“Bastard, how dare you hit me? If my father finds out, he will never spare you.。”


Shi Shaojian said in his mouth, but he was soon hit by waves of pain that touched his soul. The pain was so painful that he was almost speechless.。

As Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai continued to whip Shi Shaojian's soul with willow whips,。

Waves of white air filled the room, and Shi Shaojian's face turned very pale at this time.。

It seems like his soul has been hurt a lot。

“Lin, Brother Lin, will this kill him?”

Wen Cai scratched his scalp and asked Lin Yun with some fear.。

After all, Shi Shaojian looked so miserable at this time.。

The spirit body is covered with scars from being whipped with a willow leaf whip.。

Waves of white smoke are also leaking from those scars。

Judging from the state of his soul, he is almost dying.。

A timid literary talent would ask such a question。

But Qiu Sheng is different.。

At this time, the willow whip in Qiu Sheng's hand showed no intention of stopping.。

“Brother Lin, it’s not good to continue fighting like this. What if this guy’s soul is really broken up?。”

Xiaoli tried to dissuade Lin Yun.。

“Although Brother Lin, you are Bai Wuchang, breaking up a living person's soul for no reason is a serious crime in the underworld.。”

There is some worry on Xiaoli's face。

She doesn't care about Shi Shaojian's life or death, all she cares about is Lin Yun。

After hearing what Xiaoli said, Lin Yun understood in his heart。

“Qiusheng, okay, you can stop.。”

At this time, Lin Yun said to Qiu Sheng。

Hearing what Lin Yun said, Qiu Sheng also quickly stopped what he was doing.。

“Boy, if you don’t want to die, just say whatever I ask you to say later.。”

At this time, Lin Yun walked up to Shi Shaojian and grabbed Shi Shaojian's neck with one hand.。

He said with a vicious look on his face。

For some reason, Shi Shaojian felt a chill on his back。

His soul state is such that he shouldn't feel this way.。

But Shi Shaojian can now clearly feel that his soul is trembling.。

This is not something ordinary people can do。

Could it be that he is。

At this time, Shi Shaojian already had a rough guess in his mind。

“You are a ghost!”

Shi Shaojian exclaimed。

At this time, he had already guessed Lin Yun's identity.。

Only the power of ghosts can make him tremble in his soul state。

“Haha, it seems you are not stupid yet.。”

At this time, Lin Yun sneered.。

Immediately afterwards, there was a surge of mana in his hand, and mysterious finger tips were flying in his hand.。

With a burst of blue light。

At this time, a big hole was quickly formed on the ground in Miss Qian's boudoir.。

A gloomy atmosphere immediately hit my face.。

“Qiusheng, do you feel so cold?”

At this time, Wen Cai shook his funny watermelon head. For no reason, he felt a wave of coldness running through his body.。

And Qiu Sheng, who was on the other side at this time, was no exception.。

“What's going on?”

Qiu Sheng also looked at the big hole in the ground with confusion.。

Xiaoli and Xu Shaojian, who were present, felt it faster than Wencai and Qiu Sheng.。

In that big black hole, there should be the breath from the underworld.。

This is the most sensitive thing for two people with the same soul state.。

When he thought of this, Shi Shaojian felt extremely frightened.。

“Haha, brother, are you calling me up in such a hurry? Is there something wrong?”

With a burst of hearty laughter。

Qiu Shengwencai and Xiaoli watched helplessly as a black-faced man emerged from the black hole on the ground.。

This black-faced man is Hei Wuchang。

“Who do you think this is?”

Lin Yun was not in a hurry to answer Hei Wuchang. Instead, he pointed at Shi Shaojian and said to Hei Wuchang.。

Hearing Ling Yun say this, Hei Wuchang took a closer look。

This sight made him smile.。

“Brother, where did you find this kid's soul?。”

“Isn't he Shi Jian's son? Shi Jian followed the order of King Chu Jiang and went against his brother.。”

“Now that his son's soul has fallen into your hands, what are you going to do? Brother。”

Hei Wuchang looked at Lin Yun with a smile on his face.。

At this time, Lin Yun also had an inexplicable smile on his face. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if the answer was already coming out.。

Seeing Lin Yun and Hei Wuchang chatting and laughing here, Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and the others couldn't get a word in at all.。

Hei Wuchang is a very high-level ghost, far beyond what Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai and Xiaoli can usually come into contact with.。

At this time, the three of them could only stare blankly at the conversation between Ling Yun and Hei Wuchang.。

“Needless to say?”

At this time, Lin Yun stared at Hei Wuchang and said seriously。

“I will let you take this man away for a while. I think he must also know a little bit about the agreement between King Chu Jiang and Shi Jian.。”

“You take him to the underworld and make him confess in front of the other kings of hell. I believe King Chu Jiang will not dare to act rashly again.。”

After Lin Yun finished speaking, Hei Wuchang repeatedly praised。

“As expected, brother, you are amazing. You came up with such a good solution so quickly.。”

After Hei Wuchang said a few more words to Lin Yun here, he soon disappeared into the black hole on the ground with Shi Shaojian's soul.。

It's like that black hole never existed。

“Ah, he was, was, captured by ghosts。”

Wencai was a little scared and hid behind Qiu Sheng and said。

However, before waiting for a long time, another black hole suddenly formed on the ground.。

Shi Shaojian's soul was violently thrown up from below。

“Don't come, don't come, I said, I will say anything, please let me go。”

Shi Shaojian said in panic。

Obviously he hasn't gotten over the scene just now.。

“Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai, take him with us.。”

At this time, Lin Yun ordered Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai:。

Although he is not their master, Uncle Jiu, Lin Yun is highly skilled in cultivation and has a close friendship with Uncle Jiu.。

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai listened to Ling Yun's words very much.。

They took out a small square box and quickly used their magic to put Shi Shaojian's soul into it.。

The group of four people then left Miss Qian's boudoir.。

Not long after a few people left。

In the dark night, a pair of eyes slowly opened。

“I'm scared to death. It was really scary just now.。”

It was Miss Qian of the Qian family who was speaking.。

She was knocked unconscious by Lin Yun early in the morning and placed next to the bed。

But he woke up while he was in it。

And she accidentally witnessed the fight between Lin Yun and the others and Shi Shaojian.。

Sister Qian could also hear clearly the conversation between them.。

“It turns out he came to save me。”

At this time, Miss Qian was holding the collar of her neck tightly.。

She looked happy。

She had already heard about Lin Yun.。

It's a miracle doctor from the town next to them.。

“I didn't expect him to be so handsome in person。”

Looking at the starry sky not far outside the window, Miss Qian couldn't help but think of Lin Yun's handsome face.。

As the saying goes, which girl is not pregnant?。

At this time, Miss Qian was undoubtedly deeply immersed in her admiration for Lin Yun.。

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