Shi Jian shouted in a low voice: "No, just bear with me! His cultivation level is much higher than mine, and I am not his opponent yet!"”

“After I break through this bottleneck and advance to a new level in the past few days, I can surpass him. When the time comes, I will definitely seek revenge from him!”

Only then did Shi Shaojian lose some of his anger.。

Shi Jian whispered again, "Don't worry about those two women anymore. I think although they don't know magic, they seem to have magic weapons to protect themselves! I don't dare to provoke them easily! There are so many beautiful women in the world, don't you Do you have to mess with him again?”

Shi Shaojian said reluctantly: "I understand.。”

The two of them walked up to Uncle Jiu, and Shi Jian muttered: "Kids, you are causing trouble!”

Uncle Jiu glanced at Shi Shaojian with disgust. He only nodded slightly and said nothing.。

Lin Yun, Tingting, and Jingjing finished their meal quickly and went downstairs. But I saw Uncle Jiu, Shi Jian and others still sitting on the first floor.。

Lin Yun, Tingting, and Jingjing had just walked to the door when Uncle Jiu suddenly shouted: "Brother Lin!”

Lin Yun asked the two sisters to go back first, and he turned around and said: "Uncle Ninth!”

Uncle Jiu came over with a sad look on his face。

Lin Yun asked: "Uncle Ninth, have all the escaped ghosts been captured?”

Uncle Jiu suddenly had a bitter look on his face, "I only caught seven or eight hundred of them."……”

He told what happened last night。

Lin Yun couldn't hold back his laughter. As expected, it was exactly the same as the original plot.。

“So what are you going to do?”

Uncle Jiu said: "Those four ghosts asked me to find a way to catch 2,000 ghosts and give them to them to recharge!”

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "This is also a way!”

Uncle Jiu shook his head and said: "Is that that easy? Where can we catch so many lonely ghosts?”

Lin Yun thought for a while, "Uncle Jiu, don't worry! Don't be embarrassed! When I'm free, I'll go to the underworld to beg you for mercy. As Bai Wuchang, I still have some face!”

Uncle Jiu was a nice person and helped him a lot. I should also help him solve this little problem。

Uncle Jiu was overjoyed when he heard this, “Thank you so much, little brother!”

He came to Lin Yun just to ask for help, but he was too embarrassed to ask. Unexpectedly, Lin Yun had already guessed his thoughts.。

At this time, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng suddenly pulled Lin Yun aside and asked in a low voice: "Brother Lin, have you seen Xiaoli?”

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Of course I saw it! Don't you know?”

The two looked at each other: "Brother Lin, where did you see it?”

Lin Yun smiled and said: "I won't tell you!”

At this moment, a man and woman suddenly walked in. The man was in his forties, wearing a long robe and mandarin jacket, and the woman was very young and beautiful, wearing a beige dress. When Shi Shaojian saw this woman, his eyes suddenly lit up。

As soon as the middle-aged man saw Uncle Xiang Jiu and Shi Jian, his face immediately lit up with joy. He took two quick steps and walked up to them. He cupped his hands and said to them, "Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Shi! I didn't expect to meet these two masters here." !”

“Boss Qian! "Uncle Jiu nodded as a greeting. Shi Jian did not speak.。

Boss Qian took another step closer and said with a smile: "Uncle Jiu, Taoist Master Shi, I have something to ask of you. I wonder if you two experts can help me?”

Wencai asked curiously: "What's wrong with you?”

“I have a hotel in Baiyun Town. It may not be clean. The customers say that it is easy to see ghosts. I wonder if Uncle Jiu and Taoist Master Shi can take care of it?”

Before Uncle Jiu could say anything, Wen Cai hurriedly took over: "Catching ghosts and eliminating demons, my master is the best at such small things, of course! But the cost is a bit high! How much money can you make?”

Boss Qian smiled and said: "As long as we get rid of the ghosts, the cost is not a big deal! How much do you want?”

Wencai raised a hand: "Five hundred oceans!”

“five hundred?”

Everyone was slightly surprised and looked at Wencai。

Boss Qian sneered: "Five hundred? That's absolutely impossible! You guys are too open-minded.……”

At this time Shi Jian said: "One hundred oceans!”

Boss Qian immediately smiled with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay! Taoist Master Shi, I'm sorry to bother you!”

“Don't know when to leave?”

“That's it!”

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other, both regretting that the asking price was too high.。

Shi Shaojian stared at the woman next to Boss Qian without blinking.。

The girl was very disgusted and glared at him fiercely, avoiding his eyes.。

Shi Shaojian said: "Boss Qian, is this your daughter?”

