When the red light of the burning sky dissipates.

The entire western continent shrank to one-twentieth of a degree.

Even smaller area.

The Irene that Levi had grabbed in his hand was gone.

Others also disappeared without a trace.

He looked around, and the original ruined Sand Sea City disappeared.

In its place is an incomparably magnificent city-state.

Nearly a kilometer of buildings abound, the atmosphere is magnificent.

Li Wei was standing in a parade square, surrounded by no one!

“Well, what’s the hell with that woman?”

He gritted his teeth and skimmed his lips, and a hint of depression appeared on his face.

Levi thought about it carefully.

The face of the red-haired woman just now.

Very similar to Alyssa.

But she seemed to have known herself for a long time.

However, Levi was convinced that he had never met Irene!

What is the identity of that woman?

Just as Levi was thinking.

Not far from the alley, suddenly a person stepped out:

“How did I suddenly return to the royal city?” Who is using space magic? ”

He crossed his hands and looked around, with a puzzled expression.

Levi squinted, and the man noticed him too.

Looking at each other, Li Wei frowned:

“Double ponytail?”


The two spoke in unison.

This guy is none other than the God of Selene!

A black and white magic suit with a sword-bladed disc on his back.

The bridge of his nose ran through a knife scar.

Sword eyebrows starry, some silly and troublesome bags between the eyebrows.

Especially when he’s like Levi.

Keep the middle bangs.

The only difference.

It’s a single ponytail, a double ponytail!

Selene took a half-step back with his left foot and said warily:

“Why are you here?”

His hands turned into dragon claws.

Put on an angry battle posture.

Facing Levi, Selene was rather jealous.

Reason without him, this guy is a lunatic!

Li Wei twisted his neck, a look of boredom:

“What did you do yourself, do you still need to ask me?”

Hearing this, the corners of Selene’s mouth twitched:

“Did the House of Representatives send you to kill me?”

It is true that in order to defeat Li Wei, he defected to the Western Continent.

But can the House of Representatives actually ask Levi to kill himself?

Aren’t you afraid of starting a war between two continents?

The House of Representatives, which has always been pedantic and harmonious.

When did you become a wolf?

Li Wei shrugged his shoulders and sneered:

“Oh, they are not qualified to teach me to do things!”

He did not need to consult with the House of Representatives on this matter.

So he just ran over.

I didn’t wait for a reply from the House of Representatives.

Cut yourself first and play later.

Do those officials and masters still dare to kick their noses and face them?

If only I knew that Selene was hanging.

They’re afraid they’re having fun playing each other!

So Levi was very unscrupulous.

Selene was obviously not stupid either, and soon realized Levi’s intentions.

He asked:

“Aren’t you afraid of war between the two continents?”

Hearing the rumors, Li Weijian’s eyebrows were lightly picked, and the corners of his mouth were ticked:

“Rest assured, I am here to destroy the country this time!”

He flashed up.

Look at Selene’s face.

Strike hard without mercy!


Huge tornado explosions.

Directly flew the building nearly ten kilometers ahead!

Countless bricks and rubble are monstrous, and dust is stirring.

Directly smashed the largest castle in the city, smashed nearly half!

Massive amounts of sand and gravel are sprinkled like waterfalls.

Inside the huge castle, the halls covered with red carpets and marble shook violently.

Around the throne, there are several figures of celebrities.

The leader is an old man with a crutch.

He was wearing a gray and purple robe.

A shawl of long pale hair, an old face, and a long mottled beard.

Olgast looked at the two maidens and asked:

“What’s going on with you?”

The two girls, Timaria and Brandish.

They’re all a bit of a mess.

Olgast remembered that he had asked them to investigate Agil’s condition.

As a result, no one has been saved now.

Even the Malin he gave to Brandish was pierced through his chest!

Become a dead body lying on the red carpet!

“I’ll explain it.”

A bright and cheerful voice entered the hall.

Olgast looked and two more girls strolled in.

One is a maroon double ponytail.

Wearing a white dress.

There was an innocent and lively smile on his face.

The other was a dark blue three-seven bangs.

The back of the head is tied to the arc moon hairpin.

A tight black combat suit, his face was as cold as frost.

Olgast twisted his white brow:

“Juliet? Heine? Is it the Universe-one used by the mother? ”

The red light of the earth just now is also a sign of the release of “world reconstruction”.

He could feel that there were suddenly ten more powerful magic powers in the royal city.

And very familiar, no doubt twelve shields.

Even Rakaid’s unobedient fellow was forcibly summoned!

What the hell does Mother want to do?

Olgast was puzzled.

Juliet nodded and smiled lively:

“Well, you two are really unlucky.”

She looked at the two Brandish and strolled along.

“That kind of guy is not something you two can deal with.

