Just as Levi devoured Bradman.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Such as machine guns strafing the body.

Invisible fists after punches.

Blasting his whole body into the sky without dignity!

The dark orb that devoured Bradman was still on the ground.

The shadow chain that connects to Levi.

Fired by Val with a heavy gun.

“Boom” a sound, directly boom!

“Cut ——!”

Li Wei gritted his teeth and his face became angry and vicious.

He rolled over and kicked and shouted angrily:

“Don’t get in the way of Lao Tzu!!”

One after another was interrupted.

Li Wei was already unable to control his emotions more and more.

Usually, he suppresses his emotions as much as possible.

Turns into a facial paralyzed face.

But now reason is partly sacrificed.

Emotions are also fading.

Li Wei’s whole person gradually began to become cold-blooded and violent.

He no longer had patience.

It’s like a manic lion.

Any provocation will amplify Li Wei’s anger without limit!

And he went down this foot.

Jack Bu, who was originally invisible, was kicked out!

The huge impact directly broke his spine.

to break through the sound barrier at great speed.

Crash into Val in the distance!

The two smashed several streets in succession before they were buried in a pile of rubble.

And Levi’s right hand clenched his left forearm.

The palm of your left hand is aligned.

Pull out the dark magic again.

Lock the dark orb.

Like a crane, with a sigh, hoist it up.

The left hand unleashes a dense seal of Dragon Charm.

Completely bind the entire Dark Sphere to yourself!

Spheres are like hearts.

Begin to pulsate vigorously.

Poof, poof, poof…

Li Wei drew strength from it.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with a huge dark shadow.

Levi frowned and looked up.

That’s a giant demon fist!


The demon smashed Levi into the center of the earth.

Then look up at the sky and roar:


It was as if the anger of the enemy had been hit for a long time was vented.

It was as if a long time ago, he had formed a bloody feud with Li Wei.


The ground exploded, and Levi climbed out of it and looked up.

He couldn’t help but squint his eyes:


There was confusion and doubt in the deep voice.

Didn’t this demon already be killed by himself?

How did it come to be here?

But it’s not just Deliola who does.

Lalabay, Demon Eighteen Fighting Gods, Fire Disaster Demons…

One after another, terrifying large demons appeared around Li Wei.

They each display their magic, roaring, elemental attacks, spell killing magic…

The colorful magic array exploded around Li Wei like a hundred flowers blooming!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! ……

A series of dazzling, deafening explosions.

It was as if hundreds of military factories had been detonated.

Destroy yourself and your enemies at the same time!

However, before the explosion hits itself.

Li Wei flashed and flew to a height of more than a thousand meters.

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout! ……

Suddenly, countless more scythe blades struck Li Wei.

But he didn’t even hide.

Because Li Wei still had countless dark incantations crawling around him.

When these spells are possessed, he is not afraid of magical attacks!

A pair of cold eyes, quickly locked on to the initiator.

A tower in the distance.

Neinhart crossed Erlang’s legs and sat on it.

He was dressed in blue with feminine diagonal bangs and a single ponytail.

Neinhart uses a neutral tone, gritting his teeth and skimming his lips:

“Well, it didn’t work?” It’s really hard to do. ”

Li Wei tilted his head and asked in a cold voice:

“These demons are ghosts you made?”

Neyhartt nodded:

“Yes, but it’s not them I want to resurrect, it’s dragons.”

He showed a look of pity on his face and spread his right hand.

There were piles of living people next to him.

This is what Neuinghart embodied in the “history of the corpse”.

But most of them are weak chickens.

Even the tall skinny man and the big fat man of the Tower of Paradise…

What Neyhart wants to resurrect is the Age of Dragons.

Yet he came from Levi’s memory.

But he couldn’t find any memories of fighting against the Dragon Clan.

Is it because he has lost his memory or actively forgotten that he can’t summon it?

Or is it that with their own strength, they can’t resurrect the Dragon Clan at all?

Just as Neynhart was wandering leisurely.

Li Wei had already rushed up in a flash.

His dark pupils.

Dragging two rays of scarlet light.

The right hand slammed into Neyhart’s head!

However, the hand should have been like the sound of a watermelon breaking.

But there was no trace, replaced by a bubble.

Li Wei’s face was filled with impatience.

Damn the thought body!

But it’s okay.

Just let him live a little longer.

If Neyhart could really resurrect dragons.

Li Wei was still looking forward to it.

After all, he had traveled all over the world with Xue Nai in the past few years, and he had never met a dragon clan!

Suddenly, Selene roared:

“Eight Dragons Devouring the Sun——!!”

He liberated all the Dragon Crystals in his body at once.


Selene’s body transformed into eight giant dragon souls like pythons.

The star chaser attacked Li Wei in the moon.

A dazzling dragon soul of different colors.

The sun obscured the sky.

It’s like a great white shark trying to devour a giant whale!

Levi glanced disdainfully:


A command as fierce as a tyrant.

The sound is majestic and majestic, blooming with huge sound waves.

It’s like carrying the power of law.

Eight giant dragon souls.

It was as if the earth python met the Dragon King who was entrenched in the sky.

In that deafening sound wave, it quickly disappeared into invisibility!

And after the dragon soul faded.

All that remains is Selene, without any protection!

He looked up at the sky with a confused face.

The naked/exposed left eye trembled.

Reflect the kick of Levi turning over and shooting!


The earth crumbled, and cracks spread like cobwebs.

The entire royal city was hit hard by this blow.

The shock is shaky!

And Levy’s process of devouring Bradman continues.

He had swallowed it almost up.

That last bit of scraps.

It gradually coincides with Levi himself.

It squirmed.

Like silk that shrinks sharply.

All gathered and poured into the heart!

At the same time, Levi closed his eyes.

The dark incantations around him began to gradually dissipate and fade.

Finally revealing a pair of torn clothes.

Slightly white and healthy body.

Li Wei quietly opened his eyes.

The luster of the dark void disappears.

Instead, the golden pupils overlook the four directions.

Such as the emperor patrolling the territory under the throne.

The demonic power fell into a deep sleep.

Next up is the hunt that belongs to the extreme violent aesthetics of the Dragon Clan!


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