Rebi was puzzled:

“Why the confusion?”

Levi glanced at her.

Then he looked into the distance and said:

“I wonder if I’ve done anything wrong so far.”

Levi’s original purpose of becoming stronger.

It is to protect oneself and what one cherishes.

That’s why he chose to trade with the system.

However, even though Levi was close to invincibility, almost no one could kill him.

But the Demon Tail Guild was attacked!

When Levi saw.

When the Rebbe trio in the hospital bed.

A question popped into his heart:

Do you really have the ability to protect what you cherish?

Or is it that the other price of becoming stronger is to be accompanied by loneliness?

Rebi covers her mouth slightly:

“Whoops——! Uh huh…”

She giggled, her eyes narrowed into crescents, and she couldn’t help but be happy.

Levi glanced at her obliquely and asked:


Rebi couldn’t help but nod her head:

“Well, yes!”

She opened those clear eyes.

Turning his head to look at Li Wei, he smiled and said:

“I didn’t expect that either.

You heartless guy.

I would be embarrassed by this kind of problem! ”

Levi: “…”

“Don’t worry, no one in this world is absolutely perfect.”

Rebbe held the stone floor with both hands and looked into the distance.

She shook her head and preached:

“To get something.

Something is bound to be lost.

So don’t drill the tip of the bull’s horn.

You just have to do what you think is right, and that’s enough! ”

At the end of the conversation, Rebbie turned her head and looked at Levi with a serious face.

At the same time tapped him on the shoulder.

The four eyes looked at each other, and the girl’s eyes contained a determined look.

The summer breeze blows gently in the evening.

Aqua blue hair gently shakes.

Reby’s smiling and determined face.

Deep in Li Wei’s golden pupils.

A touch of darkness crept out from the bottom of the pupil like a poisonous snake.

But it struggled for a moment.

Suppressed by some unknown force…

Eyes closed slightly.

The corners of Levi’s mouth were crooked:

“Thank you.”

He broke the delicate hand of the other party and stood up.

Then leave with both hands.

In the dim red twilight, a long oblique shadow was dragged out…

Looking at Li Wei’s distant back.

Rebi pursed her lips and sighed.

This guy is still quite enlightened sometimes.

Thank you?

It was the first time.

I heard these words from his mouth…

She looked up at the sky.

One two bright stars.

It lit up the increasingly dark and deep night.

‘We… Is it his treasure? ’

Rebby’s right hand caressed her chest.

The heart pulsates softly, reaching the fingertips.

Like, some soon…

Shaking her head, she also staggered up from the riverbank.


Suddenly, Rebi screamed.

The sandals slipped under her feet.

Lean forward with a weak body.

Flutter a few times like a swallow.

Finally with a pop and crash into the canal!

A brilliant water lotus blooming…

In the distance, Levi turned his head and looked at it.

“Gollum, help! Gollum… Help…”

Rebi in the river kept fluttering.


Li Wei let out a soft breath.


A flash disappears into place.

He tugged at Rebbe’s neck.

It’s like carrying a kitten, picking each other up.

Levi crouched on the bank of the river, the corners of his mouth crooked at a boring angle:

“Even walking is a problem, and you want to swim?” What a Yaxing! ”

Suddenly, the word “well” appeared on Rebbie’s forehead.

This soul is faint…

Changed back to that underwhelming look!

If I had known this, I would not have given him psychological counseling!

She opened her cherry mouth.

Like a little female cat, she bit it without saying a word!


A few days after that.

The Demon Tail Guild is back on track.

The tavern, which was originally destroyed, was directly torn down and rebuilt.

The guild suddenly became a construction site, and it was in full swing.

The crowd began the reconstruction project with great interest.

The hardest working were Naz, Gray, and Elfman.

Leo and Elusa became captains of the engineering team.

Mirage continued to work as a waiter, pouring tea and water for everyone.

Lisana played with her sister’s side.

Of course, the biggest credit is Makarov.

He uses giant magic.

But one morning.

Just set up the big framework of the new guild!

At noon.

Everyone ate a large pot of rice together.

At this moment, a man in a green trench coat came over.

“Gray, Naz, Elusa, are you all here?”

Several people brushed and looked at each other.

“Oh! Loki, I haven’t seen you this week! ”

Naz bites the grilled fish and speaks incoherently.

“Where are you going to go to the girls?”

Gray chewed on a sandwich and guessed.

Loki poked his sunglasses:

“Oh, just go find something, can you help me return this bunch of keys to Lucy?”

With that, he took out a key and handed it over.

Alyssa frowned:

“This is… Star Spirit Key? ”

Harpy wondered:

“Wouldn’t you just give it back to her yourself?”

Loki smiled bitterly:

“You know, I can’t cope with the Star Spirit Sorcerer…”

Entrust the keys to three people.

Loki turned away and soon disappeared from the construction site.

Naz wondered:

“Loki, this guy seems a little strange lately.”

Harby echoed:

“Well, Li Wei hasn’t seen any trace in the past few days!”

Gray swallowed the sandwich and said:

“The ghost knows that that guy has always seen the head of the dragon and never seen the end!”

Entrusted by someone, Elusa and the three had to return the key on behalf of Loki.

Naz and Harpy rolled in through the window.

Gray climbed in from the chimney stove.

“Can’t you guys come in a little bit more normally?”

Alyssa sipped a cup of black tea and scolded.

Climbing out of the stove, Gray asked:

“How did you get in?”

Hearing this, Alyssa pointed her thumb at the door:

“Pick the lock!”

Where she is pointing.

The wooden door with the severed lock shook back and forth, creaking.

Gray was speechless:

“You’re not much better this way…”

Then the crowd searched the room.

But there was no trace of Lucy.

Eventually, Elusa came to the desk.

On it was a letter pressed with an ink bottle.

With a slight frown, Alyssa picked it up and glanced at it, and said in a deep voice:

“Lucy, she seems to have gone home!”

Suddenly, Gray, Naz, and Harpy exclaimed:


Didn’t Lucy just run out of that rich man’s house?

How did you run back on your own!?


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