Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 301 108, Horus's Action

The members of the Eldar Harlequin Theatre Troupe are all members who fled to the Webway with the God of Laughter, Silogo, when Slaanesh was born.

Harlequins are far away from the Eldar society and do not belong to the Craftworld or any authority.

After the Great Extinction, the Eldar had already fallen apart. The Harlequin Theatre Troupe would frequently use the Webway to shuttle between the stars to find those lost Craftworlds.

They toured the galaxy to fulfill the responsibility of inheriting the historical mission.

Based on this responsibility, the Harlequins' use of the Webway has reached an incredible level, and sometimes even the Ark Eldar cannot understand how they act.

Using the convenience of the Webway, Harlequins can go wherever they want and are extremely difficult to be captured by other forces.

However, the Dark Mechanical Priest Kalbo under Horus still used his evil talents to successfully capture a Harlequin team.

It was from the Harlequin team that we learned about the Eldar's joint human efforts to snatch the Crone's Sword.

Harlequin is one of the few people who knows the location of the Black Library.

Although Horus has successfully entered the webway under the guidance of the wizard, he is troubled by not being able to find the path to the Black Library.

So Kalbo handed the leader of the Harlequin team to Fabius, hoping that he could dig out information about the Black Library from Harlequin's mind and solve Horus's troubles.

In the laboratory filled with the sweet and bloody smell.

Fabius Bayer looked at the Eldar that Kalbo sent him.

This Eldar Harlequin has not said a word since being captured. She sits cross-legged in the sealed cabin of the Soul of Vengeance, ignoring everything around her.

She may be meditating. Fabius came to this conclusion after observing for a while.

The next second, he leaned over, grabbed Harlequin's throat and slammed her against the wall. The impact of the wall further damaged Harlequin's already broken armor.

Harlequin lost her previous calmness. She yelled loudly, holding his wrist tightly, and slapped Fabius in front of her like an angry cat.

"Stop." Fabius scolded her while examining her body.

This should be a female, Fabius considered her bone structure and overall characteristics.

Eldar have secondary gender characteristics similar to humans, even if their internal structure is completely different from humans.

Harlequin's fist hit Fabius's forearm, trying to break free. She kicked the opponent's stomach, but did not cause any damage to the fallen warrior in front of her.

She had not eaten for two days, and the wound on her ribs had festered, and her strength was greatly weakened, unable to pose any threat to Fabius.

But there was no reason for her to risk more damage. This was a precious specimen.

Fabius thought so, and inserted a syringe into the opponent's pale skin along the gap of the Eldar armor.

Harlequin's body went limp when the anesthetic took effect.

She collapsed into Fabius's hands, so that she would not feel pain during the next operation.

At the beginning of Fabius's fall, he also considered the value of sadism - but after Fulgrim exchanged his legs for a snake's tail, he gave up sadism.

And sadism itself is useless for his surgery.

Fabius is committed to revealing more about the true face of the abuser, rather than making the subject's skin and flesh.

He has a more efficient way to steal the knowledge in the target's brain.

Fabius blew a whistle, and a vat creature staggered into the laboratory, holding a large tray in its hands, which contained a row of tools, nutrient tanks, and a strange device.

This device is very similar to a centipede, with a flexible metal shell and fibrous tentacles.

This is Fabius's work - the brain maggot.

He is very satisfied with this invention, even though it took him a full year to complete the prototype.

Fabius stroked the Brainworm's shell as if it were his own child.

Under his touch, the Brainworm undulated, its claws clicking softly. Like all his creations, it was cultivated and constructed from the same parts. And there was even a hint of Fabius himself in its makeup.

"I am its creator, and among the Creator's creations there is always a masterpiece. Isn't that so? The strengths of the father are passed on to the offspring - even magnified. I believe that the advantages I have instilled in you far outweigh my disadvantages." He looked down at the Vatborn,

"The insignificant disadvantages make the advantages more precious, don't they?"

The Vatborn replied in a turbid voice.

Fabius nodded, "Okay, okay, I allow myself a moment of leisure."

He turned to face his captive again - the anesthetic had fully taken effect, and the Harlequin's limp body leaned against his hands.

Fabius first examined the wound on her ribs. He used a sharp scalpel to peel off the rough edges of the Eldar armor, and the mesh underneath exposed the infected flesh.

The Dark Mechanic Priests used a deadly poison in the process of capturing the Harlequin, which was the reason for the infection of the wound.

