Juliet’s message.

It’s like a bombshell.

Blowing the crowd to silence.

There was little silence, and a sharp laugh sounded in the channel:

“Gahahaha, ex? What a meaningful statement! Gahahaha…”

“Can you stop laughing so disgustingly?” Val. ”

Death Bledman asked angrily.

He hates the noisy guy the most!

“Ah, sorry sorry, I can’t help but hear interesting things!” Gahaha. ”

Shrill laughed again, and Val narrowed his voice.

“What the hell is going on?”

On the stone steps, Inbel’s index finger poked at the glasses and asked in a cold voice.

In the hall, Juliet’s index finger wrapped around the short hair of the ponytail, turned around a few times, and smiled:

“Simply put, he’s for some reason.

Created Akuno Lokia by hand.

It also destroyed the Dragon Clan civilization that flourished four hundred years ago! ”

She spoke easily and naturally.

It was as if he was saying something simpler than eating and drinking.

But the faces of the people were slightly solemn.

“What a feat.”

Assassin Jacob sighed with conviction.

The destruction of a civilization is undoubtedly the most successful assassination!

Peerless opens, and everyone who sees it dies!

This is Jacob’s most desirable method of assassination.

Such people, in particular, are not recorded in history.

Hidden in the merits and fame, this is really the top assassin!

Can’t help it, Jacob has a little admiration for Levi…

Neinhart sits on a tower:

“So he’s still quite strong?”

He laughed proudly.

Looking at the gradually disintegrating royal city in the distance, a sense of ridicule arose in my heart.

If you use Levi as a medium.

So can you use the “History of the Corpse”?

What about recreating thousands of dragons in the world?

It’s exciting to think about!

Juliet corrected:

“Not only that, in that era.

Any adult dragon.

All have a strength comparable to these twelve shields of yours.

He had taken all the Dragon Clan away in one wave! ”

The crowd was silent.

This time it’s really a big problem.

A former black dragon that lived for more than four hundred years.

A fierce man who can single-handedly destroy the Dragon Clan’s era!

“What did he come for?”

Agil, who had been silent, interjected.

As the first twelve shields to be killed by Li Wei.

Agil that called a wrongdoer!

Which king and bastard provoked this kind of star?

Stick your head over and I’m going to give him a billion buffs!

Hearing this, Juliet’s lips were crooked:

“Oh, the one he smoked now!”

Several people in the communication channel exclaimed in an instant:


Timalia gritted her teeth:

“Selene, you boy brought the devil here!?”

As the twelve shields that Li Wei did the hardest.

She was desperate to pull Selene out of her bones!

Brandish is one step ahead:

“I’ll him first!”

She froze her face and strode down the red carpet.

“Don’t be impulsive.”

The taciturn Heine pressed her shoulders.

At this time, Brandish rushed out, and just went to send!

Timalia also tugged at her wrist:

“Lante, don’t go out, let the black dragon concoct Selene!”

With a small sniffle, Brandish turned reluctantly.

At this time, on the communication channel, a sudden angry scolding came:

“What a joke! This kid… Poof, where is the black dragon!

I lean on, cough cough… He was, but I watched him grow up! ”

Selene was beaten as he took the time to refute it.

The blood was wow-whooping out.

But he still has to fight for his life!

When Levi was less than ten years old, he had seen it.

That bastard boy lived from childhood to adulthood, how could he be over 400 years old!

And if he really is the former Black Dragon.

How could it be possible to join any Demon Tail Guild?

“Don’t use human thinking to understand the Dragon Clan!

Even if he is cocooned and reborn, it is possible. ”

Juliet retorted, turning sharply:

“And he doesn’t have the consciousness of being a Dragon King.”

Because his memories before he was six, or before he was seven, were chaotic.

It’s like this continent that randomly disrupts the reorganization today, there is no way to distinguish it! ”

That memory was like a labyrinth for Levi.

Occasionally it comes to mind in dreams.

But when you wake up, you quickly forget.

It’s as if no one remembers how many pieces of bread they’ve eaten.

I also can’t remember how many dreams I had.

What happened in the dream…

“Gahahaha, that is, are we facing a dragon king with amnesia?”

Val screamed in excitement.

Fighting against the strongest of the Dragon Clan, this is really blood-boiling.

If you can kill it, your own database can be enriched a lot…

Juliet shook her head:

“Not really, as long as his memory is not reorganized, he will not turn into a black dragon.”

Inbell Cold Channel:

“You know so much.”

It was as if she had witnessed everything that had happened, as if she were a family member!

Juliet shrugged her shoulders and said:

“This is what Lord Irene revealed, and I am only responsible for paraphrasing.”

Inbel: “…”

At this time, Selene spat out another mouthful of blood:

“Poof… How long are you going to talk about it? Hurry up and help me! ”

Everyone else was disgusted.

“Hold on for another 30 seconds!” Uncle Val will arrive soon! Gahahaha…”

Val laughed wildly, jumped in a tall building, and rushed to the battlefield.

Jacob followed:

“Let me grasp the strength of the people who assassinated the entire Dragon Clan!”

Bladman said in a deep voice:

“Hey, you two don’t have too much fun, Uncle Ben hasn’t fought with all his strength in a long time!”

He immediately elementalized, and his whole body turned into a magic barrier particle.

Then it turned into a gust of wind and flew away rapidly.

“Drive him out of the city as much as possible, and don’t destroy the royal city again!”

Inbel urged, turned over and jumped out of the stone window.

Then build an ice bridge in the sky and rush to it!

The clouds moved in all directions, and the crowd rushed to the battlefield one after another.

Juliet was confused and shouted:

“Hey——! I said don’t make your own highs/tides.

That guy wasn’t even sure Lord Erin could kill!

Your task is to hold back as long as you can, and then wait for Lord Irene to come! ”

She also didn’t know where the courage of these guys came from.

As soon as they got on it, they rushed to the battlefield.

Even if Irene is the strongest of the twelve shields.

I didn’t dare to be tough with Li Wei head-on.

Why else would she use “Universe-one”?

Now Irene is because of the side effects of world reconstruction.

I don’t know where I am on this continent.

If she arrives and finds that her teammates are all gone, I am afraid that she will be angry and half dead!

“Gaha, little girl shut up!”

Val taunted her furiously.

“Tell Irene to come later, Uncle Ben is going to have a hard time today!”

Bradman urn ordered angrily.

“I know the measure.”

Jacob was still a gentleman and gave Juliet a little face.

“All right, all right, whatever you want!”

Juliet waved her hand, a weak voice.

She knew that as soon as these fighting maniacs came up, no one could listen to them.

Two years ago, he also privately plotted to attack Ishugarh.

Almost ignited the flames of war!

Thanks to His Majesty’s advice + orders, their desire to fight was suppressed.

Since they want to die, let them experience the poison fight.

By the way, speaking of beatings, what about the stinky light/sloppy man?

“Mosi Moxi, Rakaide, didn’t hear you back, do you want to touch the fish?”

Juliet named Aite on the channel.

Rakaid, who had been silent, opened his mouth:

“Rest assured, I’ll be done before Irene arrives!”

Here, on the ruins of the battlefield.

Rakaid was carrying a white cross and dressed as a monk.

With his hands folded, he strolled toward the battlefield with a shallow smile on his face.

No matter which black dragon it is, it is all in its own pocket!


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