On the beach, Levi staggered up from the sand.

“What happened again?”

He held the communication crystal in his left hand and questioned with a sword eyebrow.

I had just been away for over a day.

The members of the Demon Tail have been taken away again?

This broken guild is a bit too many disasters and difficulties!

“This was last night…”

Yuki sighed and explained.

At that time, when I heard that Li Wei was on a business trip, everyone was directly excited to start a party!

After all, since the fourth generation of Mu took office, the demon tail crowd did not dare to make a mistake.

Everyone was tied up and felt a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

The crowd remembered Makarov’s rule of chastity.

At that time, everyone randomly ran into trouble and demolished their own guild, which was just a small matter!

Now that Li Wei is not at home, it is natural that all the staff is good, and he has let go of his hands and feet to hi skin!



In the brightly lit guild, countless glasses of beer were raised and touched.

All the members of the demon tail talked about the wine and were not happy.

Alyssa, who is a member of the Wind Discipline Committee, originally wanted to teach two lessons.

But seeing that everyone was so happy, she didn’t say anything, smiled and took a sip of cold beer…

“The Dark Moment——!”

With a cold whisper, in an instant, the entire guild fell into darkness.


Alyssa stood up from her chair with a scowl, her face grim.

She could feel that it was the magic of the Dark Lineage!

Suddenly, the sky swirled around.

When the guild returns to the light.

In front of Elusa was a young man with short blond hair and brown and dark complexion.

“Who the hell are you?”

She questioned, and the armor of her right hand tried to grab the other person’s neck.

However, the hand hits an invisible barrier.

Alyssa herself has become a two-dimensional card, unable to touch the outside world at all!

“The goblin queen is no different!”

Hugh sneered and looked down at Alusa, who was trapped in her hand, with a proud face.

“No, or rather, the so-called goblin’s tail is nothing more than that!” Hahaha…”

He clapped his hands together and then pulled open a string of cards.

Jumping between the young people’s hands.

Each card is sealed with a Demon Tail member.

As long as you master the skill of magic.

What a Sorcerer’s Guild.

It’s not worth mentioning in front of yourself!

Hugh laughed heartily.

“Is this the end of it? Ben Gongzi didn’t even have a chance to play. ”

Uncle Wori, who is full of blocks, walks into the guild with a dome hat.

“Hugh sauce is amazing!”

Miliana, cloaked, flicked the cat’s tail and smiled.

“Now that you’re done, let’s hurry back to the Tower of Paradise.”

The tall Simon urged.

“Well, let’s go, I guess Gerald is in a hurry!”

Hugh turned and walked over and put the card in his pocket.




Suddenly, at the moment when his hand was about to be put into his trouser pocket.

A sword light, a sharp claw, a roar…

Triple Attack Blast, blowing cards all over the sky.

Of the countless cards, three were forcibly broken, rushing out of the three.

“Don’t you know that it is a very rude thing to break into other people’s houses when they have a party?”

The demonic Mirage, with a vicious face, asked viciously.

Naz landed on the ground, striding on his horse, glanced back and forth at the four strangers, and shouted:

“Let’s talk about it after all the members beat up, these guys don’t look like good people when they look at them!”

He punched his left palm with his right fist, sharp teeth, and blazing hands on his hands.

Caught off guard, Hugh was knocked to the ground.

His face was in pain, and countless cards were scattered around him.

“Hey! Stop! ”

“Hugh Sauce is all right!”

Several people in the Tower of Paradise hurriedly shouted and wanted to come forward.

But he was stopped by Naz with a step.

Here, Alyssa was wearing armor and holding a long sword with a blade pointed at Hugh’s neck.

“I am very interested in what you just said about the Tower of Paradise, can you explain it?”

Covered with a faint frost, she looked down at Hugh with cold questioning eyes.

Tower of Paradise, that was the shadow of Elusa’s childhood.

Working day and night, he was beaten and scolded by the whip.

Wailing, mourning, dying panting… Hell no!

