“Are you afraid?”

Qiu Sheng said to Wen Cai。

“No, no, not afraid。”

Wencai's tone was trembling, but how could he show his fear in front of his senior brother Qiu Sheng?

After all, although he looks stupid, no matter how stupid a person is, he still has self-respect.。

Listening to Wen Cai's answer, Qiu Sheng's face showed a smile of success.。

At this time, Wen Cai pushed away the coffin board of the Zombie King.。

At this time, the scene inside the coffin was completely exposed to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.。

I saw a zombie wearing Qing Dynasty official uniform lying in the large coffin.。

The fangs of this zombie are several inches longer than other ordinary zombies. At first glance, it is the king of its kind.。

And in the mouth of the Zombie King, there is an emerald green light。

This light is the coffin fungus that Uncle Jiu and the others mentioned before.。

It grows in the throat of the zombie king and is formed by the resentment generated by the zombie king after his death.。

At this time, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng opened the coffin and were immediately attracted by the coffin fungus inside.。

“Okay, junior brother, you are very brave now.。”

“Not bad, not bad, there is progress, much better than before。”

“You are much more courageous than me now, literary talent. You are very promising now.。”

Qiu Sheng quickly flattered Wen Cai。

Wencai himself knew that he was stupid. When had he ever heard his senior brother flattering him like this?。

For a moment, Wen Cai felt that his vanity was greatly satisfied.。

That's his senior brother Qiu Sheng. He usually thinks he's smarter and bolder than him.。

But now, he is not as bold as himself。

This made Wen Cai feel ecstatic。

Qiu Sheng's eyes were twitching. When he saw Wen Cai acting like this, he knew that he had been knocked unconscious by his flattery.。

He followed the trend and said, "Why don't you take out the coffin fungus quickly and I'll keep you safe?"。”

Unexpectedly, at this time, Wen Cai scratched his head stupidly, with a rare cunning expression on his face, and said to his senior brother Qiu Sheng。

“Senior brother, you, why don’t you suck it quickly?。”

Good guy, this time Qiu Sheng was completely confused.。

He didn't expect that his junior brother, who was usually stupid, would not be stupid at the critical moment.。

What Wen Cai said at this moment made Qiu Sheng shocked.。

He never imagined that such words would come from the mouth of his junior brother Wen Cai.。

But so what!

After all, he is still a senior brother. Even if you are a little clever, you still have to listen to me in the end.。

At this time, Qiu Sheng gathered strength with his left hand, and then he slapped Wen Cai directly on the head.。

It doesn’t matter whether Wen Cai wants it or not.。

Qiu Sheng directly used his own hands to press Wencai's head into the Zombie King's coffin.。

“Oops, ouch, ouch, ouch……”

As Wencai screamed strangely, he was reluctantly pushed into the coffin by his senior brother。

At this moment, Wen Cai could feel a burst of Yin Qi coming from in front of him.。

And this kind of yin energy was something he had never seen before.。

Of course this is unprecedented, because Wen Cai swore that he had never kissed a zombie in his life.。

And today, on this full moon night。

He finally created a record in his life。

They kissed mouth to mouth with a zombie that was hundreds of years old.

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