Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 302 109, Dukel: The half-dead Eldar are the good Eldar

The big clown confronted Horus, and this scene gave other clowns a lot of confidence.

However, the big clown's heart was not as calm as he appeared. When facing the son of chaos, his heart was covered with a huge ominous sign.

This was almost instinctive. Even though he was not a prophet and could not use his eyes to see through the complicated fate line, he could still feel that his fate line was being distorted and deformed under the heavy mass of the other party.

In past performances, the big clown had played the leading role on countless stages, and the so-called leading role was the person with the highest weight on the stage, and all the fate on the stage moved with him.

This feeling was very wonderful, and the big clown was fascinated by it countless times to become the leading role on that small stage.

But on a larger stage, such as the Milky Way with shining stars, he was far from an important role.

If he compared his weight to an insignificant mudstone.

Then Horus in front of him was a mature star that released endless energy every minute and every second.

The indescribable difference in power between the two sides made the Big Clown want to escape from the other side's sight every second.

He looked through his mask, alert to the Chaos Son in front of him, and tried to restrain the fear in his heart.

Horus was very calm and did not get angry because of the other side's humiliation.

Those eyes full of ambition and power looked down on the Clown Drama Troupe around them who were overconfident.

The number of Clowns guarding the door of the Black Library was too small. In order to fight for the Crone Sword and seize the opportunity that the Eldar had been waiting for tens of thousands of years, they went out in full force.

No one could have imagined that Horus would know their actions so well, and it was even more unclear how the dark power behind him knew everything.

Horus' voice was full of majesty like thunder, and those fallen warriors who followed him, holding corrupted bolt guns and waving chainsaw swords in their hands, rushed towards the Clowns.

The Clowns were famous in the galaxy for their agility, and their speed was faster than that of the Fallen Warriors.

As soon as Horus gave the order, all kinds of plasma beams, dimension distortion bombs and other Eldar weapons were fired at him.

The Harlequin also picked up his own melta pistol and pulled the trigger at Horus continuously, firing scorching rays.

He did not expect to kill the opponent with this concentrated fire, but only hoped to weaken the opponent's power as much as possible.

But Horus was like a traveler who was advancing in a storm. Although his steps were a little difficult, he was still moving forward.

All weapons were aimed at him.

Every destructive weapon that the Eldar technology could conceive was poured on him.

An attack that was enough to flatten a mountain, even a heavy tank, or even an Emperor-class Titan equipped with a powerful shield, would inevitably suffer heavy damage.

Everyone was shocked by this, and this scene was beyond the comprehension of the Harlequin warriors.

The Harlequin even keenly discovered a terrible fact, that is, these attacks never really touched Horus.

The bullets filled with destruction stopped early in front of Horus, as if they were all blocked by an invisible storm.

Even the most powerful energy shield of the human empire would be shaky under such intensive attacks.

But Horus was fine.

The only explanation is.

"So you have already understood and accepted the true face of the Supreme Heaven." The tone of the big clown was full of despair.

The high-ranking Eldars had heard a little about what the Emperor did in the past.

The demigods created by the warp entity and biotechnology, once they really wake up, no one can be their enemy.

At this moment, the big clown really understood what the lingering ominous shadow in his heart was.

Maybe someone could fight Horus at this moment, but he couldn't.

The joke blade in his hand was a divine weapon awarded to him by the God of Laughter. The shape of this scimitar was like a crescent moon. In the past battles, it was invincible. With the Eldar's impressive speed, it could easily tear apart the flesh and blood of giant beasts and the heavy armor of warriors.

But such a divine weapon, at this moment, became a real joke just like its name. It completely collapsed after resisting Horus's attack once.

The war hammer in the hands of the Son of Chaos completely shattered everything.

When the war hammer was swung down for the second time, the whole person of the big clown flew out.

The close-fitting armor was smashed and hit into his flesh and blood. The fragments of the armor mixed with his broken bones, and half of his body was almost broken.

