It was when Levi beat Joseph violently.

A rolling/hot waterspout, smashing up!

The golden eyes froze slightly, and Li Wei casually threw the half-dead Joseph high.

Then a right fist squeeze, a backhand smash!


In an instant, countless winds condensed.

A thicker/stronger wind tornado is generated.

Tearing through the void and whistling away.


The two tornadoes collided fiercely.

Shaped like two giants/dragons, frantically biting and fighting.

Countless burning/hot rain dew and sharp wind blades, splashing everywhere.

In the end, it was Levi’s tornado that was better.

After completely extinguishing the waterspout of Jubia.

Shaped like a scarred wind dragon.

It roared viciously and slammed into Jubia’s body!

Whoops —

A cloud of rain and dew.

But soon, it squirmed and merged again, transforming into the appearance of Jubia.

Li Wei shook his hand and said coldly:

“If you don’t go away when you give you a chance, why do you still want to continue to fight with me?”

It is said that Jubia did not retreat but advanced, gritting his teeth:

“Of course, Jubia will never forgive, you negative man who punched me in the face!”

Her body was steaming hot, and she was pressing forward step by step.

The face is the life of a woman.

For Jubia.

Levi who punched her in the face.

You are depriving yourself of your life!

That’s why she’s so angry.

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei raised his right hand and asked rhetorically:

“Why blame me, shouldn’t it be your partner, didn’t you have time to save you?”

As he spoke, Joseph slid from his hand.

It snapped and slammed into the muddy ground, like a dead dog.


Jubia hesitated.

It seems like…… Indeed, as Levi said?

But she reacted quickly:

“It’s still you who hit me!”

Li Wei rolled his eyes and said:

“Isn’t that a given?

I’m a demon tail, you’re a ghost.

Do you need to be polite when fighting?

You think you’re having a masquerade party? ”

As he spoke, he tensed his face again and stomped Joseph two feet.

Just now still hysterical Saint Ten Demon Guides.

Now it’s like a baby rabbit doll with a battery cut off, at the mercy of Levi!

“I… You…”

Jubia was dumbfounded.

Indeed, the two sides are in different camps, and they will certainly not be soft in fighting.

So even if the two are happy with each other, they must fight each other…

Is this the fate of himself and Levi?

A sense of sadness rose from her heart.

“Then there’s nothing you can do.”

Jubia shook her head, brushed aside her frustration.

Then she raised her hand with a determined face:

“Goodbye, little flower of love!” The water is chopped! ”


In an instant, several sharp water blades smashed into Li Wei.

However, he did not dodge or dodge, allowing the water blade to pass through.

Jubia’s eyes widened in amazement:

“You… Why!? ”

At the ultra-high speed of its own water flow.

But it can cut steel directly!

Even Joseph did not dare to make a hard connection with his flesh.

Why did Levi do such a stupid thing?

Is it because of me that he is…

However, Li Wei twisted his neck and said with a bored face:

“Nothing, just the clothes are almost rotten, so I don’t bother to hide.”

As he spoke, the trench coat on his upper body shattered with a loud bang.

Revealing a strong and stylish figure.

Fought with ghost people for so long.

The clothes on Li Wei’s body were already torn.

When his clothes were intact, he still had the heart to hide.

But now, there’s no need for that!

Look at Li Wei’s stylish muscles.

Jubia’s eyes lit up and his heart fluttered.

What to do, the heartbeat began to speed up again…

At this time, Li Wei tilted his head and questioned:

“Are you sure you want to keep fighting me?”

Hearing this, Jubia’s cheeks were slightly red.

After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded:

“Well, of course, it’s the fate between us!

And I want to save the president, he took me in! ”

As he spoke, Jubia posed for a battle with a serious face.

Just as Li Wei avenged his own president.

She will also fight for Joseph.

At a time when everyone hates themselves.

It was Joseph who took her in and took her in power.

The ghost is the home of Jubia!

Li Wei couldn’t help but sneer:

“Really? Compared to someone, you are really good enough to fight to the death! ”

The words did not fall, and he pressed his feet.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! ……

A series of explosions stretched straight from the earth.

A monstrous earthen wall exploded along the way.

It stretches for more than a dozen kilometers.

Eventually it is hidden in the earth.

Quickly sneak away from the Thor high fly!

As soon as Li Wei raised his hand, countless dark exercises stretched out.

Shaped like countless king cobras.

Like chasing the stars and chasing the moon, crazy pounce!

Eventually, the dark magic wrapped Thor into a rice dumpling.

Pulled by Li Weiyi, he flew more than ten kilometers at high speed.

A bang fell in front of Levi!

Jubia: “Thor!? ”

Li Wei stepped on it, leaned over his knee, and coldly reprimanded:

“Don’t be a deserter when you fight, I don’t like to play peek-a-boo with people the most!”

Immediately, Thor struggled frantically with his hands and feet.

A head of green hair + brown suit.

Let him look like a fluttering turtle, begging for forgiveness:

“No、No、No! Levi, I apologize to you, I apologize to you!

Please spare me! I can give you money!

5 million J, no! Is 10 million J enough? ”

Li Wei squinted and smiled:

“Of course it’s not enough, I want you to be crippled for the rest of your life!”

His smile was immense.

But it makes people feel the chill of Sensen.

Like the devil smiling!

Thor’s pupils quickly crawled with horror:

“No! No…… Other…… Aaaa——!!aa ”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Another barrage of beatings.

Jubia stopped several times.

But she couldn’t even break the defenses!

In the end, there was a violent blow of justice.

Thor was already lame and scaly.

He was grabbed by the collar by Levi and raised his right hand dying.

A mouth full of teeth had been beaten to the point where there were only a few left.

Thor who was bleeding profusely, asked incoherently:

“Me and Jubia… One, a piece to catch Lucy and West.

Why you… You hit me, you don’t hit her… Yes? ”

Obviously Jubia was by his side.

And attacked Levi several times.

But he just beat himself up!

Ignore Jubia at all!

So Saul was puzzled: Why don’t I do her?

Li Wei, who carried him in mid-air, quickly turned cold.

His face was stretched, and his golden eyes glowed with a hint of chill.

How can you say that you are also your own partner?

This guy actually said such a thing…

Are the ghosts of the people all the same hill?

Taking a breath of cool air, Li Wei’s thin lips buzzed:

“Rest assured, it’s her turn!”

Then he threw Thor to the ground like garbage.

His eyes dragged a cold glow.

Li Wei punched backhand and leaned down to bombard down!


The earth cracked.

A huge shock wave swung away.

One kilometer of the earth.

All sunk at least half a meter in height!


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