Seeing that Brandish was about to be screwed off his head.


Suddenly, a finger sounded.

Li Wei’s right hand was empty.

The sword brow twisted slightly, and he raised a pair of cold eyes.

Just saw Timaria holding Brandish and appearing in the corridor a hundred meters away.

Ma Lin was a little shocked, because this ringing finger was hit by him!

As expected, Brandish should be by his side.

Then hold on, a hero to save the United States…

Now it actually appeared in Timalia.

Needless to say, I also know that it is cut off…

“Hey! Lanty, are you okay? ”

Timalia asked urgently, putting the other person down.

“Poof, cough, cough… Damn it!! ”

Brandish coughed violently a few times.

At the same time, the bones of the neck are rapidly recovered.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Levi.

Although she was lazy.

But not to the extent that someone has murdered and is not angry!

Brandish raised his right hand and aimed at Levi’s heart and pinched it!

Reduced mana unleashed, multiplier: 100x!


A violent heartbeat.

Levi looked down at his heart.

And then stood up idly…

Brentish’s eyes widened.

How could it be that his magic had failed?

She had just shrunk Levi’s heart a hundredfold.

This is a mortal blow, and normal people can never resist it.

Unless he doesn’t need a heart to survive!

And just in Brantish in a daze.

Li Wei flashed and crossed a hundred meters.

Like a tiger swooping down.

Dark claws swoop down on the head!

As soon as his pupils narrowed, Brandeish’s body suddenly enlarged.


Whoops, blah, blah, blah

The city lord’s mansion exploded and the walls collapsed.

The dust flew through the sky, and countless sand and gravel gargled and fell.

A 100-meter-tall female giant, covering her face, stood up from the rubble.

Before she could stand still.


Dark blades swept all over his body.

Blood roses, blooming on the delicate body, fierce and bloody!

Brandish was like a female giant who had been slashed by a small gyroscope of one meter six.

As soon as I stood up, I fell down on one knee because my tendon was cut again.


The giant’s knees went down and set off layers of sand.

Brandish hadn’t reacted yet.

Levi had stepped on the back of her neck.

Even if the body gets bigger, the key points will not shift.

So, it’s over…

He made a knife in his left hand and slashed it down!


The ground within a radius of one mile sank for more than half a meter, startling the monstrous sand.

However, this blow appeared a few kilometers away!

A broken stone ruins, Ma Lin breathed lightly:

“Huh, finally caught up, Lord Brandish, are you all right?”

He looked up at the female giant next to him.

Because it’s a bit difficult to move such a huge body away.

Just now, there is no room for slackness.

Ma Lin could only turn Li Wei away!

The wounds on Brentish’s body are rapidly shrinking and recovering.

“It’s all right!”

She responded with a cold face.

At the same time, I covered the back of my neck and had a chill on it.

This intruder really likes to attack other people’s necks!

Below, Agil shouted:

“Hey! Don’t be careless, this guy is not easy to deal with, let’s him! ”

It was only two strokes, and Brandish was almost killed twice!

If she hadn’t had teammates, she would have hung up a long time ago!

Believe these two little girls skin.

Now I know what I’m dealing with.

What an enemy!

Brandish tugged at the corners of his mouth:

“I know…”

She hadn’t finished speaking.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ……

Several huge explosions rang out.

A series of houses collapsed in front of you.

At the same time, a creature that is not in human form.

Two hills smashed in front of Brentesh’s chest.

Slip into her gully.

Brandish fixed his eyes on it and was shocked:

“Mary? What’s the matter with you!? ”

She grabbed Timalia.

The other person’s whole body is scaled.

The original wind/emotion/kind of fan/human body.

It’s like being abused by a family.

A piece of green and a piece of purple, not a piece of good meat!

Jiao’s good face was even swollen into a pig’s head!

At this time, in the collapsed house over there, a person walked out slowly and methodically.

“You woman is really not exquisite!”

Levi stepped on the rubble.

He was red in the upper body.

Two communication crystals were thrown in one hand.

A pair of black leather pants is tied in one hand.

It was as if it had just finished…

Brandish glanced over:

“What did you do to her!?”

As she questioned, she used magic to narrow Timalia’s wounds.

Li Wei crooked the corners of his mouth:

“You should ask her about this!”

At this time, the healed Timaria was cured.

Also from the palm of Brandeish’s hand, slowly stood up.

In the face of the latter’s low-headed inquiring gaze, Timalia’s face was a little ugly.

Just when Levi was being transferred.

She had already paused the time and walked over to pick up this guy!

At that time, Timaria walked into the big pit.

The surrounding dust has not yet fallen.

In front of us was a world of gray dust.

Levi was frozen in place.

Maintain that bored and active posture after a blow to the air.

At that time, Timalia was still very leisurely.

Just enter the world of time stopping.

Then everything is controlled by oneself.

In this world, you are God!

So, she is very leisurely and wandering.

Circled around Levi a few times.

Also pinched a few of his cheeks.

Even if he is strong.

At this moment, do you still want to pinch and knead?

Timalia had an arrogant smile on her face.

There was a flash of cold in his eyes.

He slowly raised the broad saber in his hand.

Where to start with the knife?

Seeing that he likes the neck so much, just seal the throat with a knife!

Timaria slashed down!


A crisp sound of gold and stone clashing.


It can be seen how deep Timalia’s force is.

And this knife did not cut off Li Wei’s head!

Not even scars, cut marks!

Timalia did not believe in evil and cut it a few more times.

But the same result!

This made her have to be suspicious.

Does this guy have any protective props?

So Timaria snapped a few knives.

Cut Levi’s clothes to pieces.

The life-saving magic guide was not seen, only two communication crystals were dropped!

She grabbed it and looked at it twice, then threw it away.

Looking at Li Wei again, he was no longer / inch.

The bones of the body are quite strong.

The skin is a little fair.

The big sword I carry with me is also quite large.

But that’s not what Timaria cared about.

Since it is not a magic guide, it may be a magic trait in itself.

Magic can only be countered with magic.

So, Timalia’s right hand gathered magic and plated it all with a sabre.

It quickly glowed with golden light.


Like a river of time flowing on the edge of the blade…

Then she swung her sabre.

Again he shot at Li Wei’s neck and slashed it down!


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