Demon Tail Guild.

The grand building began to take shape.

An open-air venue.

The guild members drank and fisted as usual.

In front of the bar, under the umbrellas.


Lucy let out a long sigh and threw herself on the table.

Look at the girl’s sad look.

Mirage, who was wiping his glass, turned his head and asked:

“Ah, Lucy, what’s wrong with you?” Looks listless. ”

Hearing this, Lucy propped up the table with both hands and straightened up to explain:

“It’s because I worked at Rubinas the other two days.”

She snapped her fingers and recalled one by one:

Naz spewed fire everywhere, Gray froze everywhere.

And Elusa… Especially Elusa!

Ah——, really don’t want to think about it! ”

At the end of the day.

Lucy covered her head with her hands and exclaimed in amazement.

A lazy look of “brain trembling”.

That look was hell.

The three of them alone destroyed half the city.

The Demon Tail Demolition Team is really worthy of the name!

Mirage pressed his hands down one after another, squinting his eyes and laughing:

“Lucy, calm down, calm down…”

It took a moment for Lucy to recover.

She has the strength to say:

“All in all, because they have destroyed so much.

So the reward was cut twice.

The money allocated to you is pitifully small…”

He parted ways with his father before.

She formed a team with Alyssa and the others.

I thought I could be self-reliant.

As a result, just do the loss-making business and go!

If it weren’t for the task with Xue Nai before, I saved some money.

Now I’m afraid I can’t even pay the rent!

Is it to say that you have to go to Xue Nai to practice again?

Lucy felt that her face was still relatively thin…

“Oh, since that’s the case, why don’t you team up with Lisana to try it?”

Mirage raised an index finger and smiled at the proposal.

“Your sister?” Is this okay? ”

Lucy was a little surprised.

“Of course, I think Lisana will be happy too.”

Miraj readily agreed.

Hook up for Lucy and her sister.

After all, she usually did not allow Lisana to do dangerous tasks.

And Lucy is also a rookie newcomer.

The two of them do the task together, just right!

Then I chatted with Miraj for a while.

Lucy ordered a glass of ice orange.

She sipped the straw and sighed:

“But then again, Elusa, they’re too good at making things happen, aren’t they?”

Although in the past in the magazine.

I often see the news that Demon Tail is going around doing sabotage.

At the time, I just thought it was interesting and new.

But see it with your own eyes.

Or do you think they’re going too far…

Mirage wiped the plate and shook her head:

“No way, they’re all poisoned by ‘someone’!”

Although being diligent in doing things is the fine tradition of the demon tail.

But after someone joins.

Carry this tradition forward!

At this moment, a full rebuttal came:

“You directly said that Li Wei had it, so why did you bend over backwards?”

The voice was low and magnetic, with a faint hint of mockery.

Mirage frowned and turned his head to look:

“Laxus!? Are you finally willing to come back? ”

Her words were prickly, and she stared at each other with a heavy face.

For the bad attitude before Laxus.

Mirage still harbors a grudge at the moment!

Laxus is in a leather shoe suit.

Cloaked in a generous plush trench coat.

He strode forward.

That angular and resolute face evoked a sly smile:

“When I return to the guild is my freedom, you are less wordy!”

With that, Laxus glanced at Lucy again:

“Isn’t this the culprit who caused the guild to fall apart?”

You big lady don’t go home and pampered, is it fun to stay here? ”

His tall figure with the muscles knotted.

Like a hill that enveloped Lucy.

Bring heavy psychological pressure to the other party.

Lucy looked at him sheepishly.

I was a little frightened and overwhelmed.

After all, it was really because of her that things happened before.

But the other side has such a cold and piercing attitude.

It really made Lucy a little scared…

Suddenly, Miraj sighed:

“Laxus, you’ve had enough!”

She put down the rag and dinner plate in her hand and said with a gloomy face:

“Lucy is a member of the Guild, and where to stay is her freedom!”

As he boarded, Laxus proudly raised his chin.

He sneered:

“Then I am also a member of the guild, and it is my freedom to count her down!”

