On the hill in front of me, there are towering ancient trees everywhere, and the atmosphere of the Mu Taoist is also very close at hand.

Lin Yun was hiding in a hidden place, and saw a Taoist priest wearing a bright yellow robe on the hillside, with a sad face, a mustache, a deer head and rat eyes, sitting upright.

Exactly the same as the vague appearance left in the soul of the murdered girl, it was none other than Mu Daoren.

A huge five-element magic circle was set up in front of him, with five hearts and five livers placed in two locations.

In the middle of the Five Elements Array, there are more than a dozen huge corpses placed one after another.

The woman had three faces on her head. Her head was two or three times larger than that of a normal person. Her legs were two meters long. Her torso and arms were also twice as long as those of a normal person. She exuded a strange aura.

Lin Yun was slightly startled: "Three-faced bloody corpse?"

He made it using evil magic.

Lin Yun took another look and found that Mu Taoist's position was the best place to absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, the three-sided bloody corpse faced Lin Yun, opened its eyes, and stared at Lin Yun's hiding place with a pair of scarlet eyes. It opened its mouth to reveal sharp teeth, and gave out a charming smile.

Lin Yun couldn't help but feel his heart throbbing.

Mu Taoren seemed to notice something. He opened his eyes and looked around, but found nothing. His face was full of doubts.

A whining sound suddenly came out of his mouth, very hoarse and very strange.

After a while, there was a "rustling" sound on the ground all around. Lin Yun turned around and saw two to three hundred corpses approaching quickly.

At the front were fifteen female corpses, each of them covered in blood. Five of them had their lungs removed, and the five in the middle had their left abdomens opened and their spleens already removed. The last five female corpses had their two kidneys removed from their waists.

Fifteen female corpses were twisted and crawling quickly on the ground.

The five people, like the female corpse who was killed in the city just now, completely turned into blood spiders.

The five female corpses in the middle sprouted more than a dozen pairs of legs, and their bodies completely transformed into blood centipedes.

The last five female corpses, all red in blood, turned into five giant ants.

Behind them were hundreds of corpses.

Behind the corpse, countless blood-red spiders, centipedes, ants, mantises, blood snakes, blood-colored hedgehogs and other various insects and animals swarmed towards the hill.

It was so dark that you couldn't see anywhere at a glance. They all exude an evil and weird aura.

Lin Yun thought, each of these evil spirits has eaten people.

And, there's more than one.

The fifteen female corpses headed by them quickly crawled to Mu Taoist, and climbed to their corresponding positions according to the Five Elements Magic Array. The remaining corpses and various monsters surrounded the Five Elements Magic Array, motionless.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew by, and several footsteps came quickly, and only two bursts of laughter were heard, "Hahaha".

Two figures ran over quickly.

Both of them are Taoist priests, wearing blue Taoist robes. One is tall and thin, and the other is shorter. He is blind in his left eye and is a one-eyed man.

The tall Taoist priest held five spleens in his left hand.

The short Taoist priest's hands were covered in blood. He was holding five lungs in one hand and ten bloody kidneys in the other hand.

The two Taoist priests ran to Taoist Mu. The two Taoist priests placed the spleen, lungs, and kidneys in the corresponding positions in the array.

These two people are Mu Taoren's younger brothers, Mu Er and Mu San.

Mu Er said: "Brother, the twenty-five girls whose birthdays are attributed to the Five Elements have finally been gathered together! Congratulations, brother! The Five Elements Sacrifice Refining Technique has improved to a greater level!”

“When eldest brother succeeds in his cultivation, I will also look for twenty-five girls with five elements attributes and step up my practice of the Five Elements Sacrifice Refining Technique! "

Mu Taoist smiled slightly and remained silent. The smile on his face looked very proud.

Mu San said: "When the second brother reaches a certain level in cultivation, I will also capture twenty-five women. It's time to improve my level! When the time comes, the magic power of the three of us brothers will be unrivaled in the world. Who dares to challenge us? He

suddenly sighed: "But it's really hard to find people whose birth dates have five elements of destiny!" We have traveled to so many places, and we finally encountered so many in Jiuquan Town!”

“I'm afraid it won't be so easy to find someone with a birth date of five elements in the future! "

Mu Dao Ren said: "People with the Five Elements attributes are very rare in themselves, and each of us needs five copies, so it is even harder to find!”

“But it’s not impossible. As long as we find it, our mana will greatly increase! These difficulties are not worth mentioning!

The two said: "What the elder brother said is absolutely right! "

Mu Taoren laughed: "I didn't expect Lin Ajiu to be in Jiuquan Town! " But we killed twenty-five girls in one breath right under his nose and nose. What could he do to me?”

“He calls himself a Taoist priest from Maoshan, who upholds justice and conquers demons. He was a part of the campaign against me. At that time, he was still a fledgling Taoist priest. How dare he go against me?

Mu Er said angrily: "Brother, since he is against us, let's show him some color! " When eldest brother succeeds in his cultivation, we will massacre the people in Jiuquan Town!”

“Anyway, the remaining people don’t have the Five Elements attributes anymore, so we don’t need them, so we’ll give them a big gift!”

“If he dares to offend us, we will retaliate a thousand times a hundred times. Doesn’t he claim to be just? Let’s see what he can do? Mu

San smiled and said: "This is a good idea. Anyway, they say that we practice evil arts, so let's show them!"”

“Otherwise, wouldn’t we be sorry for our status as evil heretics?

Mu Taoist nodded and said with a smile: "Not bad! " That's what we do! "

Mu San suddenly said: "Eldest brother, second brother, the three women I found are all people with birthdays of the five elements. Why don't we catch them?……”

PS: First update, please subscribe and order all of them! Thanks for supporting hi!

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