On the other side, Val blasted the rubble with a single cannon.

“Cough… Damn it! ”

He coughed violently.

The broken body of the broken waist was broken, and the wound glowed with gold.

All the rifts were quickly refined, by the ultimate alchemy!

Then Val dragged Jack Bu, who was like a dead dog, and strolled out of the rubble.

He glanced down, his pupils glowing red.

Magic Analysis, Launch!

In an instant, Jacob’s physical condition fell into Val’s eyes.

Fracture of the spine, displacement of the internal organs, rupture of the liver, rupture and bleeding of coronary arteries …

Val gritted his teeth and skimmed his lips:

“Well, it seems to be almost out of luck.”

One kick can destroy a twelve shield.

That guy’s strength is really Dragon King level…

He threw off Jack Boo like garbage.

Then look up and lock Levi’s position.

The dark magic of the guy had been withdrawn.

It seems to be exhausted, right?

Val guessed.

Then clap your hands on the ground.

The corners of his mouth grinned with a mouthful of large white teeth:

“Mixing red quartz with copper, supplemented with spiritual and magical alchemy, refining into sage bullets, firing ——!!”

More than a dozen sparks quickly bloomed around.

Copper bullets.

Killed by the flames and reborn in the flames.

Resurrected bronze metal bullets.

The tip glows with a dark red glow of destruction.

They brush together and aim at Levi.

It was like the sharp blade of a dragon slayer, suddenly swinging away!

Suddenly, at the moment of Val’s shooting.

The sky suddenly flashed a dazzling golden light!

A slash large enough to split the space.

Cut down by Tianyu and split the entire royal city in two!

Hundreds of kilometers of majestic cities, cut in half like a cake.

A bottomless ravine stretches thousands of kilometers away!

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or deliberately.

Val was struck in the middle of the red heart.

His face was stunned, and the whole person was split in two.

It was like a piece of paper being torn in half.

Crackling in the middle.

Braving short-circuited lightning and sparks.

Then, with a bang.

Explode into a brilliant firework!

And all this happens between electric light and flint.

After that moment.

Three more slashes that stretched for hundreds of kilometers.

Cut the entire city into three lobes horizontally.

Thousands of meters of tall buildings.

It’s like being inside a fruit ninja.

Various fruits that are chopped out of thousands of combos.

The centrifugal force induces them to float up into the air.

Once it falls, it is a landslide and there is no rubble!

Click, click, click, click——————!!

Suddenly, the cold air covering the sky filled.

Across tens of thousands of square kilometers of the city, instantly frozen!

It was like an ice age suddenly coming.

Heaven and earth were frozen into an icy blue color.

Covered in a light layer of silver.

The layers of cracked buildings floating high in the air.

It is also frozen by frost.

Not even the chopping wave that hasn’t dissipated.

They were all frozen in an instant by this sudden extreme cold!

General Winter Inbel jumped down from the icy sky:

“Damn, you guys can make a fuss!”

He poked his glasses with his middle finger and scolded with gritted teeth.

Lack of mobility is their own shortcoming.

But Inbell did not expect the speed of this hour and a half.

These violent fighting maniacs destroyed more than half of the royal city!

This forced him to freeze the whole city.

If you save magic again, the whole royal city will be destroyed!

But at this moment, the royal city roared again.

Inbell couldn’t help but frown.

What happened again?

However, he soon discovered that the entire royal city was rapidly shrinking.

It ends up as a small ice and snow birthday cake.

Fly to an altitude of 1,000 meters.

There, Brandish, floating in the sky, held the cake in the palm of his right hand.

Around her, with Olgast as the core.

Floating Juliet, Heine, Timaria and Brentish.

They were all by Olgast.

Stuck in the sky with floating magic.

Brentish looked down at the Gobi desert below and asked Inbel:

“That should be okay, right?”

Inbell held up Fusswin’s glasses:

“It would have been better if you had used this trick earlier!”

Brandish shrugged his shoulders:

“No way, I can only do it with the blessing of Olgast.”

Around her, a purple-colored streamer of magic was emitted.

The royal city is too big.

This area is tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Even if several small countries are added together, they are not so big!

If with the magic of her body.

If only in one go.

I’m afraid it’s cut down to half.

You’ll pass out of exhaustion!

Inbel: “…”

He didn’t say a word, and with a cold snort, he ran to find Li Wei to fight.

At this time, the sand sea below suddenly rose up a wave covering the sky.

Agil, who had been disconnected, sent the frozen Jack Bu and Val together.

Just now, because Bell went up for a while, he directly froze these two pit goods into ice sculptures.

“Hey, Brandish, can you get these two guys back?”

He pointed to the two men and asked Brandish.

The corners of his mouth were crooked, and Brandish pointed to Jack Bu:

“I can only save him.”

She raised her hand and used magic to shrink all the wounds in his body!

Soon, Jack Bu spat out a few mouthfuls of bruises and woke up.

His face was filled with fear and resurrection…

As for Val, it had been burned into a ball of scrap iron.

Brandish could not be saved.

But fortunately, the other party’s black box is still there.

It records Val’s personality and consciousness, memory, knowledge… Wait a minute.

It can be said that this is the essence of Val.

Olgast is an alchemical magic.

Pull him straight back from the line of death!

“Gaha, worthy of being the old man of Olgast.”

What a wise decision for you to replicate my alchemical magic! ”

Var held his hands high, in a gesture of praise for the sun, thanking Olgast.

The latter cast a questioning glance at him:

“That’s not what you said.”

At that time, he learned all the alchemical magic of the other party.

This kid is no ordinary hysteria…

Val lowered his hands and showed an innocent expression:

“What’s up, you can’t be an old fool who misremembers it, I was super admiring of you at that time!”

He poked his index finger in his head and said with great determination.

Olgast: “…”

Edit, you continue to edit!

At this time, Juliet frowned.

She put her hands together and poked at her temples.

“Lord Irene, are you close?”

Juliet asked earnestly with a look of respect.

Being able to use chanting magic means that Irene is close enough to communicate!

On the other side, Irene was riding a magic wand.

At the speed of breaking through the sound barrier, it is speeding through the sky dome.

She responded in an intellectually deep voice:

“Yes, how’s the battle?”

Juliet shook her head and reported:

“Not too optimistic, the royal city was half destroyed.

Selene seems to be hanging, and Bradman is definitely hanging!

Inbell is still pestering, but I don’t think he will last long…”

After listening to this, Irene drew red lips and looked happy:

“It was better than I expected…

Let’s call Olgast to join you.

Be sure to stop him! I’m going to talk to that guy and have a good ‘reminiscence’!” ”

Juliet nodded seriously:


She looked at several others.

Show a bright and cheerful smile:

“Heard it all?”

Just now, in the middle of the way, Juliet connected the communication with several people around her.

The crowd did not speak back.

Instead, it is directly transformed into several streams of light.

Like a pack of wolves, they fiercely chased after Li Wei’s position!


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