Zhou Tian Xingdou dragged the streamer.

The sky is spinning.

It’s like time and space stagnate.

A hundred-mile curtain rises from the sea, and the white waves are monstrous.

On the cliffs.

Both Loki and Lucy were startled.

The two were stunned by Li Wei’s attack on the Star Spirit King.

Is this guy crazy?

The other party is the king of the Star Spirit Realm!

Xue Nai looked calm.

Only her gaze was slightly worried.

Locked in the sky, two shadows, one black and one white.

The Star Spirit King narrowly dodged the headshot.

He looked at the single-pony-tailed youth floating in the void in front of him.

That knife-like face.

And that pair of indelible golden pupils.

It’s all exactly the same as the person in the memory…

Has it been your turn to be born?

He whispered in his heart.

On the other side, Li Wei slammed into the air.

He put away his fist and skimmed his lips:

“Hey, the reaction is pretty fast!”

But the good villain is a Star Spirit King.

If only you couldn’t hide from the appetizers.

Levi will be disappointed!

And the reason why he attacked the other party is also very simple.

Li Wei wants to fight with the Star Spirit King!

Only compete with evenly matched opponents.

His strength can improve rapidly.

After all, Levi only broke the limiter, not the cheat.

It’s like playing an online game.

The level cap has been removed, and you can be a big brush!

Others are at most level 100.

Li Wei can rise to the 9999 level.

You can still go up!

But in the novice village kill pheasants and do the daily work.

The experience gained from brushing the boss is the difference between the clouds and the earth!

And the Star Spirit King is a world-class boss!

A super experience package!

There’s no reason to let it go!

Once Li Wei tried to go to the Star Spirit World and make a big fuss.

Methods have been tried a lot.

Loki is also one of the test samples.

It’s just a pity that the astral spirit world doesn’t seem to welcome Li Wei…

However, he challenged the Star Spirit King for other reasons.

Devour the magic!

The essence of the astral spirit is a soul body.

Even if it is eight pieces of unloading.

Just go back to the astral spirit world.

Recuperate for a while and come back to life with blood!

Levi always feels.

They have some kind of commonality with their own devouring magic…

If you can have a hearty battle with the Star Spirit King.

His mastery of devouring magic.

Maybe we’ll be able to reach a tipping point!


When Levi challenged.

The Star Spirit King refused without hesitation!

“I’m sorry, I don’t accept your challenge!”

Li Wei narrowed his eyes:


In his anticipation.

The Star Spirit King could not refuse.

How to say that it is also the highest combat power and card face of the Star Spirit World!

If only I didn’t dare to take on a human challenge…

Levi will buy all the newspapers at once!

Put the “Star Spirit King into the desert and fled” this thing.

Front-page headlines printed all over the newspaper!

I believe that tomorrow morning it will spread throughout the continent.

All Star Spirit Sorcerers will be groundless!

The long-tongued women in the streets and alleys will also laugh and close their legs…

“Cough, because I don’t want to accept pointless fighting.”

The Star Spirit King casually found a reason to prevaricate.

Levi: “…”

I can say that the timidity is so fresh and vulgar.

This face thickness is afraid to be close to the neutron star, right?

No wonder he can become the Star Spirit King…

At this time, Lucy took the opportunity to mend the knife.

“Hey! Beard, are you afraid? ”

The girl stood up and asked loudly.

The Star Spirit King looked at her in shock:


Lucy looked up at the Star Spirit King and shouted with disdain:

“The Star Spirit King who exiled Loki without permission.”

Just a coward who doesn’t dare to fight!?

Your demeanor is so extraordinary, it is an eye-opener for me! ”

Loki’s eyes widened:

“Hey, Lucy…”

Although banished by the Star Spirit King.

But Loki was still in awe of the Star Spirit King.

And how could Lucy be so offended to the king?

She’s also insane?

Lucy looked back at him and whispered:

“Shut up!”

Although she didn’t know the Star Spirit King.

Why did he dare not accept Li Wei’s challenge.

But it was a good opportunity.

Lucy naturally did everything she could to be sarcastic.

This is Loki’s only chance to live!

For her cross-examination.

The Star Spirit King breathed a sigh of relief and explained in a deep voice:

“Human girl.

