The sun is rising and the waterfall is rushing in your ears.

Li Wei flashed and fell off the cliff.

He furrowed his brows.

A look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

The Star Spirit King’s behavior was somewhat abnormal.

Supposedly, going up to yourself is a punch.

A normal person would be angry.

Don’t say hello to your family, it won’t be strange to fight on the spot!

And this is also in Li Wei’s arms.

But the Star Spirit King was very calm.

Even when you challenge him yourself, back off!

This is very intriguing…

We are not looking for him to fencing, what is he afraid of?

Here, Lucy was smiling:

“Great, Loki, you can finally return to the Star Spirit World!”

She gave a thumbs up and a look of thanksgiving.

Although the process is somewhat unclear.

But the results are good.

That’s too lazy to think about!

Loki, on the other hand, was full of disbelief.

“Lucy, is this really good?”

He looked down at his hands, and his body was no longer illusory.

With the permission of the Star Spirit King.

Loki has reconnected with the astral realm.

Although the vitality is still decreasing.

The pain still tormented him.

But in the end, there is no danger of disappearing…

Loki thinks he’s wearing a sinful body.

Only disappears in front of Karen’s tomb.

to atone for one’s sins…

He didn’t want to survive at all!

It seemed to read Loki’s mind.

Lucy sighed:

“Call ——, Loki, you’ve listened to me.

Death is just an escape.

Dead people will not come back. ”

She crossed her hands and raised her face:

“If you really think you’re wrong.

Then the rest of your life should be exhausted.

Go and atone for your sins little by little! ”

Lucy preached Loki like an old mother.

People die like lights go out.

Nothing remains.

Nothing will change.

Which atonement is this?

It’s just an excuse for the cowards themselves!

Lucy understands Loki very well.

She had the same idea before.

Thinking as long as you die.

You can be relieved.

You can also use “I’m going to die, what else do you want?” Such words.

to justify yourself and alleviate guilt…

This is undoubtedly wrong!

You know, really fierce.

Dare to face a bleak life.

Dare to face the dripping blood.

Just because of a misunderstanding.

Indirectly killing the holder.

To die or to live.

It’s a little too pretentious!

If Loki doesn’t appreciate it anymore…

Lucy said she couldn’t beat him up too.

After all, Xiang Lin Sister-in-law is not as gloomy as you!

Loki was silent for a long time.

Finally, he sighed.

Hand your right hand to Lucy.

The latter was stunned.

Want to shake hands with them.

But Lucy would be wrong.

A golden key fell into her hand.

“Thank you, Lucy.”

Loki’s face.

A long-lost open-minded smile.

A thank you could not articulate his gratitude at all.

Only this key.

Can show Loki’s heart.

He will spend the rest of his life guarding this new master with all his might!

Gradually, Loki’s figure became more and more illusory, turning into golden light and disappearing.

This time.

It is no longer the disappearance of life.

Devoured by darkness invisible.

Instead, return to the sky.

Return to the world that belongs to the Star Spirits!

Lucy looked at the key in her hand, a little stunned.

This is a key to the Star Palace with the head of a male lion engraved on it.

Against the backdrop of the dawn rays.

The edges and corners shine.

Blooming with the domineering and implicit light of the king!

It represents the recognition of the head of the zodiac!

Lucy was overjoyed:

“Great, Snow Sauce!”

She pounced on Xue Nai and hugged each other tightly.

The girl squinted her eyes.

A mouthful of neat white shell teeth is revealed.

A look of excitement and satisfaction.

Not only did he save his guild mates, but he also gained a new star spirit.

This is naturally worth Lucy’s pleasure!


Yukino patted her back and smiled helplessly.

Look at the kid pleased.

If you don’t stand firmly, I’m afraid you’ll be thrown down!

It’s that Lucy hugged too tightly.

The collision of the four pinballs was really a bit tight…

After the surprise, Lucy prepares to sign the contract.

After all, the approval of the star spirit and the contract are two different things.

She just got the key.

Although Loki is in poor shape.

But signing a contract doesn’t take much time.

Lucy immediately waved the key and said seriously:

“I am the one who connects the way to the astral spiritual world…”


Suddenly, Li Wei coldly snatched the key away.

He waved forward, commanding with a straight face:

“Open, the door of the Lion Palace!”

A golden magic array burst forth.

Loki was summoned.

He staggered two steps.

The sunglasses almost hung up.

“Hey, Levi, what do you do?”

Loki had an embarrassed expression.

It begins with Lucy’s voice.

But halfway through, it suddenly switched to Levi.

Anyone will be shocked…

Li Wei shrugged his shoulders and said with a bored face:

“Nothing, two days ago a man entrusted me with something.

At his request, I think you boy is a bit dangerous.

So in the future I come to be your new host! ”

He held his left hand, the golden key between his fingers, turning it back and forth fancy times.

Seems to be playing with the key.

But Loki always felt.

As long as he objected, Levi immediately broke the key!

Loki tried to argue:

“Where am I in danger…”

Li Weijin’s eyes narrowed slightly:

“In three years, it is not dangerous to pick the flower girls in the city all over again?”

It began when he brought Loki back to the guild.

This boy studied Karen and picked flowers and weeds every day.

Confess to Alyssa and be beaten violently.

Confesses to Xuenai and is violently beaten.

Confess to Mirage and be beaten violently…

Although these women were not harmed by him.

But Loki still assembled a fleet in the city.

Before and after, feet over hundreds of boats.

A great admiral who makes his male compatriots grit their teeth!

Not to mention that he still has a Shura Field now.

If only his girlfriends knew that Lucy had Loki’s key in her hand…

Even tomorrow morning.

The streets of Margunolia.

Suddenly there were more female bodies.

Levi wouldn’t be surprised.

After all, a woman in love is irrational!

Loki immediately raised three fingers and swore:

“I swear to convert from today onwards!”

But how could Levi believe him?

Loki doesn’t know how many of these vows have been made.

Men’s mouths, deceitful ghosts.

I don’t know how many women have been deceived by him.

Li Wei has been wondering, when will this boy be able to strike five thunder blasts in the sky?

So he also didn’t bother to talk nonsense, and directly put the killer hammer:

“Michaelia and Arius…”

As soon as I heard the name Michaelia.

Loki suddenly changed color.

The other party is the granddaughter of the critic Michelo.

Miqueiro targets the demon tail, half because of him…

If Levi wanted to do something on this.

Loki will die ugly!

So he recognized the contract without saying a word.

And run, run as fast as a thief!


With a sneer, Levi put the golden keychain around his waist, turned and left.

Want to fight with yourself?

Loki is still a hundred years younger!


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