Ruined city, sand and dust hunting.

Li Wei stepped towards the twelve shields.

Every step will crush countless pieces of rubble.

It’s like death is approaching.

And the three Brandish also looked timid.

Agil gritted his teeth.

Even Timalia was killed.

This woman is a bug!

He had never seen Timaria injured.

The Valkyrie who was heroic on the battlefield.

Now she was beaten like a humble woman who had suffered domestic violence.

If this were to spread, the goddess dreams of the Empire’s unknown number of young soldiers would be shattered!

Is it necessary to continue this battle?

Brandish and Timaria also find it tricky.

They thought it was just Agil’s dish.

As a result, I didn’t drop on my own…

What a shameful mother to open the door to the shameful person: the shame has arrived at home!

Where did this perversion of the explosive force value come from?

The three of them were puzzled, and they all retreated.

But Levi wouldn’t let them go.

These three heads plus a creep, he is K fixed!


In an instant, Levi disappeared from the spot.

The pupils of the four people shrank and retreated.


The next second, a heart is plucked out!

Fresh blood ticks to the ground.

Ma Lin’s eyes widened and she lowered her head.

A sharp claw pierces through the back of the heart and breaks out of the chest.

That claw was still clutching his heart.

A blood pump that flutters and jumps!

His consciousness began to blur, and his pupils trembled wildly.

Clenched teeth, puffed, and spat out a mouthful of thick blood.


A splendid flower of blood exploded.

Ma Lin’s heart was crushed alive!

“For, why…”

These were his last words.

Ma Lin didn’t understand that she obviously hadn’t offended Li Wei, so why did she kill him first?

Ever seen a flash of a small soldier?

Along with Levi’s left hand pulled out.

Ma Lin pounced and fell to the ground.

“Because I don’t like flies flying around.”

Look at the gradually cold corpses under your feet.

Li Wei whispered frostedly.

Although Ma Lin’s magic is not strong, the space magic he has mastered is a bit annoying.

I can’t hurt myself, but I have a lot of control over the field.

Just now I diverted him away, letting the attack pounce.

Therefore, Ma Lin was at the top of Li Wei’s obliteration list.

He has never been soft on his enemies.

The difference is only that.

Killed on the spot.

Or be tortured to death!

Seeing that Ma Lin was killed by a single blow, the three had different reactions.

Brandish had the heart to save.

But she could only narrow the wound, but could not regenerate the organs.

Malin’s heart was crushed.

There is no longer any possibility of revitalization.

At least she didn’t!

Agil shrank into inches like a grandson of earth.

No doubt it’s time to start fleeing!

Timalia shouted:

“Lanty, hurry up and change back!”

She was going to open the field again to stop the field and take the other person away.

But such a huge body is impossible to take away.

Hearing this, Brandish shrank rapidly.

But a giant black sickle obscured half of the sky!

Shadows shrouded the sun, and the blades were cold and cold.

Li Wei’s cold gaze had locked on the second daughter.

Want to escape? Inexistent!

Timaria gritted her teeth.

There was very little magic left of her now.

Can it only be stopped when it can only be opened immediately?

But how long does that last?

Just when Timalia hesitated, the giant scythe had already slashed to the top of the second daughter’s head.

Not so much!


In an instant, the world turned a gray and white mist.

Timaria grabbed Brandish by the collar and jumped down.

But there was a momentary pause in the air for Levy.

Once again, the body crawled with countless dark magic.

It wrapped around his whole body like a dragon text.

Levi’s time also began to flow…

This time, he no longer needed to passively enter.

The body seems to have been imprinted with the Nibelungen.

Even with your eyes closed.

Levi can also break into the time-lapse world of Timaria again!

Despair, coming again…

Timalia’s eyes widened.

Watch as the scythe slashed at her neck.

I can’t do anything myself, because it’s so fast…


Suddenly, a staghorn wand fell from the sky.

It’s like a red light piercing through the abyss.

Shine into its darkest depths.

With the speed of traveling through time and space, the wand blocked Li Wei’s giant sickle!

Involuntarily, Li Wei slightly twisted his eyebrows.

A woman suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was like a phantom.

Dressed in black, with red hair, and a black cloak.

A black and white magic suit.

Outline the curves of her plump/plump body.

The chest / breast is full, and the career line is not bottomless.

This is a water/honey/peach-like.

A charming woman who is mature enough to squeeze out water.

The strange shape of the big black hat covered the upper part of her face.

Irene’s red lips buzzed and she chuckled:

“Your Excellency, can you please stop killing my girl?” I still like her. ”

Li Wei narrowed his golden eyes and asked:

“You know me?”

Irene was just laughing.

She commanded:

“Timalia, unlock your stop!”

Behind her, Timalia was still trembling.

As one of the two walls of Albarres, Irene actually came to visit.

And, too, broke into his own world!

How could it be, I had never seen her have the ability to come in before.

Is it clumsy?

Timaria wondered.

But she reacted quickly.

Immediately lift the time stop.

The world regained its color, and both sides fell to the ground at the same time.

As soon as Li Wei landed, he chased after him.

His right hand was like a dragon, and he pounced on Irene’s neck and lifted it.

The beautiful face of the other party fell into the golden pupils.

The years did not leave her half a mark.

It just adds to her temperament and charm.

That poetic and intoxicating face made Li Wei shudder for a moment.

This face… So familiar!

Irene keenly captured this hint of trepidation.

She smiled and said:

“Remember me? Your Excellency Revi. ”

The woman’s voice is pleasant to the ear.

It’s like saying hello to an old friend who has been reunited for a long time.

But the movement of Irene’s hand did not stop.

She held her wand and slammed it into the ground!


It was as if it was pounding on the heart of the earth.

The territory of the entire Western Continent.

They were all awakened by this knock.

The earth, the sky, quickly drifting red…

Red light covered the whole world.

Universe-one, launch!

All creatures and terrain, buildings…

It’s like a playing card thrown into a card crushing machine.

Be ruthlessly disrupted and reorder into a bizarre gesture!


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