Mirajme glared:


She gritted her teeth.

One bite of freedom, is this a matryoshka doll in infinity?

Didn’t expect years to pass.

The extent of this guy’s.

It’s almost time to catch up with Levi!

It’s loud and noisy.

Soon noticed by the rest of the guild.

The crowd watched and whispered.

“Hey, Laxus and Mirage are arguing again?”

“I heard that he came back yesterday and sent a sack of money to Li Wei’s family.”

“So Laxus is upset now, looking for a place to vent?”

“It should be, I hope they don’t fight…”


The crowd was worried.

Although these two S-Class Sorcerers.

Not as good as Li Wei’s god-level disaster (human destruction).

But fighting, at least it is also a disaster from ghost level to dragon level (multiple cities destroyed)!

Laxus, however, is not too much trouble.

He looked at Miraj’s pretty face full of black lines and smirked:

“Oh yeah, I haven’t seen this expression in a long time!”

What, you want to fight with me can’t do it? ”

As he spoke, Laxus crossed his left hand at the waist.

The index finger of the right hand is placed together with the middle finger.

Chong Miraj ticked the hook, a look of madness.

This attitude directly angered Mirage.

A black light shone all over her body.

Directly change to Satan form.

A breath of death instantly filled the entire guild!

Meanwhile, on the street.

Elusa and a few others are preparing to come to the guild to take up work.

In an instant, I felt Miraj’s breath of death.

The crowd narrowed their pupils and then immediately rushed over.

Elusa was the first to rush into the guild.

“What happened!?”

She held a steel sword in her hand and screamed.

Then, the scene of Miraj’s confrontation with Laxus is seen.

One was covered in black fog.

One person was splashed with thunder.

The momentum of the two sides is-for-tat.

Mirage gritted his teeth and stared at Laxus.

However, the latter’s smirk did not change.

The corners of his mouth grinned with a mouthful of large white teeth and an excited expression.

The rest of the guild has retreated step by step.

Lucy strode over and hurried for help:

“Elusa, are you here?” Hurry up and stop them! ”

Gray and Leo glanced at each other.

The two immediately rushed up.

Stop in front of Laxus.

Leo punched his left palm with his right fist, a posture ready to cast a spell.

He tensed his face and asked in a deep voice:

“Laxus, what are you going to do?”

Look at the two Gray who are guarding Mirage.

Laxus sneered:

“Oh, it’s just an activity.”

He turned his head, glanced at Elusa and Naz, and suggested in a loud voice:

“Just so you are all here, why don’t you try it?”

Alyssa pressed her mind.

It was not provoked by Laxus.

But Naz was excited.

He grinned with sharp teeth:

“Really fake? Then let me come first! ”

Naz touched his fists.

A fiery red flame array burst out in front of him.

With a scorching flame in his right hand, he leaped high.

“Pick it up, Laxus! The Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon——!! ”

Naz was like a fire dragon, roaring and swinging his fist at Laxus.

The latter laughed dismissively.

He clenched his right fist and thunder burst out.

Get ready to punch this incompetent little fire dragon into the air.


Suddenly, a black meteor fell from the sky.

Naz leaping in mid-air.

He was smashed on the muddy ground and his face was dusty.

The crowd covered their faces and stood guard.

When the dust cleared, Levi sat on a bench.

He stepped on the white-eyed Naz.

With a glass of vodka in his hand, he said leisurely:

“The guild is not the place for you to fight casually.

If anyone wants to go to the hospital and lie down for a few months, go ahead and fight! ”

Laxus lowered his dust-blocking hand.

“Levi? What, you want to stop us from fighting? What a rarity! ”

Although he was a little surprised, he still had a smirk on his face.

Did Li Wei take the wrong medicine?

You know, in the past, even the demon tail was turned upside down.

He didn’t even bother to say half a word!

“No, you’re mistaken, this is the president’s order!”

Li Wei put down the bottle, took a sip from the glass, and said in a deep voice:

“From today onwards, I will be the fourth generation president of the Demon Tail!”

He cocked Erlang’s legs and declared in a big guy’s posture.


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