On the other side, above the dunes.

Inbel holds an ice saber and chops the humanoid ice sculpture to pieces!


Ice chips fluttered in the sky.

Revealing Li Wei’s muscular and complete body.

“Huh——, pretty capable!”

He let out a cold breath and snapped his ten fingers to both sides.

Just now when Inbell froze the whole city.

Although Levi wanted to flash away.

But it is still affected by the skill AOE.

This creates a short-lived control effect.

On the other side, Inber, who was standing in a straight posture, supported his glasses:

“Aren’t there any scars at all?” It seems that it does not have the resistance of ordinary ice…”

His words came to an abrupt end.

The sudden constriction of the pupils reflects the terrifying spectacle of Li Wei’s kneading space.

Under the rotation of his hands.

The surrounding space is as if the curtains are tightened.

A crack quickly crawled in all directions like glass breaking.

The shattering of space causes the afternoon sunlight to be refracted into hundreds of dazzling splendors, getting brighter and brighter.

And all this happens in one breath.

When Inbell reacted.

When trying to create an ice cloak that freezes everything.

Li Wei had suddenly waved his hand, smashing the two twisted clumps of space together!


A collapse force a hundred times more violent than the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

Will devour Inbel whole!


He spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs.

The glasses shattered, the eyes rolled white, and consciousness was swallowed up in an instant!

Suddenly, a dozen kilometers of shattered space spread across the area.

Suddenly rush into several figures!

Timalia landed in front of Levi first.

As she stomped on her horse, countless flying sand splashed under her feet.

A petty blond hair fluttering.

The young girl stared at Li Wei with the eyes of a dead man, and gritted her teeth:

“Yo! Have fun! ”

Li Wei tilted his head and sneered coldly:

“Yeah, so are you going to keep being played by me?”



Suddenly, Levi’s right popliteal socket was kicked by Juliet.

Heine’s neck was also hooked by Heine’s elbow.

Die hard in the rear!

Hitting back and forth, Levi fell backwards and forwards.

But he was expressionless, and his hands once again grasped the space around him…

Click, click, click… Click——!!

It was as if the body’s clockwork was locked by something.

Li Wei’s whole body was frozen, and death stayed in mid-air!

His eyes moved slowly.

It’s so slow that it’s like a snail crawling.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Timalia’s ten fingers cross-locked.

This time, she didn’t have time to block the world.

Instead, the deceleration time, 1000 times.

Only for Levi alone!

The binding force in it is not comparable to the suspension of time.

Moreover, Timaria was shrewd.

The deceleration time will only slow down Levi’s action.

Without causing any damage to his body.

Passive defenses that do not trigger the devouring of mana!

Just in those few seconds of effort.

Brandish also fell, and she made a backhand move.

In an instant, Inbel, whose internal organs were shattered, was pulled back from the line of death.

Her abilities may not be able to kill Levi.

But when Star Mom Soraka is definitely a good hand!

“Cough, cough… Thanks, Brandish. ”

Because Bell coughed, a look of happiness at the resurrection of the dead.

At this moment, the others had already launched a joint attack on Levi.

The Traces of Timalia’s Time.

Val’s Sage Bullet.

Jacob’s invisible scythe.

The Axe of Agilsha…

All beckoned on him!

Physical attacks on Levi can be ignored.

But the Trace of Time will reproduce all the injuries he has suffered in the past.

The red quartz of the sage bullet will directly penetrate the body and hit the spirit!

The two work at the same time, instantly breaking Li Wei’s defense!

He could only take the initiative to invoke the devouring magic again.

Although this will further sacrifice their own emotions…

The process was slow, because Levi’s thinking was also delayed a thousand times.

Just as he flashed this thought.

A second has passed since the outside world.

Suddenly, Li Wei’s body burst into white light.

An extremely comfortable warmth/current flowed up and down his body.

That’s a pleasure/feeling, a living/theoretical pleasure/feeling!

The pain in his body was dispelled by this feeling of comfort.

Even made Levi’s face rigid.

It is rare to have a touch of comfort and comfort.

It’s like being on a summer beach, listening to the waves and sipping afternoon tea.

XX…… XX (modified)

It felt like entering heaven.

The devouring magic that Li Wei used also automatically shrank back.

A monk with short blond hair strolled over and laughed softly:

“In just ten minutes of effort, half of the royal city was destroyed.”

If I don’t pay my respects, I don’t have the face to see my father! ”

Lacaid carried the cross on his back, folded his hands, and stepped into the battlefield.

Like Inbel, mobility is one of his weaknesses.

Agil glanced at Shanshan who was late for Rakaide:

“Hey! Rakaid, what are you doing! ”

There was a bombardment here, and as a result he threw a purification.

Comparable to the pastor’s milk enemy army, Hua Tuo saved Cao Cao, there is no more life-saving and wounded than this!

Timalia also gritted her teeth and urged:

“Hurry up and take back your desire magic, get in the way!”

Rakaid sneered:

“It’s you guys who haven’t dealt with an intruder in so long.”

Give me all the way out, the white soul returns to the sky of freedom! ”

He looked up with both hands and a stall.

In the posture of a devout devotee.

Spread your magic suddenly!

In an instant, everyone around them was affected by the magic of life/desire/hope.

“Rakaid, you… …”

Timaria gritted her teeth and her pupils trembled/trembled wildly.

From time to time, she comforted herself and naturally experienced this pleasure.

The same goes for Brandish.

If you experience it once, you will be possessed by the magic of desire/desire!

The same goes for Agil.

The only ones who were not affected were Olgast, Val, Jacob, and Inbel, the male god of the ascetic lineage.

“Rakaid, don’t use these boring magic!”

Olgast took a wand and drank the other party.

Hearing this, Rakaide turned his head and laughed:

“What, do you want to preach to me too?”

The four eyes looked at each other, and his eyes were proud and mocking.

Himself, along with Olgast and Irene, are the three most special of the Twelve Shields.

Any one of them has the strength to suppress the other nine twelve shields!

And Lacaid acts as Jelf’s artificial demon.

With Irene’s artificial man, Olgast, these are two opposites.

The magic of the two is comparable.

It has always been a battle between the open and the dark.

If Olgast wants to share a victory or defeat with himself on the battlefield.

Rakaide wouldn’t mind either!


Suddenly, Olgast grabbed his staff in his right hand.

He opened the “possession of evil thoughts”.

The whole person was wrapped in a blood-red red like crimson despair.

This means that Olgast is serious!


Rakaid sneered.

Is this guy really going to fight himself on the battlefield?

He took a half-step back, his right hand reaching out to put the white cross behind him.

A pair of light red eyes, closely watching Olgast’s movements.


Suddenly, Olgast flashed and slammed his fist into Levi!

Where his right fist is opposite.

Li Wei swung his left fist at him and smashed it head-on.

Because Timalia’s time slowed down and lifted itself.

So he didn’t need to use the devouring magic to resume his action!

If only Olgast were half a beat slower.

It was Li Wei who attacked first!

Two large fists collided in the void.

A touch of extreme light that is enough to shake time and space.

At this moment it is lit up and shines in all directions…


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