Timalia slashed her neck with a knife.


Blood gushed out like a blowout, soaring several meters high.

However, the color of this blood is not red.

It’s black, like the blood of oil!

With her pupils constricted, Timaria hurriedly took a few steps back.

This is a world where time has stagnated.

Except for yourself, how can a knife go down and squirt blood?

Moreover, it was not blood that came out, but magic!

An ominous magic that was as dark as ink, as if it were going to devour everything!

This dark magic is like a cocoon.

Wrap Levi in his entirety.

Then attached to his skin, like a black mourning garment.

At the same time, Li Wei’s golden pupils were also eroded by darkness.

It becomes an incomparably hollow, puppet-like pair of eyes.

This puppet, blinking, glowed with a hint of confusion.

His time began to flow!

Levi looked around.

Look at this gray and bleak world.

Then he frowned and touched the neck that had just been cut off.

“You did it?”

The youth looked up and questioned Timalia.

The latter widened his eyes.

The girl whispered red lips:


Her pretty face twitched and gritted her teeth:

“Why can you move around my world!?”

There was a deep anger and a hint of trembling in the voice.

This time stops in the world.

It’s hers!

It can only belong to her!

When time stands still, everything is in place.

Timalia walked on the battlefield as she walked in his kingdom.

No matter who it is, it can only be at its own mercy.

The head of the enemy general, the woman’s clothes.

Or Brandish, the body that is becoming more and more mature/feminine/charming…

When time flows again.

No one will know what they have done.

That memory is unique to me.

Then you can only enjoy it yourself!

An enemy, a man.

How can you break into your own world without permission, break into your own kingdom of God!?

Li Wei narrowed his eyes:

“Your world? That’s what you brought me in, and honestly, it’s funny. ”

He spread his hands, crawled all over the face of the black incantation, and there was a hint of interest.

This is the first time that Levi has played against an opponent who can manipulate time.

If it wasn’t for Timalia using the magic of time to slash him.

Triggers passive defenses that devour mana.

Li Wei really can’t enter the world where time stops!

The corners of her eyes twitched, and Timaria became angry:

“Damn it… Get Me Out! Get out! ”

She roared in anger and suddenly rushed up, frantically slashing.

This is your own world, and no one will be allowed to get in the way!

Sharp blades across time struck Levi.

However, he was tapped by him and randomly blocked by the nail of his little finger.

“Come on, my nails have been a little long lately.”

Levi yawned and encouraged him insincerely.

This infuriated Timaria even more.

The girl gritted her teeth and poured the magic of time into the saber.

Slash at Levi’s neck again!


The knife had not yet reached his neck before it was stopped.

And it’s a backhand pinched blade!

It was as if Kshatriya had pinched Brian’s Tiger Flute.

With a gentle squeeze from Li Wei, this sharp blade that had cut off the heads of countless enemy generals shattered inches and inches!

With a snap, the broken blade shattered to the ground!

“The quality is not good.”

Levi smiled.

A sinister, seeping smile!

Once he smiles on the battlefield, it is mostly a prelude to execution…

Timalia’s back was cold.

Look into Levi’s empty eyes.

It felt like death was on your hands!

She stepped back.

Li Wei pressed forward step by step.

Not long after, the iron fist, swinging in the face!



Timalia was smashed back tens of meters.

Spit out a mouthful of thin blood.

Before she could return to God.

The second fist is already coming!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Levi concocted Timalia punch after punch.

Originally in this time-stop world.

Timalia pinch others as much as she wants, knead as she pleases.

But inadvertently brought Levi in.

He also wants to pinch and pinch when he wants to pinch, knead when he wants, want to be deep / throat / throat …

And in a world where everything is in the world.

Even if she shouted through her throat, no one would come to her rescue!

Just as the Iron Man opened the K-head field.

However, he accidentally shut down a level 18 Divine Sword Saint.

The other party drives a highland bloodline, and chases you like a mad dog to bite…

Timalia’s predicament at this moment is so desperate.

Even if she tried to call out to her ancestors.

Received the soul of God.

Let the soul of Culonos fight for you.

He was also beaten violently by Li Wei.

Even cast a shadow on the God of Time…

I don’t know how long it has been.

In this world of two people (one god).

Dry shelf on the head of Levy.

It’s like playing with your favorite silicone doll.

Crazy whip/flogging of Timaria.

and the gods possessed inside her.

Because this is the world of time stops.

Everything that happens is just a moment.

So Levi is very laid-back and calm.

Just as Timalia had concocted the enemy in the past.

Unleash your bad taste.

From a certain point of view, the two of them are the same kind of people…

Or rather, anyone who gains the ability to stop time.

Enter this world of stagnation.

Will try to do something bad taste.

After all, no one will know exactly what you did, except yourself…

Eventually, Culnos, the god of time, broke away from the body of the last Timalia.

This time-lapse world is rapidly disintegrating.

Levi was also tired of playing, tugging at Timalia’s wrist and throwing it forward.

In an instant, she was beaten into a pig’s head, and her body was covered with a purple piece.

Two large mountains that fell into Brandeish’s chest.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ……

Successive houses collapsed and collapsed.

Levi grabbed the two communication crystals on the ground.

At the same time, put away the dark magic of the body.

At this moment, he realized that his clothes had been stripped naked by the blonde!

Levi is not violent/paralyzed.

The upper body can be exposed, the lower body is not necessary…

So he walked the streets.

I found several shops.

Finally found a shop in good condition.

Inside is an article for adventurers.

Levi casually picked out a black swordsman’s suit.

Tops draped over the shoulders.

Wear black leather pants.

Then I found a pair of black boots for the desert trek.

Li Wei was wearing a belt around his pants.

One side stepped on rubble rubble.

Walk up to Brandish and spit at the same time:

“You woman is really not exquisite!”

Time is back to normal…


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