At that time, the only light in Elusa’s heart was Grandpa Rob.

Then there was Levi, who pulled himself out of hell.

So she’s always been grateful.

Today, however, the word is heard again.

Alyssa shuddered, trembled/trembled, even anger and hatred!

It is not a tower of paradise at all, but a tower of the underworld, and it should not exist in this world!

Li Wei should have destroyed all the towers back then.

Who the hell is touching that insurmountable/overstepping forbidden/taboo!

Hugh gritted his teeth and the palm of his right hand was cut by Alyssa, blood gurgling.

He sneered:

“Really? Are you interested too? Yes.

I’ll tell you slowly after that, after you obediently tie your hands! ”

Before Alyssa could respond, Mirage drank angrily and coldly:

“Idiots dream!”

She jumped forward, and the demonic claws swooped down from above.

He must subdue Hugh with one hand and let him free his younger siblings and the demon tails.

Yet Hugh was not afraid at all:

“Don’t move! Otherwise I’ll kill them!” ”

With his hands fast, he pulled a dagger from his waist and pressed it against several cards.

Mirage’s movements were abruptly delayed:


Her eyes widened, and she stopped moving.

Those cards, there are Kana, Arzak, Biska… And her sister Lisana!

If Hugh had slashed down, would Lisana have been split in two?

Mirage did not dare to gamble on the consequences…

Lisana was equally embarrassed.

She hoped that her sister would not be bound by herself.

But if she dies, her sister may be violent?

At that time, my brother and sister should be sad again…

So Lisana could only choose silence.

Not far away, Elfman, trapped in the card, shouted:

“Damn, what a man, what a man, there’s a kind of single-handedness with me!” Whoops——! ”

He transforms into the form of a Beast King and frantically punches his fist to smash cards.

But it is completely impossible to shake the barriers between dimensions.

Alyssa didn’t know if to do it or not, and hesitated.

At this moment, Hugh suddenly shouted:

“Miliana, do it!”

“Meow! Understand! ”

Catwoman Miliana made a swift dive.

It pounced like a cheetah.

Naz slammed his fist, but was aimed at his brow by a red light.

“good-night,boy! (Good night, boy)”


Naz’s eyes widened and he turned his head to hide.

But he was still shot through the mouth by the bullet and smashed into the throat.

Elusa suddenly turned back, “Naz!! ”

Her eyes widened, but she saw Naz’s eyes roll white and fall to the ground.


Suddenly, two slender cats bound the tube and tied Elusa and Mirage together.

In an instant, the magic of both men was bound and imprisoned.

Mirage exited the Demon Form directly!

Wori straightened his dome and smiled a gentleman’s face:

“Rest assured, he’s just asleep.” But if you’re not obedient, it’s not just hypnotic bombs! ”

As he spoke, his hand holding the block magic gun shook and switched another bullet.

Alyssa gritted her teeth and finally gave in.

Along with Mirage, he was tied to a restraint belt and re-locked in the card.

The Tower of Paradise and the men flew away, and Naz slept until the next day before waking up.

Eventually he finds Xuenai, Jubia, and Leo.

Jubia was depressed because Levi was not in the guild and did not attend the party.

Leo was following her, so he wasn’t caught.

Now the four of them were leaning on Naz’s nose that was smarter than a dog.

On the sea, traveling on the yacht of Li Wei’s family, to the Tower of Paradise…

Levi skimmed his lips:

“Okay, I see, open the position, I’ll pass.”

The communication crystal came from the earnest voice of Xue:

“Yes, master.”

Not long after, the communication crystal lit up a directional sign.

Putting it in his pocket, Li Wei took a deep breath.

That breath was so deep.

It’s like sucking the air of the whole world into your lungs.


The beach of more than ten kilometers around suddenly sank.

The sea water is frantically pouring back.

At the same time, a remnant that could not be captured by the naked eye scratched the sea.

Like a parading sword shark, heading towards the continent of Ishugarh…


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