A clear afternoon with blue sky and white clouds.

“Woohoo hoo woo

Black smoke rumbling train.

Roar past the railroad tracks.

Inside the carriage, Lucy held one hand at the window, holding her cheeks.

The scenery outside the window quickly retreats in the pupils, reflecting a touch of trepidation.

After getting off the train, Lucy hung up her shoulder bag and walked on the country road.

The bitter memories of the past come to mind one by one.

Eventually, the maiden stood on the hillside.

The view is wide and the breeze is blowing in your ears.

The bangs fluttered wildly on Qingchun’s face.

The grass under the high heels blows the ripples of the road.

The maiden looked down at the huge manor below.

Eyes drooping slightly, Lucy whispered:

“Mom, I’m back…”

She had just walked into the manor.

Suddenly, a group of servants were gathered around.

“Miss Lucy, have you finally returned!?”

Speaking was an old aunt named Sbeth, who pounced on her with tears in her eyes.

“It’s good to be safe… Welcome home! ”

It was a man on crutches named Bello.

“Miss, I brought back a reference book from the East, do you want to see it?”

A short, middle-aged man with glasses named Lead.

“Miss, did you elope with someone this year?”

The head chef still likes to talk about flowers as always.

Lucy had a touched smile on her face.

Everyone is the same as before, nothing has changed…

At this time, a young maid approached.

She put her hands on her lower abdomen and preached:

“Miss, the old man told you to go to the study in the main building to meet him.”

This commanding attitude is as if you are summoning your subordinates.

He is also the same…

A look of solemnity appeared on his face.

Lucy followed the maid into the large villa.

She came to the locker room.

Under the service of a maid.

Change into a red dress.

Looking back and forth, the maid asked:

“Miss, it seems a little small in size, doesn’t she?”

Lucy squinted and smiled:

“Yeah, after all, I’ve grown up too!”

The maid frowned:

“Then I’ll call the tailor and make you a new set?”

Lucy smiled and shook her head:

“Thanks, no thanks.”

Yes, I’ve grown up.

This cage… I can’t turn it off!

She came to the study and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

A dull permission.

Lucy pushed the door in:

“Father, I’m back.”

In front of a huge open floor-to-ceiling window.

The back of the mountain, as heavy and dark as a mountain, was reflected obliquely.

Jiude deep voice:

“Finally willing to come back?” Lucy, wise judgment. ”

He turned around and took a lofty posture:

“If you continue to stay in that guild.

Then I had to use money and power to destroy it! ”

Lucy was silent and lowered her eyes.

A heavy sense of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

In Jiude’s eyes, this became a sign of her daughter’s submission.

He was pleased:

“It’s lucky that you can understand this, and it proves that you have finally grown up.”

With his hands behind his back, Judd raised his chin and instructed:

“Then this time calling you back is for another lucky thing:

Your marriage contract with Jurunel’s parents and son has been made! ”

Lucy taps her chin:

“Well, I knew it would be like this.”

Her voice was low and lost.

Sure enough, I didn’t expect it.

Treat your daughter as a marriage tool.

Is it time to say that he is worthy of his own father?

What did the mother really like about this man?

Jiude turned around and Gu Zi said:

“Marriage to the Jurunel family.”

It will lay the groundwork for the march of the Hatferia Railway into the south.

It will be the one that will determine the future of our family and the lucky marriage, understand? ”

Lucy flicked her eyebrows:


Her voice was puzzled, low, and faintly mocking.

Why does he always put the word “lucky” in his mouth?

This is set to good luck.

Can it be called “lucky”?

“That’s right, lucky! Then you have to give birth to a boy.

It was up to him to inherit the property of the Hartfilia family.

That’s all I’m going to say, you can go back to your room! ”

After saying this, Jiude did not hesitate to drive away his daughter.

Lucy had a self-deprecating smile on her face.

In a blink of an eye, it converges.

She said in a deep voice:

“Father, have you misunderstood?”