He gently pierced the swollen, festering wound with a scalpel. Then he snapped his fingers and the Vatborn raised a specimen bottle.

"There is much to learn in even the smallest elements. This venom stems from the worship of the God of All Machines, a 'logical poison', a poison composed of vicious cycles. I need to break it as soon as possible ”

The clown's blood and oily venom splashed into the specimen bottle. Fabius frowned and lifted the transparent bottle, shaking the liquid inside into a vortex.

As long as he masters the secrets of these substances, he can use them at will.

Fabius drained the water from Harlequin's wound and sprayed it with his own antibacterial agent.

He transplanted an extremely large medicinal garden in the hydroponics area of ​​the Vengeful Spirit, where samples collected from thousands of worlds were stored.

With Fabius' talent, he designed too many healing potions, and the actual effects of these potions also brought him huge profits.

Fabius then performed a quick diagnostic scan on Harlequin to check for any remaining signs of infection or disease.

During the inspection, he found something flickering on the Harlequin's chest.

It was a shining gem. When he held the gem in his hand, the body of the Eldar in front of him began to twitch unconsciously, as if her dream had turned into a horrific nightmare in an instant.

"Let me imagine what secret you are hiding." Fabius rubbed the gem with his fingers.

The surface of the gemstone is warm, and there is more to it than that.

Fabius tasted it carefully, and he could even feel the panic contained in it.

Although the body survives, the soul has escaped into the rock.

"A very strange habit, but this has always been my interest. What is your soul thinking in the stone? Are you still you? Is your consciousness still there? I think these are quite pertinent. question, and I guess the answer is yes. I've seen your war machines, and the question is, how do you do that?"

He looked at the unconscious Eldar, "You are one of the few well-preserved samples I have at present. I am not in a hurry, time is long, and one day I will gain a lot of knowledge from you." Fabiu Si put the stone back in its place,

"But now, I have to solve Horus's problems first."

Fabius used his free hand to open the Eldar's eyelids, revealing a lifeless eyeball.

"The capillaries in the lens are damaged, but it doesn't matter." He whispered to himself, sliding his fingers forward, and the tweezers in his hand slid into the Eldar's eyes, and gently held the eyeballs.

Slowly and carefully, Fabius dug out the beautiful eye from the clown's eye socket.

His movements were extremely gentle, and the optic nerve that had not been broken was stretched out and exposed to the air.

"Take your time." Fabius said, "I don't want to tear it off and lose its original integrity, right?"

He looked at the man born in the vat, "Patience is the soul of establishing a career. You'd better remember this sentence, it will become your guiding doctrine."

The vat-born muttered in response.

Fabius smiled and said, "Yes, kid, I like this sentence very much too. It seems to come from a philosopher, but I forgot which one it was."

During the chat, he noticed that the Eldar's optic nerve had been stretched to the extreme.

The vat survivor skillfully used a heated scalpel to cut the nerve, and at the same time cauterized the wound so as not to bleed too much blood.

Fabius put the Harlequin's eyeball into the nutrient tank.

Then he picked up the brain maggot and placed it in the empty eye socket of the Eldar.

The brain maggot's thousands of tentacles began to squirm, and its tiny segmented claws curled up.

It moved forward, swelling, spiraling, twisting, until the brain maggot was just right, filling the Eldar's entire eye socket.

Thousands of tentacles slipped into the wounds in the eye sockets, stretched around the curve of the Eldar skull, and bored into the brain through the remaining optic nerves.

The Harlequin began to twitch and moan under Fabius' grasp.

Blood flowed from her nose, and even though she was anesthetized, she was still hitting the wall with the back of her head.

Upon seeing this, Fabius injected her with sedatives and muscle relaxants one after another.

Brain Maggot is his masterpiece and the embodiment of his dark talents. This small biological device copies the host's brain patterns and stores them in its core.

Thoughts, memories, dreams, everything will be downloaded to the device for easy transmission to the data probe.

The route to the Black Library will be found and uploaded to the Cogitator of the Vengeful Spirit.

And this Eldar Harlequin sample still needs to survive for the next experiment. She will belong to Fabius, which is the reward promised to him by Horus.

Fabius let go of the Harlequin.

"You should thank me for my kindness," he murmured.

"Fabius, are you ready to go?" Horus's voice penetrated the communication link.

Fabius stood up.