If only Lord Irene hadn’t arrived in time.

You’re going to be this dead now!” ”

Juliet giggled.

Plush white boots kicked Ma Lin at his feet.

It was as if it were just a puppet, not a dead body.

Her smile made people shudder.

Brandish bowed his head in shame:

“Yes, I’m very sorry.”

She didn’t want to be humiliated in front of Irene.

If I could be stronger, I wouldn’t be so embarrassed…

Olgast asks:

“Is there something wrong with this intruder?”

Juliet shrugged her shoulders:

“Of course, remember the ‘Revere’ that Lord Irene and Her Majesty once talked about?”

Olgast’s face grew solemn:

“The ‘dragon’ they all hope to kill?”

He stroked his long whiskers and remembered.

When Olgast was young, he had heard of it.

The dragon named ‘Revere’.

It has left a big mark on the lives of both of them.

“That’s it.”

Juliet smiled lively, put her two fingers to her temples, and shouted:

“Mosi Moxi, can you hear you?”

In an instant, the communication light passed through the royal city like lightning.

Twelve shields distributed throughout the royal city.

They all heard her cheerful voice echoing in her mind.


The interrogator was the genius of the mechanical tribe, Val.

“Why am I in the King’s City?”

This muffled voice was Bradman, the god of death.

“Irene, what’s she doing?”

Unceremoniously flirtatious, Rakaid no doubt.

“Explain the situation to me!”

This serious voice is definitely Inbel.

A popsicle who doesn’t understand a woman’s heart.


The communication channel exploded at once.

Juliet urged:

“All right, let’s all be quieter.

What did a bunch of big men do in a daze?

Is it good to argue with the dead! ”

At the end of the conversation, she puffed up her cheeks and had a cute expression of stupidity and anger.

Bradman scolded:

“What do you say!?”

His tone was murderous.

“A mere sword can mock me?”

Rakaid asked contemptuously.

“Hey, I haven’t disturbed you yet, have I?”

The self-proclaimed gentleman Jack Boo said innocently.

He didn’t say a word just now!

This is the most basic quality of the assassin.

Juliet snorted coldly, “Now there is!” ”

Jacob: “…”

After the anger of the crowd stopped for a moment, Juliet explained.

“Let’s first clarify the situation.

The reason why you are in the royal city.

It’s because Lord Irene used the World Reconstruction Magic.

As for the purpose, it is to deal with an intruder.

I believe you all feel the magic in him…”

Levi was bombing Selene indiscriminately.

He doesn’t just add up his fists and feet.

Dark magic called devouring, and don’t throw it away with money!

Li Wei no longer seemed to be afraid that the magic was out of control.

Because it’s on enemy turf!

This ominous magic is liberated.

Let the entire people of the royal city feel a coercion if there is nothing.

Cast a haze over everyone’s heart.

“It is indeed a strange magic, and it has the value of being analyzed and studied.”

Val judged this with a magnetic voice.

“What a rude man, the royal city has been demolished by him.”

On the Inbel side, it is a window of the castle stairs.

Through the stone windows, he could see the town that was gradually becoming a ruin outside.

This is for a consul who governs the country.

It’s like stepping on his face and spitting!

Inbel asked Juliet:

“What if Your Majesty comes back and blames you?”

Irene, doesn’t she know how to move the battlefield to the desert? ”

Even if you use the world to reconstruct.

Gather twelve shields to fight.

You don’t have to choose the battlefield in the royal city, right?

Juliet is very frank about this:

“Tell Lord Irene about this yourself!”

I couldn’t figure her out either. ”

With one word, she put the blame on her master.

A rogue posture of “I am innocent, you don’t want to anger me”.

Inbell was also a choke.

Where did he dare to trouble Irene?

Although nominally twelve shields.

But Irene was the one who founded the country with Jelf.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the invisible queen of this country!

“What is this person’s identity?”

Neyhartt twisted the conversation back.

Juliet poked her chin with her index finger and thought:

“How to describe it… Does Black Dragon Akunolocia know? ”

On the channel, half of the people fell silent.

About the legend of the black dragon, they have all heard about it.

But does this invader have anything to do with the Black Dragon?

Rakaid became the stubble taker:

“You wouldn’t say he’s the Black Dragon, would you?”

He was a tool created by his father, Jelph, specifically to kill the Black Dragon.

So for the matter of Akunolokia, it is very careful.

As long as you can kill the black dragon.

His position in his father’s heart was even more secure.

Even surpass his own uncle Naz!

Well, it’s no exaggeration to say that this is a paternal control.

If it weren’t for the boy’s body, he was afraid that he would have to send a blood…

Faced with Rakaid’s speculation.

Juliet revealed a sly smile:

“No, he’s the former Black Dragon!”


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