spread from the room to the courtyard outside.

There are always hundreds or thousands.

The two of them suddenly felt their scalps numb.

Especially cyanine. Girls are born with a sense of fear when they see things like toads, frogs, caterpillars, and snakes. Jingjing felt even more disgusted when she saw the pimples all over Toad's body.

Those toads and frogs squatted on the ground, staring at Lin Yun and Jingjing with pairs of blood-red eyes. My stomach bulged one after another, "Wow.”、“"Wow" shouted.

These toads and frogs have too high magic power and are far inferior to the cat demon.

But Lin Yun still noticed the faint smell of blood on their bodies.

Suddenly, he heard a melodious flute coming from outside. There was a sound.

Lin Yun and Jingjing turned their heads and looked outside. Standing in the courtyard was a girl in palace attire. Her clothes were as white as snow, her mantle was fluttering, her hair reached her waist, her eyes were black and white, her skin was creamy, and she was as beautiful as a fairy. She

and Chu and Chu are exactly the same, almost like twins.

Lin Yun frowned. The magic power exuded from her body was obviously not as good as that of Chu Chu, but she was more evil.。

“Are you from the Chu family? who? "

The woman stopped playing the flute, glanced at the two of them, and showed a faint smile, "Chu Tong!”

“Mr. Lin, give me back the jade pendant you just got! Just pretend nothing happened! "

Sure enough, Lin Yun thought. It seems that this jade pendant hides a huge secret.

He pretended to be stupid and said, "What did you say? I don’t quite understand! "

The smile on Chu Tong's face suddenly disappeared, and he said coldly: "We are all understanding people, why bother pretending to be confused! "As she said that, she looked sideways at Lin Yun, seemingly tentatively.

Lin Yun thought, and she seemed unsure whether I got the jade pendant.。

“What jade pendant are you talking about? There are only skeletons, water plants and vines in the lake. Are there any jade pendants? Then I'll go down and look for it tomorrow.……”

Chu Tong's eyes wandered, obviously full of doubts.。

“Since Mr. Lin didn’t get it, forget it! Sorry, if I offended, please forgive me! Excuse me, farewell! "She turned to leave, and suddenly said coldly, "However, if Mr. Lin really got the jade pendant and kept it secretly, although I am no match for you, but... I want to deal with the beauty around you.……”

Chu Tong glanced at Jingjing, "It's much easier...and Miss Anne...Uncle Jiu, Miss Xiaoyue……”

Lin Yun couldn't help but became furious. Suddenly, his whole body was enveloped by a cold air, and his body was filled with vitality.

If she was just dealing with him, I would be afraid that she would attack Jingjing and Anni.

Chu Tong suddenly sneered: "As expected, you got it……”

Lin Yun snorted coldly: "Yes again”

“If you return the jade pendant, I will not only forgive you, but I will also kneel down to apologize to you.……”

Lin Yun saw that she didn't seem to be lying. He knew that this jade pendant was of great importance, but now it seemed that it was far beyond his prediction.

He said lightly, "I can't give it to you what I got by accident!"

Chu Tong's face suddenly became colder, "In this case, don't blame me for being rude. Not only the people around you, but also everyone who appears in the town in the future My life is all caused by your Excellency... all of this... has nothing to do with me……”

Lin Yun's expression became even colder. Before he could speak, Chu Tong put his flute to his lips and played softly.

A crisp voice floated out.

Suddenly I heard only the sound of her footsteps "stepping"”、“There was a "tread" sound, and more than a dozen men in black rushed in quickly. Their faces were covered with swollen muscles, pus was flowing all over their bodies, and they exuded a foul smell. There were piles of maggots crawling in their noses and eye holes

. Climbing in and out, they all fell to the ground.

These corpses stood on the left and right behind Chu Tong.

Chu Tong pressed the flute with his right hand: "Kill! "

Those cat monsters, toads, and frogs suddenly hissed a few times and attacked Lin Yun and Jingjing together.。

“flowery! "Jingjing gave an order and rushed forward like a flower. In the group of cat demons, they raised and lowered their hands. In an instant, more than a dozen cat demons were torn to pieces. In a flash,

she rushed into the group of toads and frogs. In the blink of an eye, dozens of cat demons were torn to pieces. Hundreds of toads and frogs turned into flesh.

The magic power of these monsters is too low and they are more than enough to deal with ordinary people.

But in front of Ruhua, they are simply giving away their heads.

Chu Tong didn't pay much attention to Ruhua at first, but now he looked at Ruhua's eyes. As soon as she squinted, it suddenly shone brightly.

She made a gesture, and the corpses suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and rushed towards Lin Yun and Jingjing.。

“Flame Talisman! Lin Yun waved his right index finger in the air, and a talisman was completed instantly. It floated in the air, and a hot breath enveloped all the monsters. There was a loud "boom" and a huge fireball burned and swallowed All the monsters.

Living corpses, cat monsters, toads, frogs, etc. screamed and turned into ashes in a few seconds, and the smell of burning was still floating in the air. Only

Chu Tong was left in the field, and she was stunned for a moment. Not only was he not angry, but there was a trace of joy on his face. He suddenly swayed and rushed towards Jingjing. A figure flashed past,

Ruhua had already rushed over.

Chu Tong made a stroke with his right hand, and Ruhua's figure suddenly stopped and became motionless.

Ruhua suddenly He broke free and rushed towards her again.

But his body was already a hundred times slower, just like an ordinary person walking, slowly.

Lin Yun was surprised that Chu Tong could actually slow down other people's attacks.

He hooked his right index finger and quickly He drew a talisman, "Five Thunder Talisman!" "

A flash of thunder flashed in mid-air, and a bolt of lightning struck Chu Tong!

“With a bang, Chu Tong's body was split in half!

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