Duker stood on the viewing platform of the military parade, looking down at the many soldiers and people with his bright eyes.

As if the dark red cloak had been soaked through countless times with blood, it made a hunting sound behind him.

In the eyes of the current Imperial Warmaster Duker, humans have always been a complex race full of contradictions. Ever since humans gained wisdom and the ability to distinguish right from wrong, betrayal, massacre, and war have always been with humans. The fate of a race follows it like a shadow.

From this point of view alone, humans are an ignorant and barbaric race, and their level of aggression is not far behind even compared to the green-skinned orcs.

Order and chaos come and go in their history, but the amazing thing is that every time they drown in the ocean of depravity, there is always a great idealist who comes forward and weaves a beautiful world for everyone. fantasy.

When human beings have a common ideal and strive for it, they will miraculously unite together. The despicable are willing to sacrifice themselves, and the cowardly die calmly. Only an illusory idea can make them closely united, and An explosion of power capable of overturning everything.

This has never happened before among the millions of intelligent species among the stars.

Countless Imperial citizens watched closely as the Imperial fleet set sail, watching those behemoths start their jet engines and lift themselves high into the sky.

Watching those imperial soldiers, wearing heavy armor, marching neatly into the giant ship.

Watch those mighty Space Marines sail towards the stars.

Countless machines were activated and sailed into the dark void, preparing to clear all obstacles for mankind's golden dream.

"What a majestic momentum, even surpassing the great expedition you once launched." Rogal Dorn, standing next to the golden throne, couldn't help but sigh,

"The scene at that time is still vivid in my mind when I think about it. The supreme war commander at that time was also Dukel, which is really enviable."

"I hope that this time we can truly complete the unfinished vision." Dorn watched as the fleet that covered the sky entered the acceleration state one after another, rushed into the huge virtual beacon, and rushed to the battlefield of the stars.

The light of countless engines gathered together was even brighter than the sun, and it was exceptionally bright even in the dark space.

"It is not a hope, but a certainty. This is the manifest destiny of our race." An unquestionable voice came from the speaker in front of the throne.

Dorn turned to look at the throne that looked like it was made entirely of gold, and the dazzling golden figure on the throne.

"Have you seen that bright future? Is it really as beautiful as we have seen in countless dreams?" Dorn's usually calm tone contained a rare hint of eager hope. He hoped that the throne would The Eternal Emperor can give him a definite answer.

However, a disdainful reply came from the throne, "The future? You won't be like Curze and Sanguinius, believing that I can see everything in the future, right? If you really think that way, Dorn, I will too You will be classified as stupid."

"Oh, no, you are different from them. You are stubborn and inflexible, and your emotional intelligence is so low that you are stupid."

Donne: "."

"I'm not sure, father, because you have deceived us more than once in the past." Donne continued, "I just eagerly want to know the result. This is human nature. I hope we can win. The enemy is too powerful. The past years have been too dark.”

"I just hid part of it. It was essential at the time." The emperor rarely defended himself, but he quickly realized that he didn't need to do this.

"Forget it, since you want to see the future, let me show you what I can see."

As the voice from the microphone fell, the burning golden flame suddenly jumped high on the throne, casting a long shadow on the dome of the throne room. This flame had no temperature, it was not hot, but ruthless. of coldness.

Even the floor under Dorn's feet became cold. This was a bone-deep chill that violated the laws of physics. Even the armor on his body could not isolate it.

Dorn felt uncomfortable, but he still stood on the spot like a stubborn stone, and was not forced back by the ruthless fire. He raised his head and stared directly at the indifferent fire with his eyes, trying hard to penetrate the flames, trying to see clearly the scene in the fire.

But what surprised him was that the scene in the burning flames had thousands of changes every moment, and seemed to never have a final shape.

Dorn was surprised by this at first, and then seemed to understand something.

He asked the emperor on the throne, "So, you can only see the end of a journey. But all you can see is the ever-changing destination. You can't see the ghosts hiding in the shadows, nor the moody ones." The wind. You don't even know where the wind will send you? To the east? To the south? To the north? If it will throw you away, or if there will be a trap in front of you. You can’t even spot them until you’re inside.”

"Even if you reach the destination after all the hard work, you still can't be sure what's on the shore before you actually arrive?"

The Emperor sat on the throne, looking down at Dorne. Strangely, his opened eyes were a little cloudy, "Now you can understand, all I can see is the end point, but the risks of the end point and the starting point are not the same. It’s not something I can see clearly.”

"What if you had expected it, father." Dorn asked stubbornly, "You are the great master of mankind. Maybe you can calculate every possibility and influence it."

"Maybe, Dorne. But have you ever thought about it, some things are simply unpredictable. Every fleeting moment is full of infinite possibilities." The Emperor continued,

"It's like if you want to build a ship, you can see the deadline for the ship to be completed. But the worker who builds your ship may have a heart failure before it is completed, delaying the completion of the project."

"Or it could be for other reasons - because your upright character offended the workers. You used counterfeit currency, and the workers chose to go on strike. Or the worker is not a worker at all, he is a thief."

"Various reasons will prevent you from getting the boat. One possibility after another, one path after another, with every passing moment, create infinite variables. Even if I have exhausted my calculations, I can still see clearly. How many of them?”

The emperor's expression was cold, and the golden flame was raised high, as if he wanted to use this golden flame to scorch the undecided end point.

"I can see the other side, Dorne, but that's about it. I know what's waiting for us there, but when we actually set sail, there are countless possibilities from here to there - maybe the enemy will let me There was a big hole in the bottom of the boat, and maybe when we sailed to the middle of the strait, my trustworthy helmsman was attracted by a more attractive place. Even I can't grasp it all. "

In the end, the blazing flame was extinguished.