Jiude frowned, turned his head and asked:

“What do you mean?”

Lucy let out a soft breath:

“Running away from home without saying a word is indeed my fault.

So I came back this time to make my thoughts clear to you, and then leave home and go my own way! ”

With a loud bang, she tore open the red dress and said in a loud voice:

“My marriage and luck don’t need you to decide.

If you want to continue to shoot at Demon Tail, everyone and I will accompany you to the end! ”

The torn red cloth drifted across the sky, like a broken birdcage, spilling on the ground.

“I wanted to say a few words to you.

But there is no need for that anymore! ”

Lucy turned decisively and strode away.

Walk to the huge wooden door.

After a pause, she said to herself:

“If only my mother were still alive.

She’ll let me do what I love, right? ”

Lucy looked over with tears in her eyes and her lips buzzing:

“Shayanara (farewell), Father.”

She pulled open the door and walked out.


The closing sound was soft.

The calmer it is, the more determined it is!

Judd’s hands behind his back let go.

He looked down at the red carpet at the door, the string of crystal tears.

He opened his mouth and finally squeezed out two syllables with difficulty:


When Lucy leaves the estate.

She was greeted by Alyssa and her party.

After some inquiry, I realized that it was a false alarm.

The crowd laughed and left.

Through the floor-to-ceiling window, Jiude watched his daughter’s happy smile fade away and blur.

In the end, only a long sigh remained.


Suddenly, the maid came knocking on the door.

Jiude turned his head and looked:

“What’s the matter?”

The maid nodded:

“Lord, the president of Smile Moon Company has come to you.”

Hearing this, Jiude couldn’t help but frown:

“Smiling Moon?”

He knew the company.

A commercial company that has expanded significantly in the last two years.

Catapult to one of the top consortiums in the Kingdom of Fiore.

It is said that the leaders of this company have some quirks.

Because the English language of the smiling moon is:

Smile· Moon

Abbreviation: S· M Company!

Normal people shouldn’t have such a name, right?

However, the other party did not have any business dealings with the Hartfilia family.

Why did you find yourself?

“I see, here it comes.”

With doubt, Judd cleaned up the papers on his desk.

Then, led by the maid, he went to the parlor.

Halfway down the corridor, I met the president.

A beautiful woman in a cherry white kimono.

Bright eyes and bright teeth, good face, a handful of bangs hanging on the cheeks.

The remaining three thousand green silks were all pulled to the back of the head and fell to the waist.

She seemed to come out of a picture, like a fairy.

Jiude hung up a commercial fake smile and greeted it:

“Are you Miss Moon Watching?” What a young and promising thing! ”

He had heard that the president of the Smiling Moon was an Oriental woman.

So I wasn’t surprised that she was wearing a kimono.

“Mr. Judd, just call me Cindy.”

Cindy covered her mouth with a chuckle, a graceful demeanor.

“Oh, may I ask you if you came to me for anything?”

Jiude went straight to the point.

Cindy shook her head:

“It’s not me looking for you, it’s our boss looking for you.”

Jiude couldn’t help but frown:


President of the Smiling Moon.

Isn’t it this Toyo named Kanzuki Pityko?

Just when he was wondering.

Cindy had pushed open the door to the parlor.

Caught in the eye of Jiude.

It is a young man in a tuxedo.

He has a single ponytail and his bangs are parted.

The handsome face is like a knife sharpening an axe.

A pair of slightly drooping golden pupils are deep and confused.

Like flowing gold, it exudes a striking magic.

The man was like a well-educated nobleman.

Light is sitting there calmly.

It’s a light picture.

Nearby, Xue Nai, dressed in a blue and white maid suit, brewed a cup of fine black tea.

Levi took a sip and then put down his teacup.

He held the three fingers of his left hand on his forehead, raised his eyes and swept towards Jiude, and opened his mouth coldly:

“I heard you want to bring down my guild?”


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