The crowd protested.

Pressed down by Makarov.

It is an established fact that Li Wei is the new president.

And the crowd learned the inside story:

Li Wei will only be the acting president for one year!

If only it were in this year.

Who can do it to Levi.

Or show even better leadership than he does.

You can become the president of the five generations of demon tails!

The former one is basically nonsense.

But the operability of the latter is very strong.

Because as long as Levi or Makarov either nods his head!

After all, Li Wei really had little interest in the position of president.

If only someone could get by.

He was immediately able to abdicate and give way.

If there really is no general among the dwarfs…

Then this guild will still fend for itself!

And the demon tail crowd is full of morale.

After all, this is much more interesting than selecting an S-Class Sorcerer.

“Troy, do you want to be Bibi, who can be the new president?”

Jeter gave a thumbs up and squinted at Troy with a serious face.

The latter smiled triumphantly:

“Oh, no problem, Rebby, you are a notary!”

Rebbie applauded:

“Oh well, come on!”

How perfunctory and perfunctory the tone is…

It’s not that she looks down on these two hairy small.

It is true that they do not have a little pressure in their hearts!

Like Gray, it’s a lot of B-numbers.

He crossed his waist with one hand, and the corners of his mouth were crooked:

“I’ll take the S-class magician first.”

Leo, who has become an S-Class Sorcerer:

“Well, President Goseido?” Give it a try. ”

He rubbed his chin and his face was full of interest.

Grab the position with your big brother, or very emotional…

The crowd looked at the two brothers who were wearing only pants, and their faces were speechless.

If only the demon tail had two S-Class magicians who loved to undress.

That’s a lot of laughter.

As for Leo being president…

The degree of ghost beasts is also no less than that of Levi!

And Elfman, who had just come to the guild.

After learning the whole story.

He immediately raised his right fist and shouted:

“Sister, I will definitely be the president for you, man——!!”

The two-meter-tall muscular maniac was extremely excited.

Nearby, Lisana squinted and clapped with a look of shame:

“Oh, come on, brother…”

Even if she is partial to her brother.

Also know that it is impossible…

And Miraj, who knows this.

Then I found it…


“Elusa, please.

I will fully support you.

So you must become the president! ”

Mirage clasped her hands around Elusa’s shoulders and pleaded with a serious face.

Although she and the other person had not looked at each other well before.

But the two belonged to a relationship of both friend and foe.

It is not possible to generalize with Li Wei’s kind of life-and-death enemy!

So even if Alyssa becomes the president.

It was also ten thousand times better than Li Wei’s soul!

Alyssa looked overwhelmed:

“Huh? Oh, I, I see…”


Mirage asked her so seriously.

It’s really not used to it…

At this time, Naz woke up from his coma.

After learning a bunch of things.

He touched his fists and shouted:

“Levi, duel with me!”

In the stunned eyes of everyone.

There was a fire in Naz’s throat.

Sharp teeth and sharp teeth swinging fire fist at Li Wei.

In his opinion, not only can he turn over Li Wei, but also become the president.

Elusa, Mirage, Leo, Gray…

All bow down before themselves!

This is simply the King!

Then, before the king had half started his business, he collapsed in the middle.


The open-air camp has a big pit.

Inside Naz was lying on his stomach like the head king eight.

His eyes rolled white, his big feet twitched twice, and a soul floated out of his mouth…

Holding a few books, Rebi sat down opposite Levi and said helplessly:

“You’ve gone too far, you’ll grow up.”

This guy drank some vodka.

The beginning of the hand is not light and heavy…

Across the table, Levi was blowing on the bottle.

He glanced at Naz, who had been lifted by Harpy with his scarf, and spat out his wine and said coldly:

“It’s okay, he’s resilient!”

See that everyone accepted this result.

Makarov coughed:

“Well, well, let’s introduce you to the two new members!”

This statement came out.

The eyes of the guild crowd suddenly converged.

“Huh? Are there any new recruits? ”

“I actually want the president to introduce it personally, is there a lot of people coming this time?”

“Hey, he’s already the former president.”

“What’s the so-called, three generations, who are the new members?”

In the eyes of everyone with great anticipation.

Makarov called out the new members.

A girl in a blue and white girl’s long dress.

Stepping on white and blue boots, he strolled up.

“My name is Jubia, please give me more advice!”

The girl’s hands over the elbow white gloves gently pulled up the corners of the skirt.

Jubia bowed her head slightly, and introduced herself shyly.

Compared to the previous low rain girl.

At this moment, Jubia looks much sunny.

It is the most beautiful age of the girl’s style.

Suddenly, the eyes of the congregation were glowing.

“Oh——!! What a cute girl! ”

“But… Jubia? Isn’t that the four elements? ”

“Eh!? The four elements of the ghost want to join our guild? ”

The demon tail crowd was a little stunned.

After all, the war with ghosts is still like yesterday.

No wonder Makarov had to introduce it himself…

The attitude of the crowd suddenly became much colder.

Jubia immediately bowed:

“That, I’m very sorry!

Trouble for everyone before.

But then I’ll make amends.

I hope you don’t abandon me…”

She squeezed Sakura’s lips tightly and looked ashamed.

Jubia had expected this to happen.

I also did a lot of preparatory homework.

So even the people with the tail of the demon are rejected.

She will also try to integrate into this guild.

After all, it was he who invited himself…

But even though Jubia made up his mind.

The gradually dimming sky also showed her uneasy heart.

Like a haze hanging over the hearts of Jubia and the demon tails…

Elusa was the first to stand up and spread her hands:

“It’s all right, Jubia, don’t see it like this!”

Mirage also advised:

“Don’t worry about it, it’s already a thing of the past.”

Since the other party is willing to reform and rehabilitate.

That’s nothing to pursue.

Not to mention.

In that war.

Jubia just took Lucy.

Didn’t do anything particularly excessive.

“Yeah, not to mention that Jubia sauce is still so cute!”

“Welcome to the Demon Tail, Jubia Sauce!”

Others were comforted and warmly welcomed.

A sea of cheers.

Like water, Jubia seemed to have found a home.

She looked around at the smiling faces.

The orbit is slightly moist:

“Everybody… Thanks, Jubia will come on! ”

Jubia’s eyes were bent.

Because I closed my eyes too hard, the corners of my eyes blinked.

Those were tears of happiness…

Just when the crowd was in full swing.

Leo suddenly slid up.

Holding a bouquet of shaped ice roses in his hand.

He knelt on one knee and offered ice roses with both hands, with a look of affection:

“Jubia, I fell in love with you at first sight, can I be my girlfriend?”

Jubia blinked sheepishly:



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