"Of course, everything is ready." Then he looked at the vat survivor, "She is in your care. You have to make sure she doesn't hurt herself, or you can try to remove the brain maggots before she wakes up. ”

Fabius paused, as if thinking, "If you like, break her hand. This may save some trouble."

The vat-born screamed happily when he heard this. Its huge head bobbed up and down, and it only needed a few slight compliments to be pleased, but it didn't expect that its owner would give such a generous reward.

When Fabius found Horus, he was also waiting for him.

He looked around and asked in slight surprise, "Why don't you bring your four friends with you? They may be able to play a big role."

"Maybe." Horus said noncommittally, "They are also very busy and have their own things to do."

He didn't seem to want to talk too much about the four friends.

The engines of a hundred giant ships roared at the same time, embarking on the route copied from Harlequin's mind.

Horus chose the most opportune moment.

When they arrived at the Black Library, the main Harlequin troupe had already left, and even the Laughing God had left for Slaanesh's realm.

Chaos knew about the existence of the Black Library from the beginning.

They have been trying to enter this library that claims to be able to see the future and possess all the knowledge of the universe.

But the clowns protected this place very well.

No enemy has been able to invade here in the past.

Those unscrupulous people who tried to enter the Black Library have turned into dead bones accumulated in the network channel.

But now, a powerful Primarch has arrived, leading his blasphemous legions.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, the Harlequin Troupe must stop him.

Horus looked at the clowns in front of him who were holding weapons and wearing exaggerated masks, trying to stop him.

At this time, he had arrived at the entrance of the legendary Black Library.

The huge stone gate is supported at the top of the webway, and the gray-white fog that spreads casts a mysterious veil over the place.

Various mysterious symbols are carved on the stone door, and it is rumored that these are words belonging to ancient saints.

The Old Ones were the earliest ancestors of the Warp. When they were active, the Chaos Gods were still dormant.

The clowns staying in the Black Library looked solemn. Their leader, a big clown, had already put on his own mask.

A pair of exquisite daggers were firmly held in his hands.

The Grand Harlequin is a senior member of the Harlequin Theater Troupe and the most loyal follower of the Laughing God, Siregor.

They are the most powerful warriors among the Harlequins, and when performing plays, the Grand Harlequin is sometimes given the honor of playing the God of Laughter, wearing Silegor's favorite mask.

And the Harlequin is the only guardian who knows how to enter the Black Library.

The timing of the enemy's appearance was so coincidental that the Harlequin couldn't help but feel that he was being calculated by the power of Chaos.

Perhaps even the Laughing God Xilego snatches the old woman's sword and unites with the Imperial Warmaster

All these actions may be under the calculation of the great power of chaos.

"Tell me the way into it." Horus raised the war hammer in his hand, "I may spare your death."

During this time, the troops he gathered gathered behind him. These fallen warbands all had deformed and unnatural bodies, which were external manifestations of being contaminated by Chaos.

But these blasphemers followed him willingly.

Even though Horus had many imperfections, his leadership qualities could not be concealed.

The Imperial Warmaster holds supreme power, and the Emperor must have given careful consideration to entrusting such an important responsibility to Horus.

From the Emperor's perspective.

Fulgrim, Perturabo, Dorn, Curze, Mortarion, Krax, Magnus, Lorgar, Angron and other Primarchs all have obvious flaws that make them difficult to use.

Ruth is foolish and loyal, Vulcan is soft-hearted, and Khan is not popular.

Although the Lion is the eldest son of the Emperor, he is sullen and aloof; Guilliman is good at camp and ambitious; Sanguinius has wings on his back. It would be a good thing if these three sons did not create a second empire.

Under the circumstances at that time, the only ones who could assume the responsibility of Warmaster were Horus and Faenus.

In contrast, Horus's commanding ability and personal charisma satisfied the Emperor.

More importantly, the Emperor's vision of the future did not include Horus' treachery.

So he chose Horus, maybe it was the wrong choice.

But in fact, in the calculation of the gods, no matter who the emperor chooses, it will not be the right choice.

Horus was just the victim of a coincidence.

The Emperor knew this, and therefore he never blamed Horus, only felt sorry for him.

"Are you making me laugh?" The big clown's tone was filled with sarcasm. Even when facing a demigod, he didn't have the slightest fear.

"How can you understand my grand ambitions?" Horus's face was calm, not angry at the other party's humiliation.

"If you don't want to, then I will give you death."

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