“This kid really went to do bad things.。”

Seeing Shi Shaojian's transparent soul walking towards the Qian family's mansion, Qiu Sheng had a look of disdain on his face.。

He was already very unhappy with Shi Shaojian, but now he felt even more dissatisfied.。

“So what should we do?”

At this time, Wen Cai asked Lin Yun and Qiu Sheng。

He has never been very smart, and he always listens to whatever Qiu Sheng says.。

Now that Lin Yun is around, there is such a great doctor with superb cultivation skills.。

Wen Cai is also more willing to listen to Lin Yun's opinions。

“Want to do something fun?”

An evil smile appeared on Lin Yun's face. His eyes were full of teasing as he looked at the Qian family mansion.。

“Lin...Brother Lin, do you have any plans?”

Wencai still stuttered a bit and said。

Seeing Wen Cai looking at Lin Yun with admiration, Qiu Sheng felt very uncomfortable.。

After all, literary talents usually follow his lead.。

But now it has changed。

However, Qiu Sheng also knew that Lin Yun's cultivation level was not comparable to his.。

Even his master Lin Ajiu may not be as powerful as Lin Yun.。

Thinking about this, Qiu Sheng felt that it didn't matter anymore.。

He has always been used to being lazy, not to mention that now he is paying more attention to Xiaoli。

Just like a loyal licking dog。

Qiu Sheng's eyes never left Xiaoli from beginning to end.。

Faced with Qiusheng's enthusiasm, Xiaoli just smiled politely.。

The person she really likes is Lin Yun. To her, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are just two fun people.。

“Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian, father and son, both have evil spirits. Shi Shaojian is even more arrogant. During the day, Qingqing Tingting and I were playing in the town.。”

“This kid actually dares to tease them in front of me. If I don't show him some color today, I won't call him Lin Yun.。”

Lin Yun said to everyone。

There was a hint of anger in the expression on his face, he was obviously really angry.。

During the day, he can still hold back and keep silent。

But now, he really couldn't bear it anymore。

In the original plot, Shi Shaojian lost his body because of this time his soul left his body.。

And now。

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Yun's mouth。

Now Shi Shaojian's outcome will definitely be more tragic than in the original plot.。

Who told this boy to be so cowardly that he dared to molest his woman?。

Otherwise, Lin Yun would not have come here out of boredom.。

After all, now is not the time to fall out with Shi Jian and his son.。

“Brother Lin, what do you think we should do? We all listen to you。”

“Yes, Brother Lin, this kid is full of evil, we must correct him this time。”

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai quickly agreed with Lin Yun。

Qian's mansion。

A figure in a white vest flashed past. Ordinary people could not see this figure.。

Only monks who have practiced spiritual practice can see it.。

And this figure is none other than Shi Shaojian, whose soul just left his body.。

After Shi Shaojian came to the Qian family mansion,。

He walked through the door and headed straight towards Miss Qian's boudoir.。

Along the way, Shi Shaojian's face was filled with evil spirits.。

When he thought of the coming fusion of souls and souls, his wanton heart couldn't stop trembling.。

He has tried this method dozens of times。

No one will catch you every time。

Only his father and master, who looked so serious, would occasionally scold him.。

“Hey hey, big beauty, here I come。”

Shi Shaojian screamed evilly, and he threw himself towards Miss Qian's bed with excitement on his face.。

During the day, he did not dare to touch the two beauties Lin Yun, Qingqing and Tingting.。

That's why he changed his target to Miss Qian。

At this time, Shi Shaojian looked like his plot had succeeded.。

His claws pulled away the quilt。

I thought I would see a face as beautiful as a flower.。

But he didn't expect that after Shi Shaojian lifted the quilt, what he saw was an ugly grimace.。

Even if Shi Shaojian was frightened and took a dozen steps back, his first thought was to escape.。


With a muffled sound, Shi Shaojian's soul fell directly to the ground.。

He wanted to run just now, but he hit the wall and was bounced back。

“Impossible, how is it possible?”

“I am currently in an out-of-body state. How could this wall trap me?”

Shi Shaojian looked around in disbelief. He felt that there must be something weird here.。

Then he took up a ball of mana with both hands, and tapped a little on his two eyes with flying hands.。

Soon, there was a flash of light in his eyes。

At this time, Shi Shaojian also saw clearly。

It turns out that someone had already placed a ban on Miss Qian’s room.。

Looking at the glittering golden talismans all around。

Shi Shaojian knew that he must have been tricked。

“Who, who?”

Shi Shaojian roared。

“Which bastard is making fun of me? Come on and stand up for me.。”

Following Shi Shaojian's roar, Lin Yun and Qiu Shengwencai, who had been hiding in the house for a long time, also appeared.。

Logically speaking, Shi Shaojian's soul left his body and should have arrived in Miss Qian's boudoir long ago.。

But Lin Yun and the others were able to ambush here earlier and rectify Shi Shaojian's situation.。

All this was done by Lin Yun, because before Shi Shaojian’s soul left his body,。

Lin Yun used a enchantment array to enchant his soul.。

Only then did they have time to arrive at Miss Qian's boudoir in advance.。

So as to arrange such a situation in advance。

Shi Shaojian didn't know it clearly. He thought it was Lin Yun and the others who were waiting for him here early.。

“Bastard, it's you。”

At this time, Shi Shaojian looked around, and he could see clearly the girl with a grimace who was lying on the bed just now.。

It was Xiaoli beside Lin Yun who changed. At this time, Lin Yun and the two young apprentices beside Uncle Jiu。

The three of them were holding three green ropes and looking at him。

Seeing Shi Shaojian's unruly attitude at this time。

Without thinking, Lin Yun whipped out the whip made of willow leaves in his hand.。


As Shi Shaojian screamed,。

At the same time, there was also white gas rising from his body.。

At this time, Shi Shaojian was like a puppy that was being bullied.。

“Both of you are fighting me. You can't stop until I tell you to stop.。”

At this time, Lin Yun looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and said in an unquestionable tone.。

“Oh, okay, okay, Brother Lin。”

Wencai stammered.。

“See if I don’t beat you to death, you evil-doing thief。”

Qiu Sheng, holding the willow whip in his hand, rushed forward and hit Shi Shaojian hard on the body.

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