"This is the future, Dorne. There will be all kinds of futures in the distance. We see it, and then guess the endless ways to realize each future. We even have to clarify every possibility. What every life will do, Decisions that affect everyone around him are taken into account, and this endless plot consumes my long life.”

"But if you want to truly see all the cause and effect, you can only"

The emperor raised his head, his dull eyes seemed to have been attracted by a dream.

"We can only see it clearly if we get there in person." Dorn took over his words.

The Emperor acquiesced in Dorn's words.

"A long time ago, my laboratory was attacked and the plan to create the original body was destroyed. At that time, I fell into a deep tangle. I was thinking that I should kill them all. This is the most rational answer. Good judgment.”

"I should do this, but Donne, the human heart is so wonderful, even I don't want to just do what "should" be done, but do what I want to do."

"You see, I can't even truly grasp my own variables." The Emperor continued, "I want to create you, not whether you should or should not. I believe that I will find you all and guide you to achieve great achievements. "

"If I follow the rational arrangements and destroy you all in order to avoid the dispersion of the original body. Doing this can certainly avoid some disasters, but will the empire really rise like it is now? Without you generals and pioneers, the common future of mankind will be Will the hoped-for vision eventually die, or even be stillborn?”

"There are no answers to these yet, Dorn. When we embark on a journey, we will surely encounter unexpected beasts and natural disasters."

"But as long as we haven't lost our way and are still looking forward to the scene on the other side, no matter how far we go, we will eventually get there."


Every day since then, the empire has received news of the victory of the Warmaster's army.

People are immersed in expectations for a better future.

Looking forward to the day when I can put the entire galaxy in my bag.

"It's time." Doom, the Doom Slayer, said, looking at the holographic strategy map in front of him, "It's time for those damn subspace monsters to recognize their tragic situation."

It is not difficult to find the realm of Slaanesh, as everyone knows that Slaanesh is a god of wantonness, indulgence, madness, complete hatred, and pleasure and indulgence.

Slightly different from other gods, the paradise of the Lord of Joy never refuses the entry of any mortal, and sometimes even actively lures those who have fallen into it, drowning those people in the sea of ​​desire.

But even if the Sixth Ring Realm welcomes all travelers, Dukel will be turned away. He is a notorious thug in the subspace. Even the Lord of Joy will shut up shyly when he senses his arrival. portal.

Therefore, Doom serves as the commander-in-chief of this invasion of the Sixth Ring of Slaanesh.

"How is your army gathering?" Doom turned to look at his allies, wise men and prophets from various forces of the Eldar.

Eldar's great prophet Edrad used the spirit bone scepter in his hand and tapped the hologram, which quickly displayed the light spots of the Eldar fleet.

"The Ark Eldar Tribe, the Harlequin Troupe, and the Death Army. All members have arrived. The Laughing God Silegor has sent down an oracle. He expresses support for our actions and will look for opportunities to attract the attention of the Lord of Joy, and provide We create opportunities.”

According to legend, gathering the five Crone's Swords can awaken Jena, the Eldar god of death, and kill Slaanesh once and for all.

Therefore, the Eldar have been planning how to resurrect the god of death for a long time.

The purpose of resurrecting the Death God was to deal with Slaanesh, but the last Sword of the Crone was in Slaanesh's palace. Everything seemed to be in an endless loop. Without external help, it seemed that they would never be able to achieve their goal.

Slaanesh had already known the Eldar's plan, and there was no way he would let the Eldar get this sword so easily.

Now, they finally had the golden opportunity, and they came out almost in full force.

Edard controls an ancient, unknown webway that can directly reach the six-ring domain of Slaanesh.

This webway was once used by the Emperor.

Long ago, the Emperor traveled around the heavens of the gods and used deception to obtain unimaginable knowledge and treasures.

That was the Emperor's highlight moment. He punched Khorne, kicked Nurgle, deceived Tzeentch, and played with Slaanesh. What a great achievement.

If the story of the Emperor stopped here, it would be a cool article.

It's a pity that there is a second half.

The Emperor was beaten half-paralyzed by the gods who came to collect debts, and was directly lifted onto the Golden Throne.

As a prophet with ancient wisdom, Edard has a clear understanding of the veins of the webway.

He controls this ancient path and knows that it leads to the domain of a Chaos power.

The huge fleet sailed on the webway. They quietly came to the intersection of the six-ring domain, waiting for the God of Laughter, Silogo, to attract the attention of Slaanesh.

This battle must be won quickly. Once Slaanesh feels threatened, he will completely close the domain.

While the Imperial Army was taking action, Horus also took action almost at the same time.

With the help of the wizards, the huge and twisted fleet also entered the webway.

Standing on the bridge of the Spirit of Vengeance, Horus observed the webway.

This is the way of salvation that the Emperor once dreamed of.

The Emperor believed that as long as humans had the webway, they would take a new step and transcend the manipulation of the warp.

Although Horus believed that the Emperor's plan was not reliable, he did not expect that Dukel, ten thousand years later, would be even more unreliable than the Emperor.

Facing the prying of the gods, the Emperor just wanted to dig a hole and lead all humans to avoid their sight.

And Dukel wanted to pile up bombs and pull everything in the universe to self-destruct together.

Compared with his crazy behavior, the game of the gods is really just a game.

The future picture that Horus saw was like an inescapable nightmare gnawing at his heart.

When the final destruction comes, even the sea of ​​souls will dry up, and everything in the universe will be completely returned to its original origin.

Everything will be destroyed, there is no chance, even humans themselves.

Such a scene will make anyone feel terrified.

Horus must stop him, only in this way can he save mankind and save this broken universe.

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