Boss Qian smiled and said: "Yes! My daughter is not only beautiful but also very capable. She takes care of the hotel!”

Miss Qian walked up to him and said, "Dad, there is a Tingting makeup store in Renjia Town. I'm going to learn makeup and buy some rouge and gouache!"”

“OK. After you finish shopping, just go home. I'll be right back!”

Miss Qian shook Pingting's body and walked outside.。

When passing by Shi Shaojian, Shi Shaojian suddenly reached out quickly and pulled out a piece of her hair.。

Miss Qian felt a stinging pain on her head. She looked around suspiciously, but didn't see anything, so she turned around and left the hotel.。

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai could see it clearly. They were confused and glanced at Shi Shaojian.。

Qian’s boss Shi Jian, Uncle Jiu and others all left one after another. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai walked at the back.。

Lin Yun suddenly stopped them both.。

The two of them stopped and said, "Brother Lin, what's the matter?”

Lin Yundao: "Boss Qian, are you familiar with him?”

Qiu Sheng said: "Of course I'm familiar with him. He is a famous wealthy businessman in Baiyun Town next door.。”

Lin Yun nodded: "What's your impression of that Shi Shaojian?”

Wencai said: "Looking at his greasy face and pink hair, he doesn't look like a good person!" He was indignant, probably because he was jealous of Shi Shaojian's handsome appearance.。

Qiu Sheng echoed: "That's right! That guy has a sinister look on his face. It seems like he may be practicing some evil magic?”

“Shi Shaojian just pulled out a piece of Miss Qian's hair. Did you all see it?”

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai nodded, "I wonder what bad things this guy is going to do?”

Lin Yun smiled slightly: "Do you want to teach them a lesson?”

“Yes I do! Brother Lin, do you have any idea? "When the two of them heard this, they immediately became interested.。

“Of course! Let’s go to Baiyun Town tonight and talk about it!”

Baiyun Town is not far from Renjia Town, only a few dozen miles away.。

Under the cover of night, Lin Yun quickly ran towards Baiyun Town.。

Xiaoli's figure fluttered and followed behind。

“Brother Lin, why are you going to Baiyun Town?”

Lin Yun didn't look back: "Why are you following me? Go back to play with Tingting and Jingjing! Don't go!”

“No! I will follow you!”

Lin Yun ignored him, and the two of them ran to the outside of Baiyun Town, one after the other.。

In the suburbs, outside a large house。

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng waved and said, "Brother Lin, this is Miss Qian's house!”

They suddenly saw the woman beside him and were stunned: "Xiao Li!”

The two of them had been looking for her for several days, and when they suddenly saw her, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.。

“Xiaoli, where have you been these days? I thought you were taken back by them……”The two people immediately gathered around and asked with licking faces.。

Xiaoli smiled and said: "No! I have been playing around these days!”

Wencai said: "Then where do you live? Can you tell me? I can go find you!"”

Xiaoli smiled mysteriously, glanced at Lin Yun without any trace, and said with a smile: "I live in a very secret place, so it's not convenient for me to tell you!”

Wencai and Qiu Sheng said somewhat disappointedly: "Then how can we find you?”

“You don’t need to look for me! As long as I want to find you, I will take the initiative to show up!”

“OK! "The two of them were very happy when they heard it and kept nodding.。

Qiu Sheng suddenly asked in confusion: "Xiao Li, why are you with Brother Lin?”

Xiaoli smiled and said: "I was playing outside Renjia Town just now and happened to meet Brother Lin, so I came with him.……”

Lin Yun looked at the big house: "Is this Miss Qian's house?”

Wencai nodded: "Yes! I just saw Miss Qian going in!”

“Have you seen Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian, father and son?”

“Shi Jian gave Miss Qian the hotel method, caught a dozen ghosts, and then left. Shi Shaojian hasn't left, I don't know what he is doing!”

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a white figure shaking in the distance. It was Shi Shaojian.。

Shi Shaojian circled around the Qian family's house, then suddenly ran towards the forest two to three hundred meters southeast of the Qian family's house. He sat cross-legged on a lawn.。

I saw that he was holding a long hair with two fingers of his right hand, which was Miss Qian's hair. He used his magic power and suddenly saw a white figure floating out of his body. Walk to Miss Qian’s house。

Wencai and Qiu Sheng immediately understood his intention, "The soul is out of body! The flower picker! Damn!"”

Although they are not good at learning, they naturally know this entry-level small spell.。

It turns out that they once pulled out a piece of Awei's hair and teased him.。

“No wonder he secretly pulled out a piece of Miss Qian’s hair!”

I saw Shi Shaojian's transparent soul walking towards Qian's house.

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