At dusk, the twilight is dull.

Seagulls flew through the skies and skimmed over blood-stained red clouds.

The mournful chirping sound lingered in the air for a long time.

A black and white space fortress.

Located in the east of the Western Continent.

It occupies a small continent.

There is no end to all color, life, even dead things!

Like a black hole, there is an insurmountable line of vision.

Even if the light penetrates it, it will be swallowed up!

It gradually disappeared, as if a black hole was evaporating, spreading a heavy white-gray haze…

In the end, only a dark and dead land remained, stretching for thousands of kilometers!

A figure fell from high in the sky.


Boom! Boom! Boom! ……

Stepping on the void, Li Wei stepped on the moon and left.

It eventually falls in a wooded area at the edge.

He pressed a large tree in his left hand and let out a long breath of black mist.

Pupils flowing like golden water.

Countless small dark snakes roam.

They are frying pan-like, crazy/twisting/moving their bodies.

Seems to want to desperately escape…

But an inexplicable force.

Grab them back to the bottom of Levi’s pupils one by one.

Finally absorb it all!

The use of the “moment of annihilation” is not a small burden on Li Wei.

As Irene said, he detonated the proportions of mastered, unmastered, and physical strength.

The more powerful the outburst.

The more likely Li Wei’s devouring magic is to run out of control.

It might even swallow him up as a host!

Levi’s magic had also gotten out of control before.

The most recent one was two years ago.

Lisana was sucked in by Anima before she reached Adelas.

When he and Snow returned to the Guild.

At that time, Rao was Li Wei sensing that the magic was out of control and rushed to the no-man’s land as soon as possible.

And he suppressed as much as he could.

But the power that erupted still swept hundreds of kilometers in all directions!

Almost wiped out the edge of the snow too!

Now Li Wei took the initiative to release.

The range of the spillover.

It covers a radius of 2,000 kilometers!

The power of this can be imagined.

This is no longer the nuclear bomb level, but the “hydrogen bomb” level!

And the most terrifying “Big Ivan”, can not match the big explosion / explosion!

Past, the old days of the Blue Star.

The Polar Bear Empire had been based on the atomic bomb.

Infinite piles of material create a Death Bomb called the Tsar Bomb.

That Ivan the Great had hundreds of millions of tons of equivalents.

When it detonates, even 1,000 kilometers away, you can see the sun-like light.

Thousands of kilometres away were shattered by the glass of the house.

It even triggered a magnitude 5.5 earthquake, as well as a small distance translation of the continental plate…

And the explosion created by Li Wei is several times bigger!

It was Irene who forced him to be in a hurry, and simply cleared the whole picture.

Even bigger explosions, Levi can make.

After all, what he detonated now was only part of the power.

However, the risk of regurgitation is greater.

And it will also affect the continent of Ishugal!

The two continents are separated by a vast ocean.

But after all, the plates are adjacent.

No matter how powerful it is, it is not necessary to say earthquakes.

Just set off a tsunami tens of meters high.

That’s enough to kill people!

Roughly similar to Whitebeard launching a tsunami and shelling the naval headquarters.

And the Demon Tail Guild, not far from the coast…

Just as Levi was resting.

The earth and the sky suddenly burst into a large red light.

It was a sea of blood, enveloping everything.

When Levi opened his eyes again.

He had returned to Sand Sea City.

In ruins, in ruins, like the shattered Empire of Albarres…

Bumper ——!

Suddenly, Li Wei fell asleep on his back.

He lay on the ground in large letters, not saying anything decent.

Anyway, there was no one around, and Li Wei didn’t pay much attention to it.

Because he is in dire need of rest now, not in the flesh/body, but on the spiritual level!

Paying the price of reason, emotion, etc. many times.

Li Wei’s consciousness was already in a bit of a trance.

If you go on like this, Ben/Neng will occupy the body.

When the time comes, he will wander around like a demon!

Alas, it’s still a little bit close, it’s still a little bit to reach the critical point…

Li Wei was stunned.

If only the woman named Irene had been caught.

If he dragged on any longer, his devouring magic would swell again.

After every battle.

Levi’s power grew at the same time.

Magic will grow in tandem…

However, if you accidentally let Irene run.

On the contrary, the consequences are endless!

So Li Wei did not regret opening a big move to clear the scene.

Whoops and hoots up

Suddenly, a huge tsunami rolled in from the coast.

Tens of meters high, covering the sky, surging vicious/fierce!

This should be the aftermath of the previous explosion.

But Li Wei didn’t bother to pay attention, closed his eyes, and let the tsunami fall…


The sound of the waves thunders in your ears.

It pounces back and forth, one after the other.

Levi soaks in the depths of the crystal clear waters.

From time to time, one or two brightly colored tropical fish swim around.

Occasionally, sea crabs crawl over his chest.

Eventually, when the sea gradually returned to calm.

At the end of the sea rises the missing moon.

The stars are in the sky, on the sea, jumping back and forth in the shadows, eccentric.

Li Wei slowly opened his eyes.

Tiredness with a touch of relief.

Looking at the sky with a slight lapse of concentration.

How long has it been, how long have I not counted the stars without a single thought?

In the haze, he seemed to see a little girl sitting next to him.

Blonde, cloth, pointing to the stars in the sky.

She pointed to the constellations one by one.

Laughing innocently.

Tell yourself the story of the sky…

Who is she?

Li Wei frowned and thought.

But as he became more and more sober.

The girl dissipated like a mirror flower and a moon.

The thread of memory is interrupted!

Although there was something supernatural, Li Wei thought about it.

If I can’t think of it, I don’t think about it anymore…

Suddenly, he saw his pants/crotch, sparkling.

Next to the great sword pointing straight to the sky.

One of the two communication crystals that Levi carried with him.

One of them kept flashing.

Not the one for Miraj, but for Xuenai!

Brow furrowed, Levi connected, flat face:


The crystal heard the anxious voice of the snow:

“Master, it’s not good, everyone in the guild has been arrested!”


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