A half-ruined house.


Agil was shot in the wall.

He was deeply embedded in it.

Countless sand is sprinkled, and cracks spread like cobwebs!

Eventually, the walls collapsed.

Soon it turned into a field of sand.

Agil got up from the sand:

“Ahh——! It hurts…”

He covered his swollen face and gritted his teeth and lifted his head.

I saw that there were suddenly three more people in front of me.

Short emerald green hair, hands around the chest, a paralyzed Brandeish.

Timalia with broken blond hair, one hand crossed at the waist, and the corners of her mouth crooked.

And also…… An unknown little ghost?

Agil rubbed his face and glared at the blonde:

“Timalia, why did you kick me just now?”

His face was a little ugly.

Because the other person’s shoe prints are still on the face!

Brandish is a low-heeled sandal.

Malin is a sneaker.

Only Timaria was like him.

It is a flat sandal of the indigenous people of the Western Continent!

Timalia snapped the corner of her mouth and sneered:

“Or are you too much of a waste?” Tell me, what the hell is going on! ”

If only he and Randy had arrived.

Agil’s dog’s life is afraid that he will have to be accounted for.

So she’s not going to be rude!


Agil skimmed his lips.

He also knows how messed up he is.

So I didn’t bother to talk to this little girl – in fact, it was because I couldn’t beat it.

Therefore, Agil told him what had happened to him.

It’s actually simple.

This morning.

Shahai City ushered in an uninvited guest.

As soon as the other party came up, he demolished the city lord’s mansion in half!

The city was immediately thrown into turmoil.

Countless townspeople and tourists frantically fled.

Where can the hot-tempered Agil endure?

Nature wants to tear the invader by hand and suck the other party dry!

He turned Sand Sea City into yellow sand.

The invaders destroyed most of the city.

There was a faint hint of blood in the air.

It was when Agil’s guards were fighting.

Left behind by being killed by the other side…

However, it can make the whole big city smell bloody.

It is enough to see how heavy the casualties are!

After listening to Agil’s confession.

Timaria furrowed her brows.

Of course this desert king.

Describe yourself as wise and divine.

Fight with the invaders in the dark, and finally lose…

But just by the tragic situation of the dead dog he had just had.

There was also the defeat of the Guards buried in large numbers.

It can be seen that the invaders are by no means easy to live with.

Because…… There is only one person on the other side!

Brandish also tugged at the corners of his mouth, and a haze appeared between his eyebrows.

It seems that this mission is quite difficult, troublesome…

However, even trouble has to be done.

After all, it’s about protecting the Holy Twelve Shields and the dignity of Albarres!

Casually destroy an imperial big city.

You can’t let the intruders just go away in such a dashing way.

Otherwise, where does the face rest?

The other party must pay the price!

Subsequently, the three were led by Agil.

Turn left and right in the city and eventually come to the city lord’s mansion.

“That’s where the guy is.”

Agil stretched his face and looked up at the half-ruined castle.

Fine sand trickled down his arms.

Sand told him.

The intruder hadn’t gone yet.

And it’s in your own city lord’s mansion!


With a clang, Timalia pulled out her saber.

In an instant, she seemed to be a different person.

His face was as heavy as water, and his body exuded a heavy killing breath.

Timaria strode into the castle.

It was as if a firing officer had walked into her prison.

Brandish followed.

After a pause, she turned her head back 45 degrees and ordered Ma Lin:

“Take care of him.”

Meaning, of course, is Agil.

This guy though was rescued.

But after all, the injury is not light.

Brandish could only shrink the wound, but could not recover his strength and magic.

At this time, Agil came with him, most likely to send!

So say hello to Ma Lin in advance.

Let the other party protect Argil with space magic.

After all, she is lazy and doesn’t want to be a nurse sister every time!

“Yes, I see!”

Ma Lin gave a military salute and answered loudly.

Then he carried the back of his head and looked at Argil with a playful smile:

“Then please advise, Lord Agil!”

Agil went up and punched:

“Roll ——!!”

He strode to keep up with the two little girls.

King of the Desert.

How could it be that someone else needed to take care of it!

After packing up this intruder.

He must petition His Majesty to give himself another promotion to the magic ceiling!

At least to the extent that you can suppress these two little girls’ skins!

Ma Lin was dazzled by this punch.

He swayed around a few times.

Eventually it became the word “big” and fell to the ground, with Venus turning overhead.

When Ma Lin, who was lying on the ground, came back to his senses.

The three were long gone.

He was startled.

Snap threw himself two slaps.

After raising his spirits, Ma Lin immediately opened the space tunnel and chased after it.


When he landed on the ground with a bang.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion in front of my eyes!

In front of the study door.

Cracks in the ground flood like cobwebs.

Brandish was thrown to the ground by a man in a trench coat.

Between electric flint.

The man was like a violent rexen.

Death pinched her neck and slammed it to the ground!

A single ponytail at the waist, resembling a dragon’s tail falling on the back.

Medium black bangs, swaying cheeks.

Angular handsome face.

Countless dark magic powers quickly crawled out like ink.

Dark magic is like an ancient dragon text.

Imprinted on his face.

Those golden pupils flowing like golden water.

It was also soaked with this magic and glowed with a hollow glow.

Levi stared dead at the woman beneath him.

He held a copy of the book in his left hand and pinched the jade neck of the other party with his right hand.

“How fast it came, you two are both 12 shields?”

Levi asked lightly.

At the same time glanced at Timalia.

He was from both of them.

Feel the magic equivalent of Agil.

Originally, Li Wei was still thinking of taking advantage of this time to collect information.

The good guys are a super-sized empire.

If you want to extinguish it.

You have to collect a list of beheadings.

Then break them one by one.

It turned out to be only an hour.

Then two more fat sheep came to the door!

Is this a performance of Huluwa saving Grandpa?

Only then did Timalia exclaim:


Her eyes widened.

Desperately looking at Brandish who was pressed under Levi.

The girl’s face turned red.

The neck was squeezed hard by Levi.

Don’t say suffocation, the sound of bones pressing and cracking, you can faintly hear it!

However, Brandish was unable to break free.

Because of the dark magic of Levi pinching her neck.

Spread like crazy on the girl’s body!

The immense magic of Brentish.

It was as if it was imprisoned by the Sealing Magic Stone, and it could not be called at all!

She gritted her teeth.

Constantly writhing / body struggle.

Pupils constrict and trembling/trembling wildly.

Brandish could feel death looming.

Consciousness has begun to blur…

As long as Li Wei exerted a little more force on his hands.

Her head will be screwed off on the spot, and her head will be out of place!


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