According to the ancient covenant with mankind.

We forbid the astral spirit to kill its own holder.

This is a law from ancient times to the present. ”

With that, he glanced at Loki:

“Despite the indirect killing of the master.

Leo of the Lion Palace also violated this iron law.

That’s why I will never allow him to return to the Star Spirit World!” ”

The Star Spirit King tried to make it clear that this was a formal act in accordance with the law!

It’s just that Lucy doesn’t eat this set at all:

“It’s a little too harsh!

Loki did it for his partner, for Ariane’s sake.

But Karen abused the Star Spirit, why didn’t she see you presiding over justice!? ”

The Star Spirit King sighed:

“Old friend, I also feel very bitter in my heart for your wishes…”

Lucy scolded:

“Don’t talk about any old friends, give me a positive answer to the question!”

At this time, Li Wei also stepped in:

“This chick is right.

You bad old man is doing things unfairly and harboring evil intentions.

Looks like I need to fight you! ”

With that, he began to move his muscles and bones…

The Star Spirit King immediately sent a shocked look:

“Fighting is the point, right!?”

Li Wei shrugged his shoulders, with an unjust expression:

“Don’t get me wrong, I just don’t think the Astral Spirit and the Human Covenant are equivalent.

And your stubborn old guy is also too rigid and unfair.

I feel the need to give you a philosophical lesson!

Get justice for my partner Loki! ”

As he spoke, his right fist was clenched and raised.

It was crawling with inky black magic.

It’s like an armed color…

Philosophy class, physics teaching!

Before the Star Spirit King said that he would not accept meaningless battles.

What I am challenging now is the old system.

Doesn’t that mean much?

Several people were overwhelmed by Li Wei’s “sense of justice” declaration.

Shocked beyond words.

The scene fell silent for a while.

Lucy glanced obliquely at Loki.

He was so moved that tears were falling.

Quite an urge to crash into Karen’s grave…

Xue Nai covered his face and bowed his head, not surprised.

The Star Spirit King was even more speechless.

I believe you are a ghost.

You boy has a bad stomach!

But he didn’t want to fight with Levi.

This guy is a lunatic!

Isn’t it true that Leo wants to return to the astral spirit world?

What a big deal, I’m right!

“Since we have talked about this, maybe it is really the wrong regulations.”

Leo, who committed sins for the sake of his compatriot Arius.

And to save Leo’s old friends…”

The Star Spirit King looked at the four people with a solemn face:

“For the sake of this beautiful bondage, I can make an exception.

Leo of the Lion Palace, I allow you to return to the astral spirit world!

Then if nothing else, I would go first! ”

After brazenly saying this, he immediately prepared to run.

Li Wei’s eyes suddenly narrowed at a dangerous angle.

The old guy wants to run?

His body was immediately flooded with countless dark magic.

It’s like a spider silk in the dark.

Frenziedly pounce on the Star Spirit King.

One by one, like anchors, they plunged into the Star Spirit King’s body.

At the same time, the middle finger of the left index finger is together.

With a sword finger horizontal slash!

Golden Skyline!

A golden light bloomed and spread out at one hundred and eighty degrees.

Unlike the physical attack of Miron Dragon.

This is enough to cut through the space!

Everything you pass along the way.

Both will be completely separated because the space is divided into two.

It’s like a piece of paper torn into two pieces!

This is Levi on the basis of space quakes.

Improved space chop.

More precise and efficient.

And the killing range is extremely large!

It all happens in the blink of an eye.

However, when the golden chopper wave that was enough to tear everything apart, it cut off the Star Spirit King’s body.

The giant body of the silver-armored giant.

Suddenly turned into a large clump of seawater.


Thousands of tons of water flow.

Suddenly smashed into the abyss under the cliff.

A majestic and wide mist of water was raised.


Levi gritted his teeth and skimmed his lips.

The stars that flowed in the sky dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

The slash, like a thin golden thread, spread in all directions along the Heavenly Dome.


When stretching to the skyline at great distance.

Bloom a touch of dawn and break the dawn!

The morning sun emerges from the east.

The dawn of dawn.

Illuminates Karen’s stone tablet, and Loki’s face…


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