This statement came out.

The guild crowd was momentarily stunned.

Gray’s eyes widened:

“Levi, what did you just say?”

Leo was equally incredulous:

“Big brother, are you the fourth generation president?” Not a joke, right? ”

Others were also stunned.

“Am I dreaming?”

Jeter tried to pinch his thigh.

“Hiss – it hurts! What are you pinching me for!? ”

Troy scolded with a look of pain.

“Ah, sorry, pinched wrong…”

Lucy is equally ashamed:

“Doesn’t it seem like April Fool’s Day today?”

The crowd was incredulous and there was a lot of discussion.

Just then, an old man coughed:

“Cough, all right, let’s all be quiet!”

The members of the guild looked sideways.

Under the convergence of countless eyes.

Makarov was on crutches.

Walk slowly through the gate into the guild.

Alyssa followed the old man’s footsteps and asked in a deep voice:

“Master, Li Wei said he was the fourth generation president, is that true?”

The congregation also pricked up their ears.

Makarov raised an eyebrow:

“Huh? Oh, and it is.

I thought this would tell you.

Did he already say it first? ”

As he spoke, he glanced at Levi.

The boy was holding Erlang’s leg with a golden knife.

Stepping on Naz, carrying vodka, leisurely savoring.

It doesn’t feel like the new president.

It’s a little more like a big villain…

This gesture fell into the eyes of Laxus.

It added to his anger.

“Old man——!! What the hell is going on here!? ”

Laxus craned his neck and dragged a long roar.

In an instant, the thunder is thunderous!

A golden brilliant thunder power field suddenly spread!

There was a crackling roar.

Swing away the circle of dust.

The demon tail crowd swept away by this thunder power field.

They all felt a tingle of numbness in their skin, and some could not move!

Makarov tensed his face and lifted his eyes.

The slightly cloudy deep gaze moved up.

He looked at Laxus.

Once that naïve little grandson.

Now he has become a muscular macho man who has lost his mind.

He clenched his fists and made a creaking sound of bone joints colliding.

The upper body is bulging and leaning forward slightly.

Laxus is like an aggressive tyrannosaurus.

He had a smirk on his face.

It’s long gone.


It’s a gritted tooth.

Vicious to the extreme.

It can almost be said that the face is unrecognizable!

Makarov let out a soft breath and muttered:

“I’m going to retire, and it’s fitting for Levi to come and go.”

So what’s wrong with having him as the next president? ”


Laxus bit his teeth hard, making a harsh grinding sound.

What’s the problem?

Having Li Wei as president is the biggest problem!

Are you kidding.

Can this kind of guy be the president?

This old man is really Alzheimer!?

Laxus at the moment.

It’s like hearing Grandpa make a will.

Leave all the billions of family property to Xiao San as indignant!

This was from ten years ago.

Levi joins the guild and begins.

The resentment that has been accumulated.

Freezing three feet is not a day’s cold…

It’s all because of this guy——!!


Thunder burst out, and Laxus was instantaneous.

He jerked Levi’s collar.

Gritting his teeth and glaring at this bastard.

However, Levi’s face was cold and he tilted his head.

“You want to fire with me?”

He squinted his eyes slightly and asked.

Without saying a word, Levi calmly took a sip of vodka.

Don’t take Laxus seriously at all.

The wine he spat out as he spoke drifted onto Laxus’s face.

It’s like a catalyst.

Sharply ignited the anger of the other party.

Almost instantaneously, Laxus’s breathing became heavy and urgent.

A pair of eyes crawled with countless bloodshots.

Like angry little snakes.

Constantly devouring Hitomi.

That was his last remaining sanity.

In constant trembling and contraction.

Like a man standing on a cliff in the abyss.

Just a finger with a gentle push.

Nothing will happen in no time!

Stalemate for a moment.


A thunderclap shook the sky.

Laxus turned into a bolt of thunder.

Disappear into the sky dome.

Softly landing, Levi pulled on the collar.

The corners of his mouth pulled up a touch of boredom.

I was thinking of taking this opportunity.

Beat up Laxus again.

After all, this product has been a bit of a jump lately.

As the new president, he deserves to come down!

But Levi didn’t expect it.

That guy was stunned at a critical moment!

Could it be that Laxus, like Makarov, was an arrogant woman?

Levi pinched his chin.

I imagined it.

Laxus wears a magical girl suit.

A delicate/shy look…

Li Wei snapped and covered his eyes.

Sleeper, my eyes!

On the other side, Miraj retracted the Satan form.

“Master! You should be kidding, right? You’re kidding, right!? ”

She asked urgently, with a suspicious look on her face.

Alyssa patted her on the shoulder and exhorted:

“Mira, calm down…”

Rebi also gave a word of advice:

“Yeah, Mira, you don’t have to be so out of shape, do you?”

Although I was also a little incredulous…”

At the end of the conversation, she held her forehead and felt her head explode a little.

Miraj’s tears were about to flow out, with a cry:

“How do you want me to calm down in this situation!?”

It is not good to let who will be the next president.

Do you have to let Li Wei do it?

As far as his emotional intelligence is concerned, he also has a personality that will be rewarded.

Himself and Elfman and Lisana.

I’m afraid that I will soon be kicked out of the demon tail because my left foot stepped into the guild first!

Soon to lose his job, how could Miraj not panic?

Here, Li Wei poured another glass of vodka and said coldly:

“Rest assured, I won’t kick you out of the guild.”

The only good thing about being president is a little bit of a president.

He was able to summon Miraj as a servant.

After all, she is a special waiter for Demon Tail.

Something Mira does, nothing to do Mira (beating), isn’t it fragrant?

If this is driven away, it will be very boring!

Mirage said huh.

Then proposed:


I think it should be voted on democratically.

Let’s decide on the next president!

What do you think? ”

Suddenly, the congregation crowd echoed in unison.

“This can be!”

“I agree with Mirage’s proposal!”

“Then, if you don’t approve of Li Wei being the president, please raise your hand!”


In an instant, almost the entire guild raised their hands to vote.

Only a few people did not raise their hands.

They are Makarov, Elusa, Leo, Naz (comatose), Lucy, and Reby.

Yes, Levi also raised his hand!

The crowd was shocked:

“Sleeper, what are you doing with your hand!?”

Vote against yourself.

They are still seeing each other for the first time!

Wasn’t it Levi who threatened Makarov to get the position of president?

Li Wei sneered:

“You think I’m willing to be the president?”

And it’s not because you’re so wasteful! ”

Crowd: “…”


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