Mu Erdao: "It's four! And that young lady from the Chu family!"

Mu Erdao shook his head and said: "Those four women must need to be sacrificed! But don't move now!”

“Their five-element attributes are relatively strong, and our current cultivation level cannot reach that high level. It is really a waste of such good materials to use them for sacrifice at the moment!”

“When our skills are raised to a higher level, we can catch the four of them and practice the Five Elements Technique!”

“And now the three women are not allowed to be touched, mainly the guy named Lin, who is a bit virtuous, but it is still difficult to deal with him now! Those three girls seem to have magic weapons to protect themselves! Not easy to deal with!”

“Where did they get so many magic weapons at such a young age? Mu Taoist said with doubts on his face.

Mu Er said: "Could they know the mysterious weapon refiner?" "

Mu Daoren shook his head: "Now that the spiritual energy of the world is exhausted, there are no weapon refiners at all! "

He suddenly gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "When I master the Taoist skills, I will arrest them. Before the sacrifice, I must ask them carefully where they got the magic weapon!

Mu San said: "That guy seems to be very familiar with Lin Ajiu. He is also a righteous monk? "

Mu Er said: "It's better to know each other! " Justice has a price! We captured his women and sacrificed them alive in front of him so that justice could be served! Ha ha! "

When Lin Yun heard this, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

It turned out that these three people had already made plans for Jingjing, Anni, and Xiaoyue.

Not because they wanted to deal with the three girls, but because of their evil deeds. Okay, we must not let them go。

“The time has come! "

Mu Taoist looked up at the full moon in the sky. It was already midnight.

He suddenly took out five yellow talismans, used his magic power, lit them, and threw them into the Five Elements Array one by one. Suddenly, the moonlight in the sky shone fiercely on On the Five Elements Array.

The moonlight suddenly turned blood red, and the full moon suddenly turned into a blood moon. The

moonlight shone on the Five Elements Array, and the entire array suddenly ignited with a burst of golden light.

Immediately afterwards , bloody light burst out. The huge corpse was suddenly covered in blood-like light.

Under the Five Elements Circle, a burst of blood suddenly gushes out.

The blood exudes majestic energy.

The blood surges more and more, gradually soaking in Inside the Five Elements Array.

The Five Elements Array was even more radiant, and the evil energy was huge.

Those huge corpses and the fifteen female corpses were soaked in blood. Feeling the huge power in the blood, they all screamed "hiss" They couldn't help but feel excited.

At this time, the corpses and various evil spirits also felt the huge power of the magic circle and screamed. The breath from the magic circle floated out and enveloped them. The magic power on them An obvious improvement.

At this time, the twenty-five parts of the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys were suddenly wrapped in a burst of golden light, and the twenty-five parts of the internal organs suddenly divided into five groups of light, suspended in the air, and kept rolling. As he stood, the mana above condensed more and more, getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, five huge groups of light suddenly flew into the cavity of the three-faced female corpse.

The dozen or so pieces of the female corpse suddenly began to squirm. , automatically pieced together.

From the connection point, streaks of bloody light burst out, covering the entire corpse.

Three huge cracks suddenly appeared on the front and back of the female corpse. Those cracks suddenly opened up and turned into One huge mouth, six huge mouths opened wide, revealing sharp and sharp teeth, staring at Lin Yun's hiding place.

Lin Yun only felt that for a moment, a huge amount of magic power surged through her body, and her magic power only It was not much smaller than when he was not borrowing external power or magic weapons, and far above the royal zombies and Western zombies.

Uncle Jiu was no match for him.

At this time, he noticed that Mu Taoist and this monster, all the magic power in his body suddenly, Almost doubled。

“Almost successful! Almost successful! "

Mu Er and Mu San, who were guarding on the side, were full of excitement.

Lin Yun stared at Mu Taoist intently, knowing that he was about to reach a bottleneck moment, and then he would strike and give him the most fatal blow.

He can now easily kill three people with a sneak attack using the Liuku Immortal Thief, Tongtian Ru, and magic weapons.

But he doesn't want to take action yet. He will wait until Mu Taoist reaches the moment when he is about to break through the realm and victory is in sight, and then give him a blow. The huge joy fell to the bottom, which almost made Mu Taoist collapse and go crazy.

Suddenly, a bright spot in Lin Yun's mind slowly grew bigger and turned into an illusory figure. It was a ray of Chu Tong's soul. After Chu Tong handed a ray of her soul to Lin Yun's hands, Lin Yun put her in his consciousness.

Chu Tong's soul suddenly transformed into the figure of a woman in black, who was Chu Chu

. Chu Chu left Chu's house, her body floated, and she ran quickly in one direction, which was the hill where she was now.

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that he had a ray of Chu Tong's soul, and she and she were Chu Chu is one body with two souls. Through Chu Tong, she can unintentionally control Chu Chu's every move.

It turns out that she had already had this idea when Chu Tong took the initiative to hand over her soul to her. Lin Yun couldn't help but secretly sigh for her. His mind was delicate.

Lin Yun stared at Chu Chu's shaking figure in his mind, and suddenly realized that Chu Chu was also coming for Mu Taoist! While

he was thinking, the light spot in his mind was already very close to him.

Lin Yun turned around and took a look. , a woman in black swept over and ran up quickly.

Mu Er and Mu San had heard the wind and stared in that direction. A woman in black stood more than a hundred meters away. It was Chu Chu .The

two people couldn't help but said in surprise: "Miss Chu! ”

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