At the moment when the big clown was defeated, two Nether Guards rushed up and used the weapons in their hands to resist Horus.

The Nether Guards are warriors without life and fear. Their cores are driven by the soul stones where the Eldar live after death, giving those Eldar warriors who don't go a chance to return to the real universe for revenge.

The powerful Nether Guards are the nightmare of all Eldar enemies.

But these powerful war machines were still like a mantis trying to stop a chariot in front of Horus.

Horus was too powerful. The original power of the Supreme Heaven was constantly poured into his body, radiating terrifying energy outward like a supernova.

All living beings would sincerely despair when facing him.

They simply had no chance of defeating such a demigod.

Horus dealt with the Nether Guards and walked towards the Great Harlequin with heavy steps.

The Shadow Prophet tried to stop his steps with psychic power.

Such an action only angered the storm surrounding Horus. The roaring storm shattered more than two hundred psykers in just an instant.

As if they had been killed by a thousand cuts without warning, the flesh and blood of the Shadow Prophets fell off their skeletons uncontrollably, turning into corpses with only skeletons left in the blink of an eye.

"There is no place for the aliens in the world." Horus delivered the final judgment to the Harlequin.

As the heavy voice fell, all the clowns looked at their leader with grief and anger, being smashed into a pulp by the Son of Chaos.

Horus waved his claws and war hammer, killing the remaining Eldar indiscriminately like a whirlwind.

Only the corpse of the last Harlequin was hung on the Claw of Horus.

This killing wind finally subsided.

Horus' eyes were fixed on the door of the Black Library. Beside him, the dark wizard smiled unbearably.

The legendary Black Library is right in front of you. It contains all the most precious knowledge of the Eldar, recording every fatal crisis the Eldar have ever encountered and every unsolved mystery in the galaxy.

Whether it's the true nature of the ancient Star Gods, the fate of the abandoned Phoenix Lords, or even the origins of Chaos itself. These secret knowledge that ordinary people cannot imagine are just small fragments in the forbidden and forgotten archives of the Black Library.

Horus planned to move the entire Black Library, which was obviously not easy, but in comparison, what he lacked even more was time.

It is obvious that he does not have the leisure and elegance to patiently browse through the Black Library, and soon the alliance between humans and Eldar will come after hearing the news.

Only by taking this library away could he have enough time to find the answers he wanted.

Horus looked at the Black Library with a look full of fanaticism,

"Bring it back, there's everything we need to know, including the fate of victory."

But what this confident demigod didn't realize was that everything he did at this moment was being monitored by a burning eyeball.

"Everything I want to know is here." From an infinite distance away, Imperial Warmaster Duker was also murmuring to himself.

Horus made a contract with the Arcana Truth, and from that moment on, everything he did was under the surveillance of the Void Realm.

Obviously, his action of forcing his way into the Black Library was the result of Duker's deliberate laissez-faire.

There are too many secrets hidden in the Black Library, and Horus is obviously not the only one who covets these secrets.

During the secret meeting with the Eldar to discuss snatching the Crone's Sword, Dulquer once boasted that even if Slaanesh blocked the realm, he would still be able to find a way to force his way into his heaven and do what he came to do uninvited. evil guest.

But the leaders of the Spiritual Tribe must not have realized at that time that the method he mentioned was actually like this.

In fact, Duker is not sure that there will be a way to break into the realm of the gods in the Black Library.

But that doesn't matter, after all, what he wants to know from the Black Library is not just this.

But now the imperial army and the Eldar allies have joined forces to break into the six-ring realm of the Lord of Joy.

If Duker fails to arrive as promised, it will inevitably lead to unimaginable consequences.

Therefore, a few months before departure, Dukel concentrated on upgrading the Doom Slayer, and the Emperor had also been awakened. The Imperial Army was protected by the God-Emperor, and even the Dark Powers were helpless against it.

