House of Representatives, Fiore Branch.

An old and stately building.

Makarov came to trial.

Today is the day the ruling on the War between the Demon Tail and the Ghost is announced.

The Ghost Dominator is disbanded.

Joseph was removed from the list of the Ten Great Wizards.

These are to be expected.

The only thing that surprised him was the news of the innocence of the demon tail.

Sit on a stone bench in the promenade.

Makarov wrapped his hands around his chest and asked with a frown:

“Yami, is this sentence too arbitrary?”

Fight between two guilds.

Even if it is legitimate defense, it is too biased in favor of the demon tail.

You know, Li Wei’s subsequent retaliation methods can be described as “cruel”!

Next to him, Senator Yajima put his hands on his thighs.

The short old man had an expression of an old god in the present:

“Thank you, Ma Sauce, I have defended you a lot.

Moreover, Li Wei was still a bit rational and did not destroy all the ghosts.

Otherwise, even if the Jursay deliberately takes sides, it will not be possible to rule acquittal. ”

Wars between magicians have always been rivers of blood.

This battle between the demon tail and the ghost.

Compared with the second trade war 96 years ago, it can really only be regarded as pediatrics!

Toto now has developed medical magic.

After the jury arrived.

Many ghost members who were about to hang up were rescued.

Although most of them end up with lifelong disabilities.

But it is better than death and injury.

Leo and Gray were clearing up.

It also did not cause death, and at most a few ice sculptures were frozen.

Otherwise Speaker Crawford.

Nor will he risk being scolded to death by the whole society to acquit the demon tail.

Hearing this, Makarov looked up at the sky and sighed:

“Levi… He can still remain rational, which is really a blessing in misfortune…”

He knew some of the boy’s secrets.

Usually, Li Wei was suppressing his own dark magic.

This is a confrontation on a spiritual level.

A delicate balance is maintained.

However, once Levi is really provoked, this balance is upset.

It’s not just about dead people…

Maybe it’s time to talk to him too!

“Ma Sauce, don’t mess around anymore, we’re not young anymore.”

Yajima spoke in a serious tone, looking up at the blue sky:

“You should learn from Rob too, right?”

Nine years ago, when Li Wei forcibly demolished the Tower of Paradise, he rescued Rob and Elusa.

Although afterwards, Bolusika also tried his best to recover for Rob.

But in the end, it hurts the source.

Rob died a year ago.

People have their own destiny.

Rob also enjoyed at least eight years of fun.

In the end, he died laughing.

Yajima, however, is worried.

If Makarov continues to be strong.

Maybe there is no chance of dying, just live on the battlefield.

That may have been the death of a soldier.

But by no means an old man’s way of dying!

Makarov said sadly:


Those old bones of those days.

But it’s also a bunch of big thorny heads.

Occasionally, it comes in a mess.

But every day was a great time.

However, I didn’t expect that the first person to go would be Rob…

Who will the next Grim Reaper patronize?

At the thought of this, Makarov’s face was flushed with depression.

“Recently, there have been more and more people who cannot tolerate the rudeness of the demon tail.

Og and Michelo have even made a request to disband you. ”

Yajima turned his head and said with a serious face:

“Ma Sauce, listen to my advice.”

It’s time for you to retire too.

Otherwise, in the end, it is really difficult to protect itself. ”

Although Demon Tail has been doing things all along.

But the voice has never been louder.

Of course, Yashima is also mediating from it.

Both Zikrein and Urna rejected the proposal.

But he was still worried.

Follow this momentum.

Makarov will end up in a late game.

However, Makarov looked helpless:

“As Demon Tail is like this, how do you want me to retreat?”

Now Guild Net is a bunch of troubled youth.

As soon as he gave up, he was afraid that the next day, the guild would disband in place!

Yajima is a serious way:

“That’s what you’re thinking about!”

Makarov: “…”

What a good brother!

After that, Makarov left the House of Representatives.

Yajima sent him off.

As soon as I came to the door, I saw a young man in white leaning outside the gate, Zikrein!

“Yo, Mr. President Makarov, looks good!”

Makarov furrowed his brows:

“Zikrein? Are you looking for me for something? ”

The handsome young man shook his bangs and chuckled:

“Oh, just come and say hello.

Just accidentally heard you consider retreating.

I think you might as well consider how Levi is. ”

Zikrein recommended it with a sincere face.

Makarov nodded with a straight face:

“I’ll take your opinion into account.”

It is said that Zikrein spread his hands:

“That couldn’t be better.

By the way, there is now a vacancy in the Holy Ten.

You shouldn’t mind if I nominate Elusa, right? ”

Makarov let out a soft breath:

“Do as you please, I’ll go first if it’s all right!”

His attitude was somewhat cold.

It’s like social rhetoric.

I just want to hurry up and get rid of this enthusiastic young man.

“Okay, but I hope that the next time the demon tail breaks into trouble, the person who comes to submit the review is Li Wei.”

Without saying a word, Zikrein gave way to a road.

He made a gesture of please, very respectfully.

Makarov left with Yajima.

Look at the backs of the two little old men in the distance.

The smile on Tsikrein’s face grew brighter.

After walking far, Yajima said with a heavy face:

“Ma Sauce, it’s better to deal with that guy less.”

Honestly, he couldn’t see through the young man.

Although Zikrein is an excellent new generation of critics.

But when it comes to Demon Tail, he is always unconditionally biased!

This ghost incident, except that he was saying good things.

Mostly thanks to the deaths of Zikrein and Urna!

Although Zikrein always said that Levi had once saved his brother.

But Yajima always felt that he had something else to do.

Makarov said in a deep voice:

“I don’t have to say I’ll do it.”

When things go wrong, there must be demons, and people who have abnormalities are demons.

Zikrein always had a smile on his face.

Instead, he appears hypocritical.

What’s more, this boy was actually biased towards Li Wei in every way.

Saying that he is not gay, Makarov does not believe it!


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