
Lin Yun is sitting in the living room。

“coming! coming! "With that said, Jingjing came out with a bowl of soup.。

put it on the table。

Lin Yun took a look and saw that it was lotus seed and longan soup.。

“Brother Lin, try it! Sister Tingting and I have been learning for a few days, but we can't always master the heat!”

I saw lotus seeds and longan floating on the soup, and the aroma was overflowing.。

Lin Yun stirred it with a spoon, took a spoonful, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and nodded: "Not bad, not bad!”

“Jingjing, your craftsmanship is really good!”

“It’s no worse than Tingting’s!”

Jingjing was very happy when she heard this, "Since it's delicious, you should eat more, there's still more in the pot!"”

Lin Yun took a few bites and suddenly looked up and saw Jingjing looking at him blankly, "Jingjing, why don't you eat?”

Jingjing smiled and said: "I like to watch you eat!”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, not knowing what to say.。

Jingjing suddenly said: "Brother Lin, the cloth store's business is on the right track, there is nothing going on here, I want to go back tomorrow!”

“Brother Lin, when will you go back?”

Lin Yun thought for a while, "There are still some things here. I don't know when they will be dealt with. Once they are dealt with, I will go back."……”

Jingjing nodded, "Brother Lin, you can rest assured at home. Sister Tingting and I will take care of everything for you."……”

Lin Yun nodded, and the two of them talked for a while. Suddenly, they heard a rapid knock on the door from outside.。

She hurried over and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a man staggering and falling to the ground. It was Father Wu.。

I saw that his face was pale, his whole body was cold, he was shaking helplessly, his eyes were blurred, and he looked a little dazed.。

“Father, what's wrong with you?”

Jingjing hurriedly helped him up, and Father Wu stood up tremblingly.。

Suddenly I saw two faint bloody holes under his neck.。

Jingjing was surprised。

At this moment, Father Wu suddenly screamed, bared his teeth, exposed two 23-centimeter long fangs, and rushed towards Jingjing.。

Jingjing was suddenly attacked. In a flash of light, Ruhua flew out automatically. With a flick of her hand, she threw Father Wu against the wall.。

Father Wu reluctantly got up, his eyes became clearer and his mind became somewhat clearer again.。

At this time, Lin Yun had already rushed to him. When he saw his condition, he asked, "Bitten by a zombie?”

I saw that Father Wu's mind was a little blurry again, his face gradually turned pale, his whole body was cold, and his whole body was shaking. His eyes were clear and confused, full of fierce light, and they kept alternating.。

Lin Yun was slightly stunned. He had already guessed that Father Wu would be like this. After all, he had been bitten by a zombie in the original work, but he didn't expect that he would find him here.。

After a brief inspection, I saw that the corpse poison in him was not too deep.。

At this time, suddenly I heard a jumping sound of "deng-deng-deng" coming from outside. I saw five or six zombies wearing Qing Dynasty costumes on the street, jumping towards the courtyard.。

Jingjing was stunned and said to Lin Yun: "Brother Lin, help Father Wu treat his injuries and leave them to me!”

Saying this, he summoned Ruhua and rushed outside.。

Lin Yun saw that the cultivation level of these zombies was not high, Jingjing and Ruhua could easily deal with it, and Jingjing had time to cry and roar, so he was not worried.。

Just as Jingjing and Ruhua rushed out of the house, a zombie had already rushed to them.。

The zombie's toes touched the ground, and his figure flew up. He stretched out his hands straightly, with ten fingers exuding a dark light, like ten long swords, thrusting towards Jingjing.。

Ruhua jumped up and stood in front of Jingjing, punching him five meters away. He jumped forward in one step, grabbed his arm with both hands, and used a slight force to tear him in half.。

Lin Yun carefully checked Father Wu's injuries。

“Poison repellent charm!”

He muttered something silently in his mind, and drew a few strokes with his right hand in the air. A simple talisman appeared in his palm, emitting a green light.。

He moved his right palm, and the transparent talisman flew into the air and stuck to Father Wu's wound.。

I saw two bloody holes under Father Wu's neck, black blood gurgling out, "sizzling" black smoke, and a pungent fishy smell.。

After a while, the black blood on Father Wu's wound was gone and gradually turned into bright red blood, and the black smoke also disappeared.。

Father Wu's pale face became rosy, and his heartbeat began to beat again. He was not as cold as before, and his consciousness was awake.。

The poison-repelling charm suddenly disappeared automatically. The wound on Father Wu's neck has healed and the blood hole has disappeared automatically.。

Father Wu regained his consciousness, looked at Lin Yun blankly, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and then said: "Oh, brother Dao Lin, I really regret that I didn't listen to the advice of you and Taoist Master Yimei and leave the church." Attacked by the devil!”

“If it weren't for Brother Lin Dao, my life would already belong to the devil!”

Lin Yun said calmly: "It's useless to talk about these zombies now. Now, have all the believers in the church been attacked by the devil?”

Father Wu nodded and suddenly said: "Brother Lin Dao, I have another unkind request! I wonder if brother can take action to save them!”

ps: First update, please subscribe and order all of them! thanks for your support!

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