And Horus also showed his loyalty to the Imperial Curve in this operation.

It can be said that everyone is happy.

As for the Eldar army?

Duker could only hope that their Laughing God could protect them.

What? Is it immoral to rob their black library and then trick their army?

Dukel said there is no morality in dealing with aliens.

To the Imperial Warmaster, the only good Eldar are the Eldar who are half-dead and have to depend on him.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Duker cannot find a way to force his way into the realm of Slaanesh from the Black Library.

If it can be found - compared to seriously injuring a dark power, trapping the Eldar is just a trivial matter for Dukel.

Silegor, the God of Laughter, obviously did not know at this time that the Black Library he was guarding had been loyal to Horus Curve.

He was extremely focused at this time, performing a grand drama in the highest heaven to attract the attention of Slaanesh.

After receiving his signal, the coalition forces of the Empire and the Eldar fought their way out of the Webway and directly entered the Sixth Ring Realm.

In order to deal with Slaanesh's demonic army, Saint Adeline and the Void Realm priests also formed a holy army.

This Crusader Army is composed entirely of Battle Sisters and Void Priests.

Past wars have proven that devout faith is the most effective weapon against the gods.

Although there are now various powerful war machines, the use of faith has not been given up, and it is used in all aspects of fighting against chaos.

During this battle, the Yajin Factory of the Second Army almost emptied all its inventory.

This is currently the only weapon known to the public that can completely kill Chaos Demons.

During the war on Belial IV, Horus and his four friends gathered a massive army of demons. After the victory of this war, the material inventory of Yajin Energy Factory also accumulated to an unprecedented level.

It took several years to digest this inventory as much as possible and produce enough sub-gold weapons to cover the stars.

In order to achieve Dukel's goal of severely damaging Slaanesh, now hundreds of millions of expeditionary forces almost all hold a gold weapon.

"For the Emperor, for the Empire, in the name of the Warmaster!" The soldiers roared.

The engine of the giant ship roared, and it rushed into the six-ring domain with the soldiers.

The domain of the gods occupies an infinite area in the warp, and all the words in the world are difficult to describe the power they possess.

The moment the coalition forces of the Empire and the Eldar broke into the six-ring domain.

It has already attracted the attention of some powerful warp entities.

"My Lord, have the people of the curse become so bold? Such golden armor, such praiseworthy discipline. So many strong and noble hearts are waiting for our caress."

"They even brought sweet cakes. I have forgotten when I last tasted the soul of the Eldar. How thoughtful it is. Is all this to please us? Oh, dear, it really is."

With swift hooves and charming postures, several great secret keepers stepped forward and laughed enough to make mortals lustful.

Their appearance attracted cheers from the followers of Slaanesh.

These great demons are abominable, but somehow intoxicating.

All mortals who gaze at them will be aroused with sincere awe and morbid fear. They are the closest servants of the Lord of Debauchery.

Like a halo, they are surrounded by the blessing of the Dark Prince.

In the charming charm and dizzying hallucinogenic aroma, the terrible demons use supernatural appearance to conceal their true form.

Their muscular bodies are covered with jewels, each of which seals the soul of their victims. Their razor-sharp claws are painted with brightly colored paints.

The charming words and lazy gestures of the Keepers conceal the destructive power they possess.

They are the most charming of all immortal beings.

The followers of Slaanesh often indulge in pure extreme battles. Facing the massive invasion of humans and the Eldar, no heretic is afraid.

They crave extreme sensory stimulation and use the weapons in their hands to push themselves and their enemies into unspeakable endless torture.

Before the battle begins, they inject various anesthetics, poisons and intense mixtures into their bodies, each of which can bring them the most acute and profound perception.

Their skin will become sensitive, and just a light touch will feel like a knife cutting, and when the real sword is on their body

"I will release the blissful scream of Slaanesh itself, and all of you will collapse." The Great Keeper of Secrets stretched out his long tongue and licked his blade lightly.

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