A dusty Gobi.


A huge dragon’s claw landed on the ground, splashing yellow sand.

Look up at the thick and stout dragon claws of a building.

It is a perfect dragon body that is incomparably grand and solemn.

It is covered with huge scales of gold.

Dragon’s tail flicks.

The wings of the giant roc stretched out in the wind, obscuring the sky.


Hard/tough/fierce dragon head, roaring in the sun.

The majestic dragon groan resounded throughout the four heavens.

Ben/Noh proclaims the return of the Dragon King to this land!

And around it, countless dragons turned from virtual to real.

Some are hard/hard as iron, some are furious as flames, some are frost and arrogant…

A perfect dragon body reappears in the world.

They roared angrily into the sky, deafening and deafening.

The dragon’s groan was loud, furious, and poignant.

As if to vent the bitter hatred and the anger of rebirth!

Surrounded by a group of giant dragons that are rubbing shoulders.

Rao is Li Wei’s height of nearly one meter and nine.

It also appears as weak as an ant.

His body bathed in countless battle marks.

Covered in dark dragon shadows.

It was as if he had fallen into a place of death called the Dragon Cave.

It was as if a bunch of Dragon Kings were in a meeting and ended up with a little boy mixed in.

Hey, gadgets, where did you come from?

This is not the place for a little devil like you!

By the way, you don’t have to go, just sleep in my stomach!

Ordinary people if they encounter this battle.

I am afraid that I will be paralyzed on the spot.

The excrement can’t stop flowing out.

But Levi was expressionless.

The golden gaze slowly swept over a dragon-headed creature.

Then lock to the blood-red sky.

Irene flew over there.

He crooked the corners of his mouth and commented with a bored face:

“The 3D projection is done well!”

Even if Irene uses magic to manifest it.

No matter how realistic these dragons are, they are just fakes!

Irene turned her wand with five fingers and laughed:

“Do you think it’s just a projection?”

Every dragon here has at least 90% of its strength before it was born.

Destroying the city and destroying the state is as easy as a palm! ”

As she spoke, she made a move with her left hand, and a stream of light rose in the distance.

It was a blood-red ball cover.

Neyhart’s body sat paralyzed inside, his eyes rolled white, and his seven tricks were bleeding.

Countless magic turbulences surround and circulate around it.

He is no longer human.

It’s a prop.

A magic item that makes the Dragon Clan manifest!

Erin beckoned it over and shrank it quickly.

It eventually transforms into a blood-colored Seven-Star Dragon Ball.

As soon as you shake your hand, it turns into a trivial piece of starlight.

She took Neyhart away.

As a medium for recovery, this guy can’t die.

Then, Irene looked at Li Wei and smiled:

“If you don’t believe me, give it a try.

But be warned: they hate you! ”

There was once a Dragon Slayer Magician.

Almost all dragons were annihilated at the Dragon King Festival.

He bathed in the blood of the dragon and absorbed the soul of the dragon.

Finally reached the tipping point.

The man’s skin turned into scales.

Sharp teeth become fangs.

Eventually transform into a dragon and gain the power of a million dragons.

The name of the Dragon King is Akuno Lokia!

And Irene spent 400 years.

He finally gained almost the same strength as him.

The dragons that manifest themselves with this magic power.

It was almost indistinguishable from the dragons of that era.

What’s more, these were 400 years ago.

The dragon clan that has died, reborn in the dirt!

The two of them are the kung fu of these two sentences.

Those dragon eyes.

Clarity has been restored from chaos.

“Where is this?” Who awakened my soul? ”

A fiery dragon with orange-red pupils questioned.

“It seems that it is not a soul, but the mourning family can feel it, and a steady stream of power gushes out from the heart!” Is this resurrection? ”

A handsome and slender Frost Demon Dragon raised its front paws and looked up.

A whirlpool of ice swirled slowly in the palm of his hand.

“Didn’t we die at the Dragon King Festival?” Who has the power to resurrect us? ”

The other dragons were also looking around, a little confused about the situation.

But some grumpy dragons, meeting is to pinch each other:

“Alex, you bastard to death for your grandfather!”

“Roll the calves! Owen, you dog-headed thing to die! ”

Two giants/dragons fight and bite each other.

Several dragon clans around them gave way one after another, so as not to be infiltrated.

The dragons beside Li Wei also noticed his figure.

“Who is this little devil?”

A rock dragon was a little confused.

“No, look at his face!”

The other white dragon pointed out.

“It’s you, Revere!! The old man is going to kill you traitor! ”

The Emerald Dragon Gilconis erupted, and it threw itself at it with an angry swing of its claws.

However, this sharp claw was dodged by Li Wei’s backward jump.

He flipped over in front of the Emerald Dragon and pressed his five fingers on the other’s forehead.


In an instant, this stout mountain-like adult giant/dragon was born.

The head was lightly pressed into the sand.

Eat a dog nibble mud!

Li Wei raised his sword eyebrows, and his face was boring:

“Traitor? You old dragon dementia recognize the wrong person, right?

In my memory, I have not had contact with any dragon clans. ”

He did not understand why Gilconis had committed the disease and wanted to kill himself.

Did he get on his mother?

No, we don’t have the heavy taste of the Sun Dragon!

The surrounding dragons roared fiercely in an instant:

“Admit it!? Even if your boy turns to ashes, the old man knows it! ”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, him!”

“Avenge your late partner!!”

Hundreds of thousands of dragons around them, each opening its mouth wide and preparing for a great battle.

But just then, a weak voice sounded:

“Well, I’m still alive!”

It was a weaker dragon clan that was the first to die at the Dragon King Festival.

But everyone hung up at the Dragon King Festival.

Why am I “deceased”?


The surrounding dragons were silent.

The scene was very awkward at one point.

But soon, a dragon roared:

“In short, just do him!”

In an instant, the excitement of the dragons was ignited again:


They each opened their mouths widely, condensing the roar of the dragons of all colors.

The concentration of magic particles around them is rapidly increasing.

Soon it will turn into a sea of light!

But Li Wei had no interest in ignoring these crazy dragons.

He just stared at Irene above and asked:

“I ask you one last time, where did you hear about my tipping point?”

Above, Irene looked down at him, drew her red lips, and smiled:

“A man you would never have thought of!”

Li Wei sighed, and rarely showed a disappointed expression:

“Really? Okay, then… Shayanara! ”

He closed his eyes, then slammed them open.

The dark magic merges with the brilliant golden pupils.

Form a mysterious and eerie magic array.

Li Weishan went up and rolled over and kicked Irene into the dragon swarm.

Subsequently, twelve strange gestures were made by both hands at high speed.

“The-Annihilation-Time! (Moment of Annihilation)”

When the handprint was completed, Li Wei hummed his lips and whispered, as if the god of death was whispering.

Time seemed to slow down a few thousand times.

Hundreds of dragons below.

It’s like a hungry crocodile in a pool.

Viciously open his mouth and pounce on it!

But it was at the moment when Levi was about to be touched.

His body suddenly burst into black and white.

It was a massive amount of space shattered, reflecting the refracted sunlight.

And the endless black magic swells, forming a depth like a black hole.

The two are intertwined, encompassing 2,000 kilometers in one second!

It’s a world of black and white, like an old-fashioned photo.

All the tangible and colored things in it are annihilated and become nothing…


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