

“This, as if it were…”

Seems to have known each other for so long.

Li Wei always had an indifferent expression that did not concern himself.

Lucy had never seen him laugh or be angry…

Even when Levi returned to his hometown.

He was still expressionless, with a dead man’s face.

At the time, Lucy thought Levi was just sad.

But now think about it:

It seems that there has never been an expression on his face?

Naz said in a deep voice:

“But there is one exception.

When he wants to kill or abuse.

That expression will appear on your face! ”

This was what he had heard Xue Nai say.

Li Wei was usually expressionless.

It seems to be because he is suppressing something.

However, once in the battle, the killing heart was moved.

Or his emotions fluctuate wildly.

Levi didn’t need to suppress it any longer.

Or it can’t be suppressed at all!

At this time, his mood will be unstable.

Become murderous and tyrannical.

The shot also began to be light and heavy.

Usually, Levi occasionally becomes grumpy.

It seems to have something to do with this.

As for why this has happened, Naz is not clear.

But according to Xue Nai, all this seems to be related to his devouring magic!

“Is this so…”

Sakura’s lips tightened, and Lucy turned her head to look at Levi.

A black figure in a rain curtain.

Seems a little lonely, cold.

It’s like a lonely dragon.

Looking around, there is no one of the same kind.

Only the inexhaustible enemy is still clamoring…

“Go and die, Levy!”

Rabbit balls with oriental ponytails.

Swing your katana and slash at high speed!

With a raised eyebrow, Levi grabbed the samurai sword:

“Going to the spa? Sorry, I clean myself and never do big health care! ”


A crisp sound of gold and iron breaking.

Li Wei smashed the blade with one hand.

Then rotate half a turn.

A swivel kick that kicks the other person far away.

Suddenly, the earth squirmed and undulated:

“No、No、No! What a vulgar man! ”

Thor drilled out of the ground.

At the same time, countless dirt quickly wrapped up Levi.

Sol righteously said:

“You are so guilty that I as a gentleman will never forgive you.

Bury you in the earth and repent of your sins forever!

Seal Magic: ‘Merci-la-vie’ (Confessions of Eternal Destruction)! ”

A dazzling array of magic suddenly burst out on the ground.

In an instant, Li Wei’s entire person was sealed in a stone ridge!

At this time, Jubia, who rushed up, paused in front of the stone statue Levi.

She put down the water knife in her right hand and said coldly:

“It seems that everything is over, and it is all over, and it is pouring out…”

Suddenly, there was a snap!

Petrified statues, shattered into countless stone chips.

In Jubia’s stunned eyes.

Levi twisted his neck and asked:

“What do you say is over?”

His face was crawling with dark incantations.

His eyes were gray and dark, and he let out a long breath of black mist.

This weird gesture.

Plus Li Wei’s handsome face.

Revealing a feeling of evil charm.

Deeply imprinted in Jubia’s eyes.


Flutter, flutter, flutter…

What’s going on, my heart is beating so fast.

Is this what it’s like to be in love?

I always feel like I’m going to suffocate.

Is love such a deadly thing?

Her cheeks were hot, and Jubia was holding her beating heart hard.

No, I can’t stand it anymore.

To turn him into something Jubia, by any means!

“Water is restrained!”

She raised her hand sharply and gave a loud sigh.

In an instant, countless water elements wrapped Li Wei’s entire body.

Form a giant water balloon that levitates in mid-air.

Glancing left and right, Li Wei clenched his fists.


The whole water cell shattered into a rain dew.

This scene fell into Jubia’s eyes.

It was even more exciting to her.

He actually broke through the restraint of his own water flow with his own hands.

Worthy of being an S-class magician with a demon tail.

And just when she was thinking wildly.

Li Wei had already punched him in the face!


Huge waterspout.

Directly penetrated the rocks several kilometers behind Jubia.

However, her body was unscathed.

“It’s a shame that the physical attack is ineffective against Jubia!”

Jubia, who had lost half of her face, said with a serious face.

“Is it?”

The sword eyebrows were slightly raised, and Li Wei’s eyes flashed with a hint of interest.

Women who can be elementalized have some value…

Taking advantage of this short gap, Jubia exhorted:

“Surrender, Levy, in the face of the four-element attack, even you can’t win!”

As long as you catch Lucy back, I will ask the master to let you join the ghost and release the previous suspicions!” ”

With a furrowed brow, Li Wei sneered:

“Oh, so why don’t you join the Demon Tail and help me clean up the other four elements?”

Just kidding, get yourself into the ghost?

This woman’s head is all right, right?

Hearing this, Jubia’s pupils narrowed.

Deal with the Four Elements with Levi!?

In her mind, countless pictures of Li Wei fighting side by side immediately appeared.

Is this a date?

Born into Death Date War?


In an instant, Jubia’s cheeks turned red and her brain went down.

There was countless scalding steam on the head.

It’s like an overloaded graphics card, almost giving up thinking…

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Li Wei had a “you’re teasing me” expression.

Is there really something wrong with this woman’s brain?

I remember that in Jubia, Adelas, my brain was quite normal.

Is she actually a fool in this world?

His left hand clenched his fists, crawling with countless dark magic.

Levi sighed at his fist.

Then he hit Jubia’s face and smashed it hard!

Since the physical attack is ineffective.

Then enchant an armed color.

Don’t believe in hitting the body!


In an instant, Jubia’s face was smashed into a bun.

Flying all the way out for more than a dozen kilometers…


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