Mayor's house。

light transparent。

David took the comb and combed his shiny hair。

“Dad, you should find a way to get Lin Jiu and that boy named Lin Yun away, right? The two of them here are in the way! Once leaked, it will be trouble!”

The mayor plays with some cloves of garlic on the table。

“I know! Find a way to make them leave tomorrow!”

“If they refuse to leave, I will think of a reason to arrest them! "He sneered repeatedly。

“Did you catch Annie? I heard that she is very close to that Lin Yun! You can't even deal with a woman, right?”

“As long as you get Anne, the Wang family's fortune of hundreds of thousands will fall into our hands! You have to work harder and don't let Lin Yun succeed!”

“knew! Don't worry, I'll definitely get Annie tomorrow!”

At this time, there was a sudden "crash" sound, and two zombies broke through the glass wall and jumped towards the two of them.。

When the mayor and David saw it, they couldn't help but frown, "Why is this dragon-slaying Taoist priest so impatient? It's not that I won't give him money! Stop pretending to be zombies and scare people, and go back quickly.……”

Neither of them took it seriously, and thought they were zombies pretended to be Daoist Dragon Slayer. Ignore the two of them。

At this time, a zombie had already jumped up to David, raised its sharp black claws, and thrust towards him.。

“With a bang, David's comb fell to the ground, and he lowered his head to pick it up. At this time, the zombie grabbed the sofa with two claws and poked ten dark finger holes on the sofa.。

David looked up, his face full of doubts.。

At this time, another zombie has jumped in front of the mayor, and he is about to thrust into the mayor with both hands.。

Suddenly I glanced at the garlic on the table, grinned, and couldn't help but take a step back.。

The mayor couldn't help but smile when he saw this: "You guys... are still afraid of... David, be careful! They are real zombies!”

He suddenly caught a glimpse of the two bloody holes under his neck, howled, and jumped a few steps away.。

At this time, another zombie had already penetrated David again.。

When David heard this, he hurriedly stepped back a few meters.。

The zombie who attacked the mayor took a step back and then rushed towards him.。

The mayor screamed in fright and sprayed the zombie on the face.。

The kind of zombie that hurriedly ducks and takes a few steps back。

The mayor was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to have discovered something. He took a step forward and breathed out at him again.。

The zombie took another step back in disgust。

The mayor exclaimed: "David, they are afraid of garlic!”

David avoided the zombie attack and hurriedly ran towards the table. I was about to reach out and grab those garlic。

At this time, the zombie that attacked the mayor jumped and accidentally knocked over the table, spreading garlic all over the floor. Before David had time to pick it up, the zombies had already attacked again. He hurriedly stepped back and then jumped away。

David hurriedly took a few steps to hide behind his father. The mayor took a step forward and said,——”Breathed out again at the zombies。

The smell of garlic spurted out, and the zombies took a few steps back in disgust.。

The mayor said proudly: "Look, I told you to eat garlic, but don't eat it! They are afraid of this thing! Now you know how powerful this thing is, right?"”

David huddled behind his father and couldn't help but nod.。

The mayor blew out another breath and took a few steps forward. The two zombies couldn't help but jump away.。

The mayor turned and smiled at his son. David knelt down and was about to pick up the garlic.。

Suddenly, two zombies rushed over again。

“call——”The mayor exhaled again。

The two zombies were startled, but did not retreat any further. Suddenly he raised his hands to grab him。

The mayor was startled, shouted "Ah" and ran away.。

At this time, he also understood that these zombies were not really afraid of garlic, but they were just not used to it at first. Now they are used to the smell of garlic and don't care anymore.。

The mayor and David ran away for a few steps, both of them were out of breath from exhaustion.。

At this moment, there was suddenly a "bang" sound, the door of the living room was smashed, and Taoist Master Tulong walked in with an expressionless face.。

The mayor and David seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and hurriedly ran to him and shouted: "Master Tulong, we have something to discuss! It's not like we said we wouldn't give you money, why did you let these zombies scare us?”

“Hurry up and get rid of all these zombies! I'll give you the money right away!”

Taoist Dragon Slayer didn't seem to hear what he said, his face was cold.。

The mayor inadvertently turned his head and saw several bloody holes under his neck. He was so frightened that he shouted: "David, get out of the way, he is……”The figure kept retreating at the same time。

Taoist Master Tulong suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed David. Two fangs four to five centimeters long suddenly sprouted from his mouth and stabbed fiercely into David's neck.。

Taoist Master Tu Long casually let David go, but saw that David was swaying, his expression was dazed, his eyes were dull, and his face was dull.。

When the mayor saw his son turn into a zombie, he was so heartbroken that he had no time to grieve. He turned around and ran away staggeringly outside.。

Taoist Dragon Slayer jumped up and jumped in front of him. The ten fingers of his hands were inserted into his body like ten steel swords.。

Taoist Dragon Slayer took a step closer and stabbed two fangs into his neck. The mayor felt blood flowing all over his body, and then he felt a coldness all over his body.……

PS: Fifth update. Please subscribe, please subscribe in full, thank you for your support!

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