Lin Yun and Jingjing returned home, and Jingjing returned to the room and fell asleep.

Lin Yun took out the jade pendant and looked at it carefully. There is a bright red line in the middle of the jade pendant, which looks like a drop of blood, vaguely exuding majestic energy.

Next to the blood, there is a vague image of a cat's head.

Lin Yun held the jade pendant and used the blue hand in Shuangquan's hand, and a stream of spiritual power penetrated into it.

I saw a pool of blood in an unknown space, exuding huge energy.

Not far from the blood pool, there is a huge crystal stone with special symbols engraved around it. It is a barrier set by an expert.

Inside the crystal stone, there is a cat demon sealed, with nine tails vaguely behind it.

That is the nine-life cat demon, staring at the blood pool not far away, eyes full of envy, but powerless。

“This must be the true form of the nine-lived cat demon! Lin Yun was very excited, "But where exactly is it?" Lin

Yun unleashed his spiritual consciousness, searching the nearby plants and trees, but was unable to leave any soul mark: "This world is surrounded by a spiritual barrier, and no magic power can leave any trace!" "

Lin Yun's spiritual power infiltrated into the blood pool. As soon as his spiritual consciousness came into contact with the blood pool, he was suddenly blocked by an unknown magic power. He spread his spiritual consciousness towards the sealing stone to see if It was possible to invade the soul of the cat demon and obtain his memory, but as soon as his spiritual consciousness penetrated the crystal stone, a vague magical power suddenly emitted from the crystal stone, blocking his consciousness back. At this time, the cat demon seemed

to Sensing something, he suddenly turned around, stared in Lin Yun's direction, and shouted: "Who is this person? Dare you peek at me? "

His fierce mana suddenly burst out from the seal stone and attacked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun was about to use his mana to fight back when suddenly a blood arrow flew out of the blood pool and drew an arc in the air. Circle the sealing stone.

The cat demon's extremely powerful magic power disappeared silently.。

“The magic power of this blood pool is so powerful! Lin Yun said in shock。

“I just don’t know what mythical beast left it behind? Or from some expert? If you find this blood pool, can you practice? " Lin Yun's eyes showed a burning light, and then he said, "Who sealed this cat demon here? "

Lin Yun was thinking.

Suddenly, the blood pool surged slightly, causing ripples. In the middle of the ripples, a blood arrow condensed and rushed towards his hiding place.

Lin Yun was startled, and his consciousness He hurriedly exited the jade pendant, returned to the present and took a few steps back on his own initiative, a few meters away from the jade pendant.

Suddenly, a line of blood poured out of the jade pendant and poured straight into his right palm.

Lin Yun gave a slight sigh . Surprisingly, the blood in his body carried an extremely hot aura and exuded surging power. It flowed rapidly through the body. The blood and energy in his body almost boiled with a roar. Lin Yun felt that his whole body was full of energy

. Lin Yun circulated his magic power

, guiding the blood to merge with his own magic power and blood. After running for several weeks, the blood had been completely integrated with his magic power. Lin Yun only

felt that his cultivation It increased sharply. He looked inside with his spiritual consciousness and checked the Tongtian Rui, and found that it had increased to 53% in an instant.

Lin Yun was overjoyed. He didn't expect that this blood pool had such an effect.

His spiritual consciousness invaded the jade pendant again, I saw that the blood pool had reduced a lot.

Slowly, from somewhere, some blood gradually condensed, and the blood pool expanded bit by bit.

Lin Yun's consciousness withdrew and was about to continue practicing the Tongtian Ru. Suddenly, only the sound of very slight footsteps could be heard on the roof and around the house. Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of "meow-meow"——”cat meows.

Just listen to "bang"”、“With a few bangs, holes were knocked out of the surrounding walls, and dozens of black cats broke in from all directions. These cats jumped up and down on the ground and bed. The leading black cat was one meter long

. , standing on the table, glaring fiercely at Lin Yun.

The cat demons surrounded Lin Yun in the middle. Pairs of green eyes flashed with strange light.

Lin Yun glanced at him. Only the leading cat demon had the magic power. Relatively high, and the rest of the magic power is very weak.

At this time, suddenly I heard a cry from Jingjing next door: "Cat! So many cats! Lin

Yun had also heard dozens of cats in the next room, jumping around and meowing, "Jingjing, are you okay?" "

Before Jingjing could answer, Lin Yun had already quickly slipped through the hole in the wall.

Jingjing had already sat up, wearing a turquoise green silk dress, and Ruhua was already standing beside her, staring quietly. Looking at the cat monsters around。

“Brother Lin, I'm fine! I just suddenly saw so many cats, and I was a little... uncomfortable... These cats seemed to have a little bit of magic power, much weaker than the skeletons and water plants on the boat just now.……”

Since Jingjing got the Ruhua doll, her knowledge has improved a lot.

As soon as Lin Yun moved, the cat demons in his room had already followed him.

All the cat demons surrounded the two people on three levels, and stared at them eagerly.

Suddenly, there was another rustling sound outside.

Turning around, I saw countless things on the ground, jumping up and down quickly.

The first ones side by side turned out to be two toads and frogs more than half a meter long.

The ground is so densely packed that you can’t even see the end of it.

ps: First update, please subscribe and order all of them!

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