In the middle of a deep pit.

The rain that falls around is constantly converging.

Gradually forming a quagmire, drowning everything…

Li Wei straightened up and took a long breath.

It’s like a dragon gasping for breath.

Beside him, Jubia stood numbly:

“It’s my turn next, isn’t it?”

Her face was frightened, and her eyes were hollow and dead.

That’s what Thor just said.

It’s like a fast knife.

Fiercely pierced in Jubia’s heart, blood flowing!

She was so desperate to save the other person.

But in exchange for Thor’s sentence “Why don’t I do her”.

She sees Thor as a partner.

But the other party pushed her into the abyss at a time of danger…

However, Jubia did not demand too much.

After all, the other party has been beaten for so long.

If you don’t have a heart and lungs, it’s also a matter of course, right?

It’s like a drowning man clutching the last straw.

Whether the other person is his or her own loved one.

Before death, only the survival instinct is left, and there is no reason to think about this.

What’s more, she and Thor are just ordinary partners.

Jubia comforted herself in her heart…

The sword eyebrow was slightly raised, and Li Wei glanced at her:

“Of course, who called you a member of the ghost?”

He twisted his neck and made a crackling sound of bones colliding.

Twist both finger knuckles at the same time, ready to get started.

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Jubia’s mouth:

“So if I quit now, is it too late?”

She asked half-jokingly.

Tilting his head, Li Wei raised his left fist and said coldly:

“The account that is for the tiger must be calculated!”

His fists were soaked in ink, quickly stained black.


Sipping his lips, Jubia nodded and closed his eyes.

She accepted her fate with a straight face.

Yes, this is the final destination of the rain girl.

In a lonely and deserted world.

Alone for the final judgment…


In the midst of the thunderstorm.

A blow to the lower abdomen, deafening and deafening.

Jubia flew out like a cannonball.

Finally fell on a large rock.


She spat out a mouthful of broken blood.

The body slid down the big rock.

Jubia reclined in the corner.

The head is slightly crooked, and the bangs are messy.

Those somewhat divergent pupils.

Reflecting the dark figure of Li Wei walking forward.

It’s like death coming with a sickle…

Jubia closed her eyes silently.

Click, click, click…

The sound of footsteps stepping on the rain.

It’s getting closer.

Getting closer…

Finally, in front of her, it stopped.

However, after a long pause, there was never another attack.

Jubia couldn’t help but open her eyes.

She looked at the young man standing tall in front of her.

The other person grabbed his pants pockets with both hands and looked at her condescendingly.

“You… Won’t it continue? ”

Jubia asked incomprehensibly.

“When the accounts are settled, I generally don’t like to abuse fools.”

With that, Li Wei once again returned to that indifferent state of not caring about himself.

The purpose of his visit was only to collect Joseph and Gajiru.

As for the rest of the ghost, it can only be counted as incidental!

As far as Jubia’s lack of roots was concerned.

Li Wei didn’t need to waste any more time concocting this stupid woman.

After all, he never bullies fools and disabled people.

Unless you can’t help it!

“So do you have anything else?”

Jubia was puzzled.

Since there is no intention of continuing to abuse yourself.

Why did he come over?

Li Wei tilted his head and asked seriously:

“Do you want to join the Demon Tail?”


Jubia instantly turned into Akuya.

A mentally retarded expression.

Eventually, there was some brainstorming.

She only then held out a sentence:


The index finger plucked out his ear, and Li Wei looked absent-minded:

“A woman once entrusted me.”

He was too lazy to do that.

But Lucy’s words made Levi change his mind.

Jubia bit her lower lip deadly:

“But I’m a ghost man…”

Li Wei asked rhetorically:

“Haven’t you quit already?”

Jubia: “…”

She now had mixed feelings.

You know, you can help the ghost bully the demon tail.

Why would he invite himself to join the Demon Tail?

Ten thousand steps back…

Li Wei had just punched himself twice!

This change of face is also too fast, right?

But with Levi’s logic.

Now that the accounts are settled, the people have run away, and the ghosts are gone.

Shouldn’t it be reasonable to invite her to join Demon Tail?

After a long groan, Jubia choked up her voice and said quietly:

“Will the members of the Demon Tail accept me?”

Her eyes were filled with shallow tears.

Admittedly, Jubia wanted to be recognized.

But she has experienced too many failures and rejections.

So, even if she is willing to believe, it is difficult to lift the courage again…

“That’s your business.”

Li Wei tilted his head and said coldly.

He was just carrying a message for Lucy in the Otherworld.

As for the additional three packs of services…

Sorry, have to add money!


Jubia’s tears went straight back.

Was it my own business!?

Sure enough, men are big pig trotters!

Suddenly, Li Wei’s words turned sharply:

“But if you don’t try it, how do you know?”

The words were deeply embedded in Jubia’s heart.

It was like a cold atrium, and a small slit was pried open by hard life…

But it wasn’t enough to get her to open up.

Jubia still had low self-esteem and bit her lower lip:

“I’ve tried it too many times…

Jubia is a rain girl, and everywhere she goes, it rains continuously.

I’ll get you into trouble, no one will like me…”

Hearing this, Li Weijian raised an eyebrow:

“Really? It turns out that this heavy rain is the ghost you made? ”

He looked up at the thunderstorm.

Jubia bowed her head in shame and blamed herself.

Her world gradually became black and white.

The thunderstorm in the sky seems to be getting bigger and bigger…


Suddenly, a huge tornado soared into the sky.

It was like a giant dragon roaring, instantly piercing through the dark clouds.

Ordinary punch Sky Dome Break!

The earth-shaking sound reverberated in all directions.

Dark clouds within a radius of thousands of miles were swept away!

A fierce wind blew on Jubia’s cheeks, and bangs flew up.

She looked up in shock, and a face of harsh sunlight sprinkled down, making the girl can’t help but squint her eyes.

When Jubia adapted to this light.

A blue sky dome comes into view.

Her eyes were stunned:

“This is…”

One punch changes the power of the sky.

What kind of monster is the ghost fighting against so far?

Jubia looked at Levi, who had already turned away.

Before leaving, Levi turned his head and glanced at her:

“I don’t know what other people think, but this kind of weather, come once I beat it up!”

Then, he walked away without turning his head.

Jubia opened her mouth, but found that she couldn’t say anything.

She looked up at the sky, and a rainbow bridge slowly emerged from the heavenly dome.

The girl’s heartbeat began to speed up again.

But this time the acceleration was slow and light.

But more firmly and powerfully than ever…

A sincere smile gradually appeared on Jubia’s face.

Perhaps, he really found his own prince.

At any time, you can give yourself a sunny weather son!

Suddenly, Leviton stepped down and turned around.

Watching the other party approaching step by step, Jubia was a little stunned:

“Do you have anything else?”

Her face quickly turned red.

The heart flutters and beats…

Is Levi trying to confess to himself?

No, Jubia wasn’t ready to say…

In her expectant eyes.

Li Wei crossed the Jubia and walked to the ghost main base, casually saying:

“I forgot to search Joseph’s little vault!”

He had just fought with Joseph, but he had deliberately avoided the castle.

In search of loot!

Jubia: “…”

She was crying and laughing, and she didn’t know what expression to make.

Yeah, that’s Levi.

This is the prince with his own evil heart!

“Lord Li Wei~, please let me search with you!”

She staggered up and hurriedly caught up with Li Wei’s figure, with a happy expression…


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