
Two huge storms.

Suddenly push in the opposite direction!

Olgast was blasted hundreds of kilometers.

And Levi is two hundred kilometers!


He stepped on the sand dunes, flew up into the scorching sky, and moved his left shoulder.


With a crackling sound, Levi’s shoulders moved back.

He frowned, feeling something was wrong.

When will your own strength lose to others?


He slammed into the void and caught up with Olgast’s figure.

The two sides “bang bang bang” madly against each other.

Each time it was Levi who was blown away.

And not surprisingly, it was twice as far as Olgast was blown away!


This time, Levi directly grabbed Olgast in the head and asked:

“Your magic nature is to double the physical attack of your opponent?”

Olgast was expressionless:

“Of course, in order to deal with you, your mother has specially attached it to me. And not only that! ”

He waved his staff backhand!

Suddenly, the tremendous force of Pei Ran threw Li Wei’s entire body into the air.

Let him fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

Hunting in the wind.

Levi’s single ponytail kept rocking and flying.

He crooked the corners of his mouth, and there was some impatience on his face.

This old guy was created by the red-haired woman to deal with herself?

Well, it’s true that magic is not the same.

The bombardment had been going on for so long, and it hadn’t left a single scar on his body.

It seems that like myself, it is a solid and durable type!

If he confronts Olgast, his self-confidence is definitely longer lasting than the other side.

However, there seems to be an easier way?

Li Wei’s indifferent golden pupils toured the battlefield.

Soon it was locked into a desert.

A figure above suddenly broke out of the sand!

“Poof——, cough, God will never easily dog leash, yuck! Never! ”

Selene raised his fists, spat out a mouthful of sand, and roared up to the sky.


Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Selene shuddered and looked back.

What catches your eye is a bright smile!


In an instant, he was put through his chest.

A palm pokes in the back of Selene’s heart.

Snap his heart out again!

Along with the eight dragon crystals implanted in the opponent’s body, all of them were also dug up!

The dark magic of Li Wei’s left hand gushed out.

Instantly devour all the Dragon Crystals.

Selene’s eyes widened and his eyes trembled wildly.

As soon as his eyes went black, he completely disappeared from consciousness…

By this time, Olgast had flashed up.

With a wave of the wand, the red lightning of extinction was condensed, crackling and crackling!

Li Wei rolled over and threw up!

The Storm Dragon’s Bard of the Moon ——!!


In an instant, a monstrous tornado also blew Olgast into the sky!

At the same moment, Li Wei’s left hand magma and right hand waterspout burst with golden thunder.

Rocks, flames, seawater, thunder…

Four powerful elements fuse into one.

Erupt into the power of twisting the world and crash straight into Ogast!

However, the blow was also taken over by Olgast.

Instantly copy the magic, and then with twice the power, smash it against Levi!

The pupils shrunk, and Li Wei stepped on his feet and moved more than ten kilometers to escape.

Above, Olgast sighed condescendingly:

“Is it interesting to steal someone else’s power?”

Through dark magic as a medium.

Devour the Dragon Crystal to use the power that belongs to Selene.

And hardly ever pay the cost of magic!

Although Irene had said that this trick was only for Selene.

Only the prop class of Dragon Crystal can be used by Li Wei.

But with the power of the dead, he can really do it!

Li Wei tilted his head and sneered:

“You bad old man who copied other people’s magic, do you mean to say me?”

Physical attacks are ineffective, magic attacks are also ineffective, this meat shield is really difficult to do…

Just when he was distressed.

A flirtatious greeting sounded:

“Did you forget me?”

Suddenly, Li Wei’s body suddenly burst into white light.

That unparalleled pleasure.

Again it flowed all over his body.

Although the two had been fighting for just over a minute, Rakaide felt like a year!

“Hey, Rakaide, get rid of my magic!”

Timaria blushed and shouted a drink.

Her body was also glowing with white light.

This bastard is attacking indiscriminately again!

“Sorry, I refuse, you’re in the way. Roll or die! ”

Without saying a word, Rakaid folded his hands and unleashed the magic of desire/desire again.

This time it’s no longer pleasure/feeling, but hunger and sleepiness!

This is the physical sensation that most people in their lifetime absolutely have to experience.

No one can resist!

Suddenly, everyone present.

Except for Robot Val.

Everyone was affected by this magic!

Their eyes were full of sleepiness.

Look at the life around you.

It’s all like fragrant roast chicken and duck.

I can’t wait to bite into it!

Inbell bites Val this iron fist.

Agil and Jacob bite each other.

Juliet and Heine bite each other.

Li Wei flashed up, and his claws slammed down!

However, Rakaid floated a flash and dodged directly.

He smiled and lifted his eyes and looked at Levi.

The other party was now entangled in dark magic.

But his stomach was grunting!

Devouring magic can’t resist this hunger, otherwise Levi wouldn’t have needed to eat!

In the same way, he can’t resist sleep!

Lackade could see that Levi’s eyes were gradually lowering.

In a lullaby, he murmured:

“Sleep, just sleep, you should be tired, right?”

This is a spell that my father made especially for you.

With your dark magic, it is a thing of the same origin.

Your magic can’t handle my spell!” ”

Olgast is Irene’s weapon, tailored against Levi.

The same is true of your own desires/desires!

As the most perfect demon.

He mastered the magic, and the dark magic of Levi.

It can be said that it is similar to almost the same source of ability!

They are all triggered by the most fundamental power of life.

Levi couldn’t resist anyway.

Unless he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, and doesn’t comfort himself.

But devouring magic is not such a panacea…

The desire to be full, the desire to sleep, the desire to proliferate.

This is the innate instinct of life, unless it is not life!

This power can target the Black Dragon as well as against Levi!

Li Wei stood where he was, slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened:

“Really? Then I would like to see your father!” ”

His golden pupils shone with the light of killing.

Above and below, the dark magic was like ink, enveloping his entire being.

It was as dark and deep as Timalia, the soul of the opening god.

Being dominated by instinct was something that Levi experienced a lot.

His dark magic has not been out of control!

In this way, Li Wei exercised extremely strong willpower.

If magic can’t devour your own desires/desires.

Wouldn’t it be better to rely on willpower to hold it up?

He pounced on Rakaide again.

But he was kicked away by the other party with a very fast reaction!

The Good Evil is a secret weapon against the Black Dragon.

Rakaid is not just magic.

Physical skills, strength, and reaction ability are also extremely strong.

At the same time, he was not stunned.

Instead, a flash kicks Timalia, Juliet, Inbel and the others to Levi!

On the one hand, he wanted to see how long Levi could hold out in front of the food.

On the other hand…… He had already seen these guys upset!

However, Li Wei directly accepted all the orders.

He rolled over and stomped on Juliet, while Inbell was punched dry.

As for Timalia, she was grabbed by Levi’s thighs and neck and twisted hard!


Suddenly, a smooth moan sounded.

Timalia, who had been cast with the Domain Hope Magic, looked up to the sky and let out an extremely sneaky cry.

The so-called pain is all transformed into happiness!

Timalia as Shiver.

Trance found that it was as if an unknown door had been opened…

Subsequently, Levi smashed into Timalia with one punch after another.

It’s like beating the dough and steaming the prelude to the bread.

This punch went down, adding to Timalia’s stealing pleasure.

Her pretty face grew redder.

In the end, it’s like a roast goose out of the oven.

Bitten down by Levi.

Shred the entire arm.

This stealing pleasure has reached its peak!

She, was beaten to